Sales Transaction Classes are used to categorize sales transactions within specific transaction types and assign specific default values and business rules for each.The purpose of this page is to set the properties for the Quote transaction class.
Software Version: 2019.09.03 and newer
Table of Contents | ||
Page Header
Properties Tab
Linked Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.OrderTypeSK
A non-editable text box that displays the Transaction Class of the Order. This field is always required and is never editable.
Linked Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.DocumentID
A text box to specify the Document Prefix to be used in the Transaction ID. This defaults to null for new records and is always required. This field must be <= 10 characters. This field is always editable.
The 'Document Prefix' is used in conjunction with the 'Next Document Number' to determine the system assigned Transaction ID's. Transaction ID's are created by stringing together the [Document Prefix] + [Next Ticket Number] from the applicable Transaction Class.
Linked Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.DocumentPrefix
A text box to specify the Next Document Number to be used in the Transaction ID.
This defaults to 1000 for new records and is always required. If missing, the message “Next Document Number is required.” will be displayed on Save. The value must be a numeric whole number. If not, the message "Next Document Number must be a number and cannot contain letters or symbols." will be displayed on Save. This field is always editable.
The 'Document Prefix' is used in conjunction with the 'Next Document Number' to determine the system assigned Transaction ID's. Transaction ID's are created by stringing together the [Document Prefix] + [Next Document Number] from the applicable Transaction Class. The 'Next Document Number' is auto-incremented each time a new transaction for the selected transaction class is created.
Linked Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.NextDocNumber
A text box to specify the how many blank rows will be added to the Items grid when the New icon is clicked. This defaults to the value in the 'Rows to Create on New' field on the associated Order transaction class for new records. This field is always required and must be between 1 and 25. If set to any value other than 1 - 25, the message "Rows to Create on New must be between 1 and 25." will be displayed on Save. This field must be a whole number. If not, the message "Rows to Create on New must be a whole number and cannot contain letters or symbols." will be displayed on Save. This field is always editable.
Linked Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.RowsToCreateOnNew
A non-editable text box that displays the default Payment Term for the Transaction Class. This field is set from the value in the 'Default Payment Terms' field on the associated Order transaction class. This field is always required.
Linked Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.DefaultPaymentTermSK
A non-editable text box that displays "No Integration". We are currently not allowing Quote Transaction Classes to integrate to a separate host system. This field is never required.
Linked Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.IntegrationMethodEN
A non-editable text box that displays the network path for the image file used on the transaction reports for records assigned to the Transaction Class. This is only used for reports and does not drive any other functionality. This field is set from the value in the 'Logo Location' field on the associated Order transaction class.
Linked Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.DocumentLogoLocation
A non-editable text box that displays whether or not specific dates on a sales transaction will default the Order Date. This field is set from the value in the 'Single Date Management' field on the associated Order transaction class. This field is always required. When this property is set to “Yes” users only have the ability to enter and edit the “Order Date” on a sales transaction. The following date fields will default from the Order Date:
- Home Tab: Default Ship By
- Home Tab: Default Deliver On
- Shipments Tab: Ship By
- Shipments Tab: Deliver On
- Shipments Tab: Shipment
- Shipments Tab: Invoiced
- Order Item Grid: Ship By
Linked Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.SingleDateManagement
Linked Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.IsShipByDateRequired
Sales Transaction Classes are used to categorize sales transactions within specific transaction types and assign specific default values and business rules for each. A single Quote Transaction Class is always associated with a single Order Transaction Class. Quote Transaction Classes are automatically created when a Order Transaction Class is created. The purpose of this page is to set the properties for the Quote transaction class.
Software Version: 2022.08.26 and newer
Table of Contents | ||
Page Header
Header Toolbar
Toolbar Icons | Description | ||||||||
Grid Layout |
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Help |
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Save |
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Fields | Description | ||||||||
Class |
Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.DocumentID - ERPx_SOOrderType.OrderTypeName where ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.OrderTypeSK = ERPx_SOOrderType.OrderTypeSK |
Properties Tab
Toolbar Icons | Description | ||||||||
Excel |
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Fields | Description | ||||||||
Properties |
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Value |
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Group: Configuration | |||||||||
Transaction Type | A non-editable text box that displays "Quote". A Quote Transaction Class is automatically generated when a Order Transaction Class is created. This field is always required and is never editable. Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.OrderTypeSK | ||||||||
Transaction Class | A non-editable text box that displays the Transaction Class of the linked Order Class. This field defaults from the Transaction Class of the linked Order Class, is required, and is never editable for Quotes. To change this value, you must change it on the Transaction Class of the linked Order. Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.DocumentID | ||||||||
Document Prefix | A text box to specify the Document Prefix to be used in the Transaction ID. This defaults to blank for new records and is never required. If entered, this field must be <= 10 characters. This field must be unique by Transaction Type and Company. If not, the message "Duplicate Document Prefixes are not allowed for the same Transaction Types. This Document Prefix has already been assigned to the [Transaction Class Name] Transaction Class." will display on Save. This field is always editable. The 'Document Prefix' is used in conjunction with the 'Next Document Number' to determine the system assigned Transaction ID's. Transaction ID's are created by stringing together the [Document Prefix] + [Next Ticket Number] from the applicable Transaction Class. This value is only used if the corresponding 'Order' Transaction Class has the 'Get Next Invoice Number From' property set to "Invoice Transaction Class". Otherwise this is inherited from the source Order. Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.DocumentPrefix | ||||||||
Next Document Number | A text box to specify the Next Document Number to be used in the Transaction ID. This defaults to 1000 for new records and is always required. If missing, the message “Next Document Number is required.” will be displayed on Save. The value must be a numeric whole number. If not, the message "Next Document Number must be a number and cannot contain letters or symbols." will be displayed on Save. This field is always editable. The 'Document Prefix' is used in conjunction with the 'Next Document Number' to determine the system assigned Transaction ID's. Transaction ID's are created by stringing together the [Document Prefix] + [Next Document Number] from the applicable Transaction Class. The 'Next Document Number' is auto-incremented each time a new transaction for the selected transaction class is created. This value is only used if the corresponding 'Order' Transaction Class has the 'Get Next Invoice Number From' property set to "Invoice Transaction Class". Otherwise this is inherited from the source Order. Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.NextDocNumber | ||||||||
Logo Location | A non-editable text box that displays the network path for the image file used on the transaction reports for Quote transactions assigned to the Transaction Class. This is only used for reports and does not drive any other functionality. This field defaults from the Transaction Class of the linked Order Class, is never required, and is never editable for Quotes. To change this value, you must change it on the Transaction Class of the linked Order. Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.DocumentLogoLocation | ||||||||
Remit To Address | A non-editable text box that displays the Remit To Address to be used on sales reports for the corresponding class. This field defaults from the Transaction Class of the linked Order Class, is required, and is never editable for Quotes. To change this value, you must change it on the Transaction Class of the linked Order. This address will only be used on reports for transactions associated with this class if the Customer associated with the transaction does not have a Remit To Address configured, otherwise the Customer's Remit To Address will default on the associated report(s). Database Field: ERPx_MFAddress.AddressID, ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.RemitToAddressSK | ||||||||
Inactive | A non-editable text box that displayswhether the Transaction Class is displayed in the Transaction Class lookup when a new Quotes are created. This field is always required. This field is set based on the following rules:
Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.IsInactive | ||||||||
Group: Data Entry | |||||||||
Single Date Management | A non-editable text box that displays whether or not all dates on a Quote transaction default from the Order Date. This defaults to "No" for new records and is always required. This field is always editable. When this property is set to “Yes”, users can only enter and edit the 'Order Date' field on the 'Select Ship-To' page and the Sales Order Record View, all other date fields are disabled and auto-populated from the Order Date. When this property is set to “Yes” users only have the ability to enter and edit the 'Order Date' field on a sales transaction. The following date fields will default from the sales transaction Order Date:
Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.SingleDateManagement | ||||||||
Group: Default | |||||||||
Default Carrier | A non-editable text box that displays the default Carrier for the Transaction Class. This field defaults from the Transaction Class of the linked Order Class, is never required, and is never editable for Quotes. To change this value, you must change it on the Transaction Class of the linked Order. Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.DefaultCarrierSK | ||||||||
Default Freight Rate Type - Freight | A non-editable text box that displays the default Rate Type for Freight for the Transaction Class. This field defaults from the Transaction Class of the linked Order Class, is never required, and is never editable for Quotes. To change this value, you must change it on the Transaction Class of the linked Order. Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.DefaultFreightFreightRateTypeEN | ||||||||
Default Freight Rate Type - Handling | A non-editable text box that displays the default Freight Rate Type for Handling for the Transaction Class. This field defaults from the Transaction Class of the linked Order Class, is never required, and is never editable for Quotes. To change this value, you must change it on the Transaction Class of the linked Order. Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.DefaultHandlingFreightRateTypeEN | ||||||||
Default Freight Terms | A non-editable text box that displays the default Freight Terms for the Transaction Class. This field defaults from the Transaction Class of the linked Order Class, is never required, and is never editable for Quotes. To change this value, you must change it on the Transaction Class of the linked Order. Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.DefaultFreightTermsSK | ||||||||
Default Payment Terms | A non-editable text box that displays the default Payment Term for the Transaction Class. This field defaults from the Transaction Class of the linked Order Class, is never required, and is never editable for Quotes. To change this value, you must change it on the Transaction Class of the linked Order. Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.DefaultPaymentTermSK | ||||||||
Default Ship From Site | A non-editable text box that displays the default Ship from Site for the Transaction Class. This field defaults from the Transaction Class of the linked Order Class, is never required, and is never editable for Quotes. To change this value, you must change it on the Transaction Class of the linked Order. Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.DefaultShipFromSiteSK | ||||||||
Group: Required Fields | |||||||||
Require an Inside Salesperson for Posting | A non-editable text box that displays whether an Inside Salesperson is required for posting a sales transaction. This field defaults from the Transaction Class of the linked Order Class, is required, and is never editable for Quotes. To change this value, you must change it on the Transaction Class of the linked Order. Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.RequireInsideSalesperson | ||||||||
Require an Outside Salesperson for Posting | A non-editable text box that displays whether an Outside Salesperson is required for posting a sales transaction. This field defaults from the Transaction Class of the linked Order Class, is required, and is never editable for Quotes. To change this value, you must change it on the Transaction Class of the linked Order. Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.RequireOutsideSalesperson | ||||||||
Require Carrier for New Transactions | A non-editable text box that displays whether a Deliver On Date Carrier is required for saving a sales transaction. This field is set from the value in the 'Required a Deliver On Date' field on the associated Order transaction class. This field is always required. Linked Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.IsDeliverOnDateRequired | Allow Attribute Edit After Approval | A non-editable text box that displays when sales order attributes can be edited. This field is set from the value in the 'Allow Attribute Edit After Approval' field on the associated Order transaction class. This field is always required.
Linked This field defaults from the Transaction Class of the linked Order Class, is required, and is never editable for Quotes. To change this value, you must change it on the Transaction Class of the linked Order. If this is set to "Yes", when users create new Quotes, they will be prompted with the message "A Carrier is required for orders in the transaction class and there is no transaction class or customer address default set." before they can re-query or move past the 'Select Ship To' page if the 'Carrier' has not been set. If this is set to "No", the 'Carrier' is not required. Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.IsAttributeEditAllowedAfterApproval InactiveIsCarrierRequired | ||||||
Require Deliver On Date for New Transactions | A non-editable text box that displays whether the Transaction Class is displayed in the Transaction Class lookup when a new sales transaction is created. This field is always required. This field is set based on the following rules: If the 'Inactive' field on the associated Order transaction classa Deliver On Date is required for saving a sales transaction. This field defaults from the Transaction Class of the linked Order Class, is required, and is never editable for Quotes. To change this value, you must change it on the Transaction Class of the linked Order. If this is set to "Yes" , then the 'Inactive' field on the Quote transaction class will also be set to "Yes" regardless of the 'Allow Quotes' field. If the 'Inactive' field on the associated Order transaction class is set to "No" and the 'Allow Quotes' field on the associated Order transaction class is set to "No", then the 'Inactive' field on the Quote transaction class will also be set to "Yes".Linked Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.IsInactive | Require Freight Terms | A non-editable text box that displays whether the Freight Terms field is required. This field is set from the value in the 'Require Freight Terms' field on the associated Order transaction class. This field is always required. Linked , when users create new Quotes, they will be prompted with the message "A Deliver On date is required, please enter a valid date." before they can re-query or move past the 'Select Items' page if the 'Deliver On' date has not been set. If this is set to "No", the 'Deliver On' date is not required. Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.IsDeliverOnDateRequired | ||||||
Require Freight Terms for New Transactions | A non-editable text box that displays whether the Freight Terms field is required. This field defaults from the Transaction Class of the linked Order Class, is required, and is never editable for Quotes. To change this value, you must change it on the Transaction Class of the linked Order. If this is set to "Yes", when users create new Quotes, they will be prompted with the message "Freight Terms are required for this Transaction Class." before they can re-query or move past the 'Select Ship To' page if the 'Freight Terms' have not been set. If this is set to "No", 'Freight Terms' are not required. Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.AreFreightTermsRequired Allow delete of inventory tracked items with allocations? | ||||||||
Require Ship By Date for New Transactions | A non-editable text box that specifies how to manage deletion of inventory tracked items that have been allocated. This field is set from the value in the 'Allow delete of inventory tracked items with allocations?' field on the associated Order transaction class. This field is always required.
Linked displayswhether a Ship By Date is required for saving a sales transaction. This field defaults from the Transaction Class of the linked Order Class, is required, and is never editable for Quotes. To change this value, you must change it on the Transaction Class of the linked Order. If this is set to "Yes", when users create new Quotes, they will be prompted with the message "A Ship Date is required, please enter a valid date." before they can re-query or move past the 'Select Ship To' page if the 'Ship By' date has not been set. If this is set to "No", the 'Ship By' date is not required. Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.AllowDeleteItemsWithAllocationIsShipByDateRequired |
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