Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Insert excerptDef - Purchase OrderDef - Purchase Ordernopaneltrue

This page lists each unique Purchase Order line item. The purpose of this page is to view, add, edit, remove, and close Purchase Orders. 

(lightbulb) This list view also contains columns for each Attribute that is set up for the 'AP Purchasing' attribute type. Because these are user defined, they are not included in the default view but can be added a saved layout. AP Purchasing attributes are not included in the help documentation..

Software Version: 2021.07.23 and newer

Table of Contents

Page Header


Identifies the extended amount of the line item based on the ordered quantity. This is a numeric text box that is auto calculated as [Quantity] x [Price]. This can only be updated by changing either the 'Quantity' or 'Price'. This is formatted to 2 decimal places.

Database Field: ERPx_APPoLine.ExtendedAmount


Database Fields: ERPx_MFCurrency.CurrencyID 


Database Field: ERPx_APPoHeader.Description


Database Fields: ERPx_APVendor.VendorName, ERPx_MFEmployee.EmployeeName, ERPx_GLProject.ProjectDescription, ERPx_APPoLine.ToDistributionAccountSK 


The options include:

  • AP Vendor 
  • Project

Database Field: ERPX_APPoLine.ItemTOMFDistributionTypeEN 


Insert excerpt
Def - Purchase Order
Def - Purchase Order

This page lists each unique Purchase Order line item. The purpose of this page is to view, add, edit, remove, and close Purchase Orders. 

(lightbulb) This list view also contains columns for each Attribute that is set up for the 'AP Purchasing' attribute type. Because these are user defined, they are not included in the default view but can be added a saved layout. AP Purchasing attributes are not included in the help documentation..

Software Version: 2021.07.23 and newer

Table of Contents

Page Header

Item Last Updated By


Toolbar IconsDescription
Column Filter Show/Hide
Insert excerpt
Column Filter Show/Hide - Global
Column Filter Show/Hide - Global

Insert excerpt
Edit - LV 3.0
Edit - LV 3.0

Insert excerpt
Excel - LV 3.0
Excel - LV 3.0
Insert excerpt
Favorites Add/Remove - Global
Favorites Add/Remove - Global
Group By Show/Hide
Insert excerpt
Group By Show/Hide - Global
Group By Show/Hide - Global
Insert excerpt
Help - Global 3.0
Help - Global 3.0
Insert excerpt
New - Global 3.0
New - Global 3.0

Insert excerpt
Print - LV 3.0
Print - LV 3.0

Quick Column Filter
Insert excerpt
Quick Column Filter
Quick Column Filter
Insert excerpt
Refresh - Global 3.0
Refresh - Global 3.0
Saved Column Layout
Insert excerpt
Column Layouts for Framework 3.0 - Global
Column Layouts for Framework 3.0 - Global
Insert excerpt

Identifies the extended amount of the line item based on the ordered quantity. This is a numeric text box that is auto calculated as [Quantity] x [Price]. This can only be updated by changing either the 'Quantity' or 'Price'. This is formatted to 2 decimal places.

Database Field: ERPx_APPoLine.ExtendedAmount

Currency ID

Insert excerpt
 This is required and comes from the 'Currency ID' on the 'Properties' tab of the Purchase Order Record View. This is not editable on the transaction as it comes in from the 'Currency' assigned to the Vendor.

Insert excerpt
Def - Currency
Def - Currency

Database Fields: ERPx_MFCurrency.CurrencyID 


Insert excerpt
Comment - Header
Comment - Header
 This is not required and can be edited from the 'Description' on the 'Home' tab of the Purchase Order Record View. This is always editable until the Purchase Order is 'Closed'.

Database Field: ERPx_APPoHeader.Description

Distributed To

Insert excerpt
Distributed To - Vendor
Distributed To - Vendor
This is not required and is editable until the Purchase Order is 'Closed'.

Database Fields: ERPx_APVendor.VendorName, ERPx_MFEmployee.EmployeeName, ERPx_GLProject.ProjectDescription, ERPx_APPoLine.ToDistributionAccountSK 

Distributed To Type

Insert excerpt
Distributed To Type
Distributed To Type
 This is an auto generated field that is not editable by the user. 

The options include:

  • AP Vendor 
  • Project

Database Field: ERPX_APPoLine.ToMFDistributionTypeEN 

Expire By

Insert excerpt
PO Expire By
PO Expire By
This is required and can be edited from the 'Expire By' date on the 'Home' tab of the Purchase Order Record View. This is always editable until the Purchase Order is 'Closed'.

Database Field: ERPx_APPoHeader.ExpireDate

Item Added By
Insert excerpt
Item Added By
Item Added By
Item Added
Insert excerpt
Item Added (Date/Time)
Item Added (Date/Time)
Item Last Updated By
Insert excerpt
Item Last Updated By
Item Last Updated By
Item Last Updated
Insert excerpt
Item Last Updated (Date & Time)
Item Last Updated (Date & Time)
Item Description

Insert excerpt
Item Description
Item Description
This is required and can be edited from the 'Description' column of the Items Grid on the 'Home' tab of the Purchase Order Record View. This is always editable until the Purchase Order is 'Closed'.


Insert excerpt
Doc Date
Doc Date
 This is required and can be edited from the '

Expire By

Ordered' date on the 'Home' tab of the Purchase Order Record View. This is always editable until the Purchase Order is 'Closed'.

Database Field: ERPx_APPoHeader.

Item Added By
Insert excerpt
Item Added ByItem Added By
Item Added
Insert excerpt
Item Added (Date/Time)Item Added (Date/Time)
Payable AccountItem Last Updated By

Insert excerpt

Item Last Updated By

Insert excerptItem Last Updated (Date & Time)Item Last Updated (Date & Time)nopaneltrueItem

Payable Account
Payable Account

Item Last Updated

This is required and is only editable from "Accounts Payable" GL Account, on the Accounts Tab of the Vendor Record View of the assigned Purchase Order's Vendor.

Database Fields: ERPx_GLAccount.AccountNumber, ERPx_APVendor,APGLAcctRef 

Payable Account Description

Insert excerpt
Payable Account Description
Payable Account Description
This is required and can be edited from only editable by changing the 'Account Description' column of the Items Grid on the 'Home' tab of the Purchase Order Record View. This is always editable until the Purchase Order is 'Closed'.


for the Vendors assigned 'Accounts Payable' from the GL Accounts List View. 


Doc Date

Insert excerpt
Doc Date
Transaction ID
Transaction ID
 This is required and can be edited from the 'Ordered' date on the 'Home' tab of Clicking on this link opens the Purchase Order Record View for the selected record. This is always editablea system assigned number that comes from the 'Transaction Class' and is required and is editable by users until the Purchase Order is 'Closed'.

Database Field: ERPx_APPoHeader.PODate PurchaseOrderID

Payable AccountPrice

Insert excerpt
Payable Account
Payable Account
This is
required and is only editable from "Accounts Payable" GL Account, on the Accounts Tab of the Vendor Record View of the assigned Purchase Order's Vendor.

Database Fields: ERPx_GLAccount.AccountNumber, ERPx_APVendor,APGLAcctRef 

Payable Account Description

a numeric text box that is required and must be greater than or equal to 0. It is formatted to the Item's 'Price Decimals'. This is editable until the Purchase Order is 'Closed'. 

Database Field: ERPx_APPoLine.Price

Purchase Account Insert excerptTransaction IDTransaction IDnopaneltrueClicking on this link opens

Insert excerpt
Payable Purchase Account Description- ItemPayable
Purchase Account Description- Item
This is not required and is only editable by changing the 'Account Description' for the Vendors assigned 'Accounts Payable' from the GL Accounts List View. 


from the 'Purchase Account' column of the Items Grid on the Purchase Order Record View

for the selected record. This is a system assigned number that comes from the 'Transaction Class' and is required and is editable by users until the Purchase Order is 'Closed'.

Database Field: ERPx_APPoHeader.PurchaseOrderID


Insert excerptPricePricenopaneltrue This is a numeric text box that is required and must be greater than or equal to 0. It is formatted to the Item's 'Price Decimals'.

(lightbulb) When AP Invoices and/or Credit Memos are loaded from a PO, the 'Purchase Account' will default from the current Purchase Account assigned to the Purchase Order Item.

Database Fields: ERPx_GLAccount.AccountNumber, ERPx_APTransactionLine.AccountSK

Purchase Account Description

Insert excerpt
Purchase Account Description
Purchase Account Description
This is only editable by changing the 'Account Description' for the line items assigned 'Purchase Account' from the GL Accounts List View. 


Identifies the quantity of the line item being ordered. This is a numeric text box that must be greater than 0. It is formatted to 2 decimal placesThis is editable until the Purchase Order is 'Closed'. 

Database Field:





Purchase AccountStatusQuantity

Identifies the quantity of the line item being ordered. This is a numeric text box that must be greater than 0. It is formatted to 2 decimal places. This is editable until the Purchase Order is 'Closed'. 

Database Field: ERPx_APPoLine.OrderedQuantity
Insert excerpt
Purchase Account - ItemPurchase Account - Itemnopaneltrue This is not required and is editable from the 'Purchase Account' column of the Items Grid on the Purchase Order Record View.

(lightbulb) When AP Invoices and/or Credit Memos are loaded from a PO, the 'Purchase Account' will default from the current Purchase Account assigned to the Purchase Order Item.

Database Fields: ERPx_GLAccount.AccountNumber, ERPx_APTransactionLine.AccountSK

Purchase Account Description Insert excerptPurchase Account DescriptionPurchase Account DescriptionnopaneltrueThis is only editable by changing the 'Account Description' for the line items assigned 'Purchase Account' from the GL Accounts List View. 

This is required and can be edited from the 'Status' on the 'Home' tab of the Purchase Order Record View.

Insert excerpt
Def - Status
Def - Status
 The Statuses that apply to transactions in this List View include:

Insert excerpt
Def - Status - New
Def - Status - New

Insert excerpt
Def - Status - Released
Def - Status - Released

Database Fields: ERPx_APTransactionStatus.StatusName, ERPx_APPoHeader.TransactionStatusEN

Transaction Class

Insert excerpt
Transaction Class
Transaction Class
 This is required and comes from the 'Transaction Class' on the 'Properties' tab of the Purchase Order Record View. This is not editable.

Insert excerpt
Def - Transaction Class
Def - Transaction Class

Database Fields: ERPx_APTransactionClass.TransactionClassDescription, ERPx_APPoHeader.TransactionClassSK


Identifies whether or not more than one AP Invoice can be recorded against the Purchase Order. This is editable until the Purchase Order is 'Closed' and the options include:

  1. Allow Single Invoice: If this option is selected, the Purchase Order can only be assigned to a single AP Invoice.
    1. Once it has been assigned on and AP Invoice, it can no longer be manually entered and will no longer be displayed in the PO Lookups for that transaction and the Purchase Order's Status will be auto set to "Closed".
    2. An 'Open' Purchase Order can always be applied to multiple AP Credit Memos.   
  2. Allow Multiple InvoicesIf this option is selected, the Purchase Order can be assigned to multiple AP Invoices. Purchase Orders set to this Type must be manually Closed.

This lookup contains all the values in the APPOType Enumeration Class 

Database Field: ERPx_APPoHeader.TransactionTypeEN 


Insert excerpt
UOM - Units
UOM - Units
This is a single-select lookup and is required and is editable until the Purchase Order is 'Closed'.

The lookup contains all 'Active' UOMs 

Insert excerpt
Def - UOM
Def - UOM

Database Fields: ERPx_IMUOM.UOMName, ERPx_APPoLine.QuantityUOMSK

Vendor Class

Insert excerpt
Vendor Class
Vendor Class
 This is required and comes from the 'Vendor Class' assigned to the 'Vendor' that is selected on the 'Home' tab of the Purchase Order Record View. Because this defaults from the Vendor it is not editable on the transaction.

Insert excerpt
Def - Vendor Class
Def - Vendor Class

Database Field: ERPx_APVendorClass.ClassDescription, ERPx_APPoHeader.VendorSK

Vendor ID

Insert excerpt
Vendor ID
Vendor ID
 This is required and represents the ID of the 'Vendor' on the 'Home' tab of the Purchase Order Record View. This is only editable by changing the Vendor assigned to the transaction.

Insert excerpt
Def - Vendor ID
Def - Vendor ID

Database Fields: ERPx_APVendor.VendorID, ERPx_APPoHeader.VendorSK

Vendor Name

Insert excerpt
Vendor Name
Vendor Name
This is required and represents the name of the 'Vendor' on the 'Home' tab of the Purchase Order Record View. This is only editable by changing the Vendor assigned to the transaction.

Insert excerpt
Def - Vendor Name
Def - Vendor Name

Database Fields: ERPx_APVendor.VendorName, ERPx_APPoHeader.VendorSK

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