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Sales Transaction Classes are used to categorize sales transactions within specific transaction types and assign specific default values and business rules for each.The purpose of this page is to set the properties for the Price Adjustment transaction class.

Software Version: 20202022.0408.2326 and newer

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Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.DocumentID - ERPx_SOOrderType.OrderTypeName where ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.OrderTypeSK = ERPx_SOOrderType.OrderTypeSK 

Properties Tab 


This lookup contains a blank value, the current assigned value, and a list of all the 'Active' Payment Terms.

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Group: DefaultConfiguration
Transaction Type

A single-select lookup to select a Transaction Type. This defaults to blank and is always required. If not assigned, the message "Transaction Type is required." will be displayed on Save. This field is not editable after the initial Save. The value can be set to:

  • Quote: Used to provide an estimate for a potential order
  • Order: Used to track the order and shipment of items
  • Invoice: Used to invoice a customer
  • Return: Used to allow customers to return items
  • Price Adjustment: Used to provide customers with price adjustments for items

This lookup contains all the values in ERPx_SOOrderType where IsEnabled = 1

Linked Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.OrderTypeSK

Transaction Class

A text box to specify the name of the Transaction Class. This defaults to blank for new records and is always required. If not assigned, the message "Transaction Class is required." will be displayed on Save. This value must be unique by Transaction Type. If not, the message "Duplicate Transaction Classes are not allowed." will be displayed on Save. This field is not editable after the initial Save and must be <= 15 characters. 

Linked Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.DocumentID

Document Prefix

A text box to specify the Document Prefix to be used in the Transaction ID. This defaults to blank for new records and is required else the message "A Document Prefix is required for Price Adjustments" will be displayed on Save. This field must be <= 10 characters. This field must be unique by Transaction Type and Company. If not, the message "Duplicate Document Prefixes are not allowed for the same Transaction Types. This Document Prefix has already been assigned to the [Transaction Class Name] Transaction Class." will display on Save. This field is always editable.

The 'Document Prefix' is used in conjunction with the 'Next Document Number' to determine the system assigned Transaction ID's. Transaction ID's are created by stringing together the [Document Prefix] + [Next Ticket Number] from the applicable Transaction Class.

This value is only used if the corresponding 'Order' Transaction Class has the 'Get Next Price Adjustment Number From' property set to "Price Adjustment Transaction Class". Otherwise this is inherited from the source Order or Invoice.

Linked Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.DocumentPrefix

Next Document Number

A text box to specify the Next Document Number to be used in the Transaction ID.

This defaults to blank for new records and is always required. If missing, the message “Next Document Number is required.” will be displayed on Save. The value must be a numeric whole number. If not, the message "Next Document Number must be a number and cannot contain letters or symbols." will be displayed on Save. This field is always editable.

The 'Document Prefix' is used in conjunction with the 'Next Document Number' to determine the system assigned Transaction ID's. Transaction ID's are created by stringing together the [Document Prefix] + [Next Document Number] from the applicable Transaction Class. The 'Next Document Number' is auto-incremented each time a new transaction for the selected transaction class is created. 

This value is only used if the corresponding 'Order' Transaction Class has the 'Get Next Price Adjustment Number From' property set to "Price Adjustment Transaction Class". Otherwise this is inherited from the source Order or Invoice.

Linked Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.NextDocNumber

Default Payment Terms

A single-select lookup to select the default Payment Term for the Transaction Class. When assigned, the Payment Term for a new sales transaction will be defaulted from the Transaction Class, not the Customer. This defaults to blank on new records and is not

Logo Location

A text box to specify the network path for the image file used on the transaction reports for Price Adjustment transactions assigned to the Transaction Class. This is only used for reports and does not drive any other functionality. This defaults to blank for new records and is not required. This field is always editable and must be <= 1000 characters. 

Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.DocumentLogoLocation

Remit To Address

A single select lookup to select a Remit To Address to be used on sales reports. This is required and defaults to the first Remit To Address from the ERPx_MFAddress table for the corresponding company.  This address will only be used on reports for transactions associated with this class if the Customer associated with the transaction does not have a Remit To Address configured, otherwise the Customer's Remit To Address will default on the associated report(s). This field is always editable. 

The lookup contains a list of all the active Remit To type addresses in the Company Addresses master file. 

Database Field: ERPx_MFAddress.AddressID, ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.RemitToAddressSK


A Yes/No lookup to select whether the Transaction Class is displayed in the Transaction Class lookup when a new Price Adjustment transaction is created. This defaults to "Yes" for new records and is always required. This field is always editable.  Note: If the price adjustment class is selected as the 'Transaction Class for Price Adjustments' on the order class record and the user tries to inactivate the corresponding price adjustment class the following message will be displayed on save "This class is currently assigned to Order Class [Class Name] and must be removed before it can be deactivated." 

Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.IsInactive

Group: Data Entry
Allow Attribute Edit On Approved and Posted Transactions

A Yes/No lookup to select when Price Adjustment transaction attributes can be edited. This defaults to "No" for new records and is always required. This field is always editable. 

  • A value of "No" means that sales order attributes can only be edited when the sales transaction is in New status.
  • A value of "Yes" means that sales order attributes can always be edited, regardless of status.

Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.


Allow Posting of Transactions with missing CostsThis property is currently under development.
Group: Integration
Transaction Integration to Host System

A single-select lookup to select if and how sales transactions are sent to a separate host system. This defaults to "Transaction with Journal Details" for new records and is always required. This field is always editable. The options include:

  • Transaction with Journal Details: When transactions for this Transaction Class are posted, an outbound record is created so that it can be imported by the host system. This can only happen if the Outbound Transaction Type of "SO Transaction Class" is configured in the Integration Configuration master file.
  • No Integration: When transactions for this Transaction Class are posted, no outbound record is created, even if the Outbound Transaction Type of "SO Transaction Class" is configured in the Integration Configuration master file to send transactions.

This property is only applicable for NorthScope systems that send Sales Transactions to a host system (e.g. Dynamics GP). For NorthScope systems that do not integrate transactions to a host system, this property is not used or applicable.

This lookup containsthe values in the IntegrationMethod Enumeration Class where Enumeration Value = 2,3. 

Linked Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.IntegrationMethodEN

Logo Location

A text box to specify the network path for the image file used on the transaction reports for Price Adjustment transactions assigned to the Transaction Class. This is only used for reports and does not drive any other functionality. This defaults to blank for new records and is not required. This field is always editable and must be <= 1000 characters. 

Linked Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.DocumentLogoLocation

Allow Attribute Edit After ApprovalA Yes/No lookup to select when Price Adjustment transaction attributes can be edited. This defaults to "No" for new records and is always required. This field is always editable. 

  • A value of "No" means that sales order attributes can only be edited when the sales transaction is in New status.
  • A value of "Yes" means that sales order attributes can always be edited, regardless of status.

Linked Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.IsAttributeEditAllowedAfterApproval


A Yes/No lookup to select whether the Transaction Class is displayed in the Transaction Class lookup when a new Price Adjustment transaction is created. This defaults to "Yes" for new records and is always required. This field is always editable.  Note: If the price adjustment class is selected as the 'Transaction Class for Price Adjustments' on the order class record and the user tries to inactivate the corresponding price adjustment class the following message will be displayed on save "This class is currently assigned to Order Class [Class Name] and must be removed before it can be deactivated." 

Linked Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.IsInactive

Group: Order
First status invoices are sent to the host system

A non-editable text box to show the status of the invoice sent to the host system. This defaults to "Ready to Post" for new records and is always required. Currently, this field can only be edited from the database.

This property is only applicable for NorthScope systems that send Sales Transactions to a host system (e.g. Dynamics GP). For NorthScope systems that do not integrate transactions to a host system, this property is not used or applicable.

Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.SendInvoicesToHostSystemEN

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