Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Insert excerptDef - InvoiceDef - Invoicenopaneltrue The purpose of this inquiry is to display sales invoices created from sales transactions. Users may utilize search options to filter the results. From this inquiry, users may open the invoice, corresponding sales transaction or journal details.

Software Version: 2021.06.04 and newer

Table of Contents

Page Header


Search Options




The lookup contains a list of all 'Active' Carriers.


The lookup contains a list of all 'Active' Customers.


Used to select the date the transaction was ordered, shipped or invoiced. It is used in conjunction with the Date Type field. This is a date range control that allows users to select a single date or a range of dates, formatted from the users 'Date Format' preference. This is required to return results and defaults with a date range of the past 30 days.


Insert excerpt
Def - Invoice
Def - Invoice
 The purpose of this inquiry is to display sales invoices created from sales transactions. Users may utilize search options to filter the results. From this inquiry, users may open the invoice, corresponding sales transaction or journal details.

Software Version: 2023.11.30 and newer

Table of Contents

Page Header

Toolbar IconsDescriptionColumn Filter Show/Hide Insert excerptColumn Filter Show/Hide - GlobalColumn Filter Show/Hide - GlobalnopaneltrueExcel Insert excerptExcel - LV 3.0Excel - LV 3.0nopaneltrueFavorites Insert excerptFavorites Add/Remove - GlobalFavorites Add/Remove - GlobalnopaneltrueGroup By
Used to specify the whether transactions in a status of "Void" should be included. This is a single.
The lookup contains an option for "Voids" It displays as [Site ID]: [Site Name]. This is a multi-select

Search Options
Auto Hide Filters
Insert excerpt
Auto Hide Filters
Auto Hide Filters
Auto Refresh on Open
Insert excerpt
Auto Refresh on Open
Auto Refresh on Open

Insert excerpt
Inq - Carrier
Inq - Carrier
This is a multi-select standard lookup that is not required to return results. It defaults as "Ordered".

The lookup contains the values "Ordered", "Shipped" and "Invoiced".



Insert excerpt
Def - Carrier
Def - Carrier

The lookup contains a list of all 'Active' Carriers.


Insert excerpt
Inq - Customer
Inq - Customer
This is a multi-select standard lookup that is not required to return results. It defaults as blank


Saved SearchesSite
Insert excerpt
Inq - SiteInq - Site
Search Options for Framework 3.0 - Global

Insert excerpt

Search Options for Framework 3.0 - Global

Def - Customer
Def - Customer

Search Insert excerptSearch - Search OptionsSearch - Search Optionsnopaneltrue
  • Attr: [Attribute Value] (columns are not visible in the grid, but may still be searched on)
  • Carrier: [Carrier Name] (column is not visible in the grid, but may still be searched on)
  • Customer: [Customer ID] or [Customer Name]
  • Invoice: [Invoice]
  • Item: [Item ID] or [Item Description] (columns are not visible in the grid, but may still be searched on)
  • Order: [Transaction]
  • PO: [Purchase Order]
  • Site: [Site ID] or [Site Name] (columns are not visible in the grid, but may still be searched on)

The lookup contains a list of all 'Active' Customers.

Date Range

Used to select the date the transaction was ordered, shipped or invoiced. It is used in conjunction with the Date Type field. This is a date range control that allows users to select a single date or a range of dates, formatted from the users 'Date Format' preference. This is required to return results and defaults with a date range of the past 30 days.

Date Type

Used to select the type of date to search on. It is used in conjunction with the Date Range field. This is a single-select standard lookup that is required to return results. It defaults as "Ordered".

The lookup contains the values "Ordered", "Shipped" and "Invoiced".

Used to specify the whether transactions in a status of "Void" should be included. This is a single-select standard lookup that is not required to return results. It defaults as blank.
Insert excerptDef - SiteDef - SiteThe lookup contains an option for "Voids".
Saved Searches
Insert excerpt
Search Options for Framework 3.0 - Global
Search Options for Framework 3.0 - Global

The lookup contains a list of all 'Active' Sites.

Trans ClassSearch

Insert excerpt


Search -

Transaction Class

Search Options


Search -

Transaction Class

Search Options

The values in this lookup are listed alphabetically. If there is more than one Transaction Class for the Transaction Type, then the value in the lookup will display as [Transaction Type] - [Transaction Class]. This is a multi-select standard lookup that is not required to return results. It defaults as blank.
Insert excerptDef - Transaction Class - GeneralDef - Transaction Class - Generalnopaneltrue

The lookup contains a list of all 'Active' Transaction Classes, with the exception of Quote type transaction classes.

Page Details

  • Attr: [Attribute Value] (columns are not visible in the grid, but may still be searched on)
  • Carrier: [Carrier Name] (column is not visible in the grid, but may still be searched on)
  • Customer: [Customer ID] or [Customer Name]
  • Invoice: [Invoice]
  • Item: [Item ID] or [Item Description] (columns are not visible in the grid, but may still be searched on)
  • Order: [Transaction]
  • PO: [Purchase Order]
  • Site: [Site ID] or [Site Name] (columns are not visible in the grid, but may still be searched on)

Insert excerpt
Inq - Site
Inq - Site
It displays as [Site ID]: [Site Name]. This is a multi-select standard lookup that is not required to return results. It defaults as blank.

Insert excerpt
Def - Site
Def - Site

The lookup contains a list of all 'Active' Sites.

Trans Class

Insert excerpt
Inq - Transaction Class
Inq - Transaction Class
The values in this lookup are listed alphabetically. If there is more than one Transaction Class for the Transaction Type, then the value in the lookup will display as [Transaction Type] - [Transaction Class]. This is a multi-select standard lookup that is not required to return results. It defaults as blank.

Insert excerpt
Def - Transaction Class - General
Def - Transaction Class - General

The lookup contains a list of all 'Active' Transaction Classes, with the exception of Quote type transaction classes.

Page Details

This comes from the 'Ship To' field on the 'Home' tab of the Sales Transaction Record View. It is not editable. 

Database Fields: ERPx_ARCustomerAddress.AddressID, ERPh_SOOrderHeader.AddressSK

This comes from the 'Ship To' field on the 'Home' tab of the Sales Transaction Record View. It is not editable. 

Database Fields: ERPx_ARCustomerAddress.AddressName, ERPh_SOOrderHeader.AddressSK

Attention To
Toolbar IconsDescription
Column Filter Show/Hide
Insert excerpt
Group By Column Filter Show/Hide - GlobalGroup By
Column Filter Show/Hide - Global
Insert excerpt
Help Excel - Global LV 3.0Help
Excel - Global LV 3.0
Insert excerpt
Print - LV 3.0Print - LV 3.0Favorites Add/Remove - Global
Favorites Add/Remove - Global
Quick Column FilterGroup By Show/Hide
Insert excerpt
Quick Column FilterQuick Column FilterGroup By Show/Hide - Global
Group By Show/Hide - Global
Insert excerpt
Help - Global 3.0
Help - Global 3.0
Insert excerpt
Print - LV 3.0
Print - LV 3.0
Quick Column Filter
Insert excerpt
Quick Column Filter
Quick Column Filter
Insert excerpt
Address IDAddress ID
Insert excerpt
Def - Customer Address IDDef - Customer Address ID
Address Name
Insert excerpt
Address IDAddress ID

Identifies the sum of all the Line Items allocated extended amount, formatted to 2 decimal places. This is a calculated field that is not editable.

It is calculated as ([Allocated Quantity] * [Price]), where [Allocated Quantity] is the Allocated 'Units' when the 'Price UOM' is a Unit UOM and it is the Allocated 'Weight' when the 'Price UOM' is a Weight UOM.

Database Field: ERPh_SOOrderHeader.AllocatedAmount

Attention To 
Insert excerpt
Def - Under DevelopmentDef - Under Development
Insert excerpt
Attention To
Insert excerpt
Refresh - Global 3.0
Refresh - Global 3.0
Saved Layouts Insert excerptColumn Layouts for Framework 3.0 - GlobalColumn Layouts for Framework 3.0 - GlobalnopaneltrueSearch Options Insert excerptSearch Options - Inquiry Grid 3.0Search Options - Inquiry Grid 3.0nopaneltrueView Insert excerptView - Options in Same Tab 3.0View - Options in Same Tab 3.0nopaneltrueFieldsDescriptionCheckbox Insert excerptCheckboxCheckboxnopaneltrue

Address ID

Saved Layouts
Insert excerpt
Column Layouts for Framework 3.0 - Global
Column Layouts for Framework 3.0 - Global
Search Options
Insert excerpt
Search Options - Inquiry Grid 3.0
Search Options - Inquiry Grid 3.0

Insert excerpt
View - Options in Same Tab 3.0
View - Options in Same Tab 3.0

Insert excerpt

Address ID

Insert excerpt
Address ID
Address ID
This comes from the 'Ship To' field on the 'Home' tab of the Sales Transaction Record View. It is not editable. 

Insert excerpt
Def - Customer Address ID
Def - Customer Address ID

Database Fields: ERPx_ARCustomerAddress.AddressID, ERPh_SOOrderHeader.AddressSK

Address Name

Insert excerpt
Address ID
Address ID
This comes from the 'Ship To' field on the 'Home' tab of the Sales Transaction Record View. It is not editable. 

Database Fields: ERPx_ARCustomerAddress.AddressName, ERPh_SOOrderHeader.AddressSK


Identifies the sum of all the Line Items allocated extended amount, formatted to 2 decimal places. This is a calculated field that is not editable.

It is calculated as ([Allocated Quantity] * [Price]), where [Allocated Quantity] is the Allocated 'Units' when the 'Price UOM' is a Unit UOM and it is the Allocated 'Weight' when the 'Price UOM' is a Weight UOM.

Database Field: ERPh_SOOrderHeader.AllocatedAmount

Attention To 

Insert excerpt
Attention To
Attention To
This comes from the 'Ship Attention To' field on the Edit Ship To Address dialog box. It is editable via the More Actions button on the Sales Transaction Record View.

Database Fields: ERPx_ARCustomerAddress.AttentionTo, ERPh_SOOrderHeader.ShipAttentionTo

Brokerage Amt.

Insert excerpt
Def - Brokerage Amt.
Def - Brokerage Amt.
This displays the total 'Program Amt.' of all line items on the transaction that qualify for one or more related Brokerage programs. This is not required. This is a calculated field and may be edited from the Sales Program Details Record View.

(lightbulb) This field uses the Ordered Ext Amount for transactions where the Status is less than "Shipped" and Allocated Ext Amount for transactions where the Status is "Shipped" or greater.

Database Field: ERPx_SPProgramSettlementItem.ComputedAmount

Cost Amt.

Insert excerpt
Def - Cost Amt. (SO)
Def - Cost Amt. (SO)
This field displays the total cost of all inventory line items on the transaction. This is not required and can be edited in the Update Costs inquiry.

(lightbulb) This field uses the last applicable cost for unallocated line items and the Actual or Market Cost for allocated items.

Database Field: ERPh_SOOrderHeader.ExtendedCostAmount


Insert excerpt
 This comes from the 'Currency' associated with the Customer on the transaction. This field is not editable.

Insert excerpt
Def - Currency
Def - Currency

Database Fields: ERPx_MFCurrency.CurrencyID, ERPh_SOOrderHeader.CurrencySK

Customer ID

Insert excerpt
Customer ID
Customer ID
This comes from the 'Ship To' field on the 'Home' tab of the Sales Transaction Record View. It is not editable. 

Insert excerpt
Def - Customer ID
Def - Customer ID

Database Fields: ERPx_ARCustomer.CustomerID, ERPh_SOOrderHeader.CustomerSK

Customer Name

Insert excerpt
Customer Name
Customer Name
This comes from the 'Ship Attention To' field on the Edit Ship To Address dialog box. It is editable via the More Actions button on the 'Home' tab of the Sales Transaction Record View.

Database Fields: ERPx_ARCustomerAddress.AttentionTo, ERPh_SOOrderHeader.ShipAttentionTo

Brokerage Amt.

. It is not editable. 

Insert excerpt
Def -

Under Development

Customer Name
Def -

Under Development

Customer Name

Database Fields: ERPx_ARCustomer.CustomerName, ERPh_SOOrderHeader.CustomerSK  

Freight Amt.

Insert excerpt
Def -


Freight Amt. (SO)
Def -


Freight Amt. (SO)

This field displays the total 'Program Amt.' of all line items on the transaction that qualify for the program. This field is not required. This field is a calculated field and may be edited from

 This is not required. This can be edited by updating the 'Freight Rate', 'Surcharge %' or 'Other Charges' fields on the Shipment Details Record View or from the Sales Program Details Record View for the Freight Accrual Program.

(lightbulb) This field uses the Ordered Ext Amount for calculations on transactions where the Status is less than "Shipped" and the Allocated Ext Amount on transactions where the Status is "Shipped" or


Database Field: ERPx_SPProgramSettlementItem.ComputedAmount

Currency  Insert excerptCurrencyCurrencynopaneltrue This comes from the 'Currency' associated with the Customer on the transaction. This field is not editable. Insert excerptDef - CurrencyDef - Currencynopaneltrue

Database Fields: ERPx_MFCurrency.CurrencyID, ERPh_SOOrderHeader.CurrencySK

Customer ID


Database Field: ERPh_SOOrderHeader.FreightAccrualAmount

GL Date

Customer ID - Transaction

Insert excerpt
Customer ID - Transaction
GL Date
GL Date
This This comes from the 'Ship ToGL Date' field on the 'HomeShipments' tab of the Sales Transaction Record View. It is not editable. 

Database Field: ERPh_SOInvoiceHeader.GLDate

GL PeriodDef - Customer ID
Insert excerpt
Def - Customer ID
GL Period
GL Period

Database Fields: ERPx_ARCustomer.CustomerID, ERPh_SOOrderHeader.CustomerSK

Customer Name This comes from the 'GL Date' field on the 'Shipments' tab of the Sales Transaction Record View. This field is not stored in the database. It is not editable. 
GL Year

Customer Name - Transaction

Insert excerpt
Customer Name - Transaction
GL Year
GL Year
 This comes from the 'Ship ToGL Date' field on the 'HomeShipments' tab of the Sales Transaction Record View. This field is not stored in the database. It is not editable. 
Insert excerptDef - Customer NameDef - Customer Namenopaneltrue

Database Fields: ERPx_ARCustomer.CustomerName, ERPh_SOOrderHeader.CustomerSK  

Freight AmtGross Margin Amt.

Identifies the profit amount, using only product costs, on the transaction. This is not required and not stored in the database. This may be edited by editing any of the fields used in calculating this amount.

Insert excerpt
Def -

Under Development

Gross Margin Amt.
Def -

Under Development

Gross Margin Amt.

Identifies the total freight amount for all shipments on the transaction. This field is not required. This can be edited by updating the 'Freight Rate', 'Surcharge %' or 'Other Charges' fields on the Shipment Details Record View. This is a calculated field

Gross Margin Pct.

Identifies the percentage of profit, using only product costs, on the transaction. This is not required and not stored in the database. This may be edited by editing any of the fields used in calculating this amount.

Insert excerpt
Def -

Freight Amt

Gross Margin Pct.
Def -

Freight Amt

Gross Margin Pct.

(lightbulb) This field uses the Ordered Ext Amount for calculations on transactions where the Status is less than "Shipped" and the Allocated Ext Amount on transactions where the Status is "Shipped" or greater.

GL DateInvoice

GL Date

Insert excerpt
GL Date
Invoice Number
Invoice Number
This This comes from the 'GL DateInvoice #' field on the 'Shipments' tab of the Sales Transaction Record View.  It is not editable. 

Database Field: ERPh_SOInvoiceHeader.GLDateInvoiceNumber

GL Period Insert excerptGL PeriodGL Periodnopaneltrue This comes from the 'GL Date' field on the 'Shipments' tab of the Sales Transaction Record View. This field is not stored in the database. It is not editable. 
GL Year Insert excerptGL YearGL Yearnopaneltrue InvoicedIdentifies the date the shipment containing the item was invoiced, formatted from the users 'Date Format' preference. This comes from the 'GL DateInvoiced' field on the 'Shipments' tab of the Sales Transaction Record View.This field is not stored in the database.  It is not editable. 

Database Field: ERPh_SOInvoiceHeader.InvoiceDate

Gross Net Margin Amt.excerpt-includeDef - Under DevelopmentDef - Under Developmentnopaneltrue

Identifies the final profit amount

, using only product costs,

on the transaction. This


is not required and not stored in the database. This


may be edited by editing any of the fields used in calculating this amount.

Insert excerpt
Def -


Net Margin Amt.
Def -


Net Margin Amt.

nopaneltrueGross Margin Pct. Insert excerptDef - Under DevelopmentDef - Under Development


Net Margin Pct.

Identifies the percentage of final profit , using only product costs, on the transaction. This field is not required and not stored in the database. This field may be edited by editing any of the fields used in calculating this amount.

Insert excerpt
Def - Gross Net Margin Pct.
Def - Gross Net Margin Pct.

Invoice Insert excerptInvoice NumberInvoice Numbernopaneltrue This comes from the 'Invoice #' field on the 'Shipments' tab of the Sales Transaction Record View. It is not editable. 

Database Field: ERPh_SOInvoiceHeader.InvoiceNumber

InvoicedIdentifies the date the shipment containing the item was invoiced, formatted from the users 'Date Format' preference. This comes from the 'Invoiced' field on the 'Shipments' tab of the Sales Transaction Record View. It is not editable. 

Database Field: ERPh_SOInvoiceHeader.InvoiceDate

Net Margin Amt. Insert excerptDef - Under DevelopmentDef - Under Developmentnopaneltrue Identifies the final profit amount on the transaction. This field is not required and not stored in the database. This field may be edited by editing any of the fields used in calculating this amount.
Insert excerptDef - Net Margin Amt.Def - Net Margin Amt.nopaneltrueNet Margin Pct.Order #

Identifies the transaction ID of the original posted transaction. It is a system assigned value and is not editable. It will display the source transaction ID on Price Adjustment and Return transactions. It will also display the source transaction ID on Sales Order transactions that were created as a result of approving a Sales Quote transaction. It is not editable. 

Insert excerpt
Def - Transaction Class - General
Def - Transaction Class - General

Database Field: ERPh_SOOrderHeader.OriginTransID

Order Trans Class

Insert excerpt
Transaction Class
Transaction Class
 This comes from the original order's 'Transaction Class' value selected by the user when the sales order or sales quote was created. It is not editable. 

Insert excerpt
Def -
Under Development
Transaction Class - General
Def - Transaction Class -
Under Development

Identifies the percentage of final profit on the transaction. This field is not required and not stored in the database. This field may be edited by editing any of the fields used in calculating this amount.Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.DocumentID

OrderedDef - Net Margin Pct.

Insert excerpt

Def - Net Margin Pct.

Doc Date
Doc Date

Order #

Identifies the transaction ID of the original posted transaction. It is a system assigned value and is not editable. It will display the source transaction ID on Price Adjustment and Return transactions. It will also display the source transaction ID on Sales Order transactions that were created as a result of approving a Sales Quote transaction. It is not editable.  It is formatted from the users 'Date Format' preference. This comes from the 'Order Date' field on the 'Home' tab of the Sales Transaction Record View. It is not editable. 

Database Field: ERPh_SOOrderHeader.OrderDate

Other Accrual Amt.This comes from the original order's 'Transaction Class' value selected by the user when the sales order or sales quote was created. It is not editable.  Insert excerptDef - Transaction Class - GeneralDef - Transaction Class - Generalnopaneltrue

Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.DocumentID


Insert excerpt
Def -

Transaction Class - General

Other Accrual Amt.
Def -

Transaction Class - General

Other Accrual Amt.

Database Field: ERPh_SOOrderHeader.OriginTransID

Order Trans Class Insert excerptTransaction ClassTransaction Classnopaneltrue 

Insert excerptDoc DateDoc Datenopaneltrue It is formatted from the users 'Date Format' preference. This comes from the 'Order Date' field on the 'Home This displays the total 'Program Amt.' of all line items on the transaction that qualify for one or more related non-freight Accrual programs. This is not required. This is a calculated field and may be edited from the Sales Program Details Record View.

(lightbulb) This field uses the Ordered Ext Amount for calculations on transactions where the Status is less than "Shipped" and the Allocated Ext Amount on transactions where the Status is "Shipped" or greater.

Database Field: ERPx_SPProgramSettlementItem.ComputedAmount

Payment Terms

Insert excerpt
Payment Terms
Payment Terms
This comes from the 'Payment Terms' field on the 'Properties' tab of the Sales Transaction Record View. It is not editable. 

Database Field: ERPh_SOOrderHeader.OrderDate

Other Accrual Amt.

Insert excerpt
Def -

Under Development

Payment Terms
Def -

Under Development

Payment Terms

Insert excerptDef - Other Accrual Amt.Def - Other Accrual Amt.nopaneltrue This field displays the total 'Program Amt.' of all line

Linked Database Field: ERPh_SOOrderHeader.PaymentTermsSK

Product Cost Amt.

Identifies the actual cost of all items on the transaction

that qualify for the program

. This field is not required.

This field is a calculated field and may be edited from the Sales Program Details Record View.

(lightbulb) This field uses the Ordered Ext Amount for calculations on transactions where the Status is less than "Shipped" and the Allocated Ext Amount on transactions where the Status is "Shipped" or greater.

Database Field: ERPx_SPProgramSettlementItem.ComputedAmount

Payment Terms

Insert excerptPayment TermsPayment Termsnopaneltrue This comes from the 'Payment Terms' field on the 'Properties' tab of the Sales Transaction Record View. It is not editable. If the item is ordered, but not allocated, this field may be edited from the 'Actual Cost' field for the Item in the Item Master File. It the item is allocated; this field may be edited from the 'Actual Cost' assigned on the Inventory Lot.

Insert excerpt
Def -
Payment Terms
Product Cost Amt.
Def -
Payment Terms
Product Cost Amt.

Linked Database Field: ERPh_SOOrderHeader.PaymentTermsSK

Product Cost Amt.

Fields: ERPh_SOOrderItem.OrderItemActualCost, ERPx_IMLotCostHistory.Cost, ERPx_IMLotBalance.LotSK

Purchase Order

Def - Under Development

Insert excerpt
Def - Under Development
Purchase Order
Purchase Order
Identifies the actual cost of all items on the transaction. This field is not required. If the item is ordered, but not allocated, this field may be edited This comes from the 'Actual CostPurchase Order' field for the Item in the Item Master File. It the item is allocated, this field may be edited from the 'Actual Cost' assigned on the Inventory Lot.on the 'Home' tab of the Sales Transaction Record View. It is not editable. 

Insert excerpt
Def -
Product Cost Amt.
Purchase Order
Def -
Product Cost Amt.
Purchase Order

Database FieldsField: ERPh ERPh_SOOrderItem.OrderItemActualCost, ERPx_IMLotCostHistory.Cost, ERPx_IMLotBalance.LotSK

Purchase Order


Rebate Amt.Purchase Order

Insert excerpt

Purchase Order

Def - Rebate Amt.
Def - Rebate Amt.

This comes from the 'Purchase Order' field on the 'Home' tab of the Sales Transaction Record View. It is not editable. 
Insert excerptDef - Purchase OrderDef - Purchase OrdernopaneltrueDatabase Field: ERPh_SOOrderHeader.PurchaseOrder

 This displays the total 'Program Amt.' of all line items on the transaction that qualify for one or more related Rebate programs. This is not required. This is a calculated field and may be edited from the Sales Program Details Record View.

(lightbulb) This field uses the Ordered Ext Amount for transactions where the Status is less than "Shipped" and Allocated Ext Amount for transactions where the Status is "Shipped" or greater.

Database Field: ERPx_SPProgramSettlementItem.ComputedAmount

Salesperson - Inside

Insert excerpt
Salesperson - Inside
Salesperson - Inside
This comes from the 'Salesperson - Inside Sales' field on the 'Properties' tab of the Sales Transaction Record View. It is not editable. 

Insert excerpt
Def - Salesperson
Def - Salesperson
Insert excerpt
Def - Salesperson - Inside
Def - Salesperson - Inside

Database Fields: ERPx_SPSalesperson.Salespersonname where SalespersonTypeEN = 2, ERPh_SOOrderHeader.InsideSalespersonSK

Salesperson - Outside

Insert excerpt
Salesperson - Outside
Salesperson - Outside
This comes from the 'Salesperson - Outside Sales' field on the 'Properties' tab of the Sales Transaction Record View. It is not editable. 

Insert excerpt
Def - Salesperson
Def - Salesperson
Insert excerpt
Def - Salesperson - Outside
Def - Salesperson - Outside

Database Fields: ERPx_SPSalesperson.Salespersonname where SalespersonTypeEN = 1, ERPh_SOOrderHeader.SalesPersonSK

Ship City/State

Displays the destination City and State where the order will be shipped to. This comes from the 'City' and 'State' fields on the 'Properties' tab of the Customer Addresses Record View when the transaction was created. Once the transaction is posted, this field is not editable.

Insert excerpt
Def - Address - City
Def - Address - City
Insert excerpt
Def - Address - State
Def - Address - State

Database Fields: ERPx_ARCustomerAddress.City, ERPx_ARCustomerAddress.State, ERPh_SOOrderHeader.ShipCity, ERPh_SOOrderHeader.ShipState

Ship Country 

Displays the Country the order will be shipped to. This comes from the 'Country' field on the 'Properties' tab of the Customer Addresses Record View when the transaction was created. Once the transaction is posted, this field is not editable.

Insert excerpt
Def - Address - Country
Def - Address - Country

Database Fields: ERPx_ARCustomerAddress.Country, ERPh_SOOrderHeader.ShipCountry

Ship Phone

Displays the phone number at the address where the order will be shipped to. This comes from the 'Phone' field on the 'Properties' tab of the Customer Addresses Record View when the transaction was created. Once the transaction is posted, this field is not editable.

Insert excerpt
Def - Address - Phone 1
Def - Address - Phone 1

Database Fields: ERPx_ARCustomerAddress.Phone1, ERPh_SOOrderHeader.ShipPhone1


Insert excerpt
 This comes from the 'Status' on the 'Home' tab of the Sales Transaction Record View. It is not editable. 

Insert excerpt
Def - Status
Def - Status
 The Statuses that apply to transactions in this Inquiry include:

Insert excerpt
Def - Status - Posted
Def - Status - Posted

Insert excerpt
Def - Status - Void
Def - Status - Void

Database Fields: ERPx_SOOrderStatus.OrderStatusName, ERPh_SOOrderHeader.OrderStatusSK

Trans Class

Insert excerpt
Transaction Class
Transaction Class
 This comes from the 'Transaction Class' value associated with the Invoice, Return and Price Adjustment transaction type. It is not editable. 

Insert excerpt
Def - Transaction Class - General
Def - Transaction Class - General

Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.DocumentID

Trans Type

Insert excerpt
Transaction Type
Transaction Type
This is a system assigned value and is not editable. The transaction types are: Invoice, Return and Price Adjustment.

Insert excerpt
Def - Transaction Types
Def - Transaction Types

Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderType.OrderTypeName


Insert excerpt
Transaction ID
Transaction ID
This is a system assigned value and is not editable.

Insert excerpt
Def - Transaction ID - Sales
Def - Transaction ID - Sales

Database Field: ERPh_SOOrderHeader.OrderID


Identifies the sum of all the Line Items allocated 'Units', formatted to 2 decimal places. This is a calculated field that is not editable.

Database Field: ERPh_SOOrderHeader.AllocatedUnits


Identifies the sum of all the Line Items allocated 'Weight', formatted to 2 decimal places. This is a calculated field that is not editable.

Database Field: ERPh_SOOrderHeader.AllocatedWeight

Related Topics

User Guide: Sales Order
