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The Production Order list view displays all Open and Released Production Order transactions. From this page, users may add/edit/delete Production Order transactions and print any associated reports. Users may also generate an Excel file or enter notes for a specific Production Order transaction. Closed Production Orders are not visible from this page but can be viewed from the Production Order Inquiry.

Software Version: 2020.06.05 and newer


Page Header

Toolbar IconsDescription

Insert excerpt
Delete - LV
Delete - LV

(lightbulb) If the selected Production Order transaction(s) have associated Production transactions, then the user will be unable to delete the Production Order transaction(s).

Insert excerpt
Edit - LV
Edit - LV
Insert excerpt
Excel - LV
Excel - LV
Insert excerpt
Favorites Add/Remove - Global
Favorites Add/Remove - Global
Grid Layout
Insert excerpt
Grid Layout - Global
Grid Layout - Global
Insert excerpt
Help - Global
Help - Global

Allows the user to create a new master file record or transaction by opening a blank record view page. This icon is always enabled. The drop-down displays all 'Active' Production Order type transaction classes configured in the system.

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New - Global
New - Global


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Notes - Global
Notes - Global
Two Note Types (Internal, Production Instructions) will be displayed for Production Order transactions.


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Print - LV
Print - LV

Actual Input

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Actual Input
Actual Input
This is not required and remains blank until the Record Production button is clicked, a Production transaction is created, and line item(s) are added to the grid in the Input tab. This field can be edited by adding or editing the 'Units' or 'Weight' field for a line item in the Input tab of the associated Production transaction's record view. Since the user may record production multiple times, there may be more than one Production transaction associated with a Production Order transaction. This is a calculated field and not stored in the database.

Actual Output

Insert excerpt
Actual Output
Actual Output
 This is not required remains blank until the Record Production button is clicked, a Production transaction is created, and line item(s) are added to the grid in the Output tab. This field can be edited by adding or editing the 'Units' or 'Weight' field for a line item in the Output tab of the associated Production transaction's record view. Since the user may record production multiple times, there may be more than one Production transaction associated with a Production Order transaction. This is a calculated field and not stored in the database.

Note: Items with a line type of "By-Product" will not be included output and yield calculations.

Actual Yield %

Insert excerpt
Actual Yield Percentage
Actual Yield Percentage
 This is not required and remains blank until the Record Production button is clicked, a Production transaction is created, and line item(s) are added to the grid in the Input tab or Output tab. This field is expressed as a percentage, calculated as [Actual Output] / [Actual Input] * 100. This field can only be changed by adding or editing the 'Units' or 'Weight' field for a line item in the Input tab or Output tab of the associated Production transaction's record view. This is a calculated field and not stored in the database.

Note: Items with a line type of "By-Product" will not be included output and yield calculations.


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This is a required field.

Database Field: ERPx_IMProductionOrderHeader.CreatedDate

Created By

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Created By
Created By
This is a required field.

Database Field: ERPx_IMProductionOrderHeader.CreatedBy

Output Complete %

Insert excerpt
Output Complete Percentage
Output Complete Percentage
This is not required. It is expressed as a percentage, calculated as [Actual Output] / [Planned Output] * 100. This field can only be changed by editing the 'Units' or 'Weight' for a line item in the Output tab of the Production Order transaction's record view or the associated Production transaction's record view. This is a calculated field that is not stored in the database.

Planned End

Insert excerpt
Planned End Date
Planned End Date
 This is not required and can be edited from the 'Planned End' field on the Home tab of the Production Order record view.

Database Field: ERPx_IMProductionOrderHeader.ScheduledDateEnd

Planned Input

Insert excerpt
Planned Input
Planned Input
 This is not required and can only be changed by changing the 'Units' or 'Weight' field for a line item in the Input tab of the Production Order record view. This is a calculated field and not stored in the database.

Note: If the UOM of a line item is not the same as, or does not have a UOM conversion to the UOM in the Production Order header, then the line item will not be included in the input, output and yield calculations.

Planned Output

Insert excerpt
Planned Output
Planned Output
 This is not required and can only be changed by changing the 'Units' or 'Weight' field for a line item in the Output tab of the Production Order record view. This is a calculated field and not stored in the database.

Note: If the UOM of a line item is not the same as, or does not have a UOM conversion to the UOM in the Production Order header, then the line item will not be included in the input, output and yield calculations. Additionally, items with a line type of "By-Product" will not be included output and yield calculations.

Planned Start

Insert excerpt
Planned Start Date
Planned Start Date
 This is required and can be edited from the 'Planned Start' field on the Home tab of the Production Order record view.

Database Field: ERPx_IMProductionOrderHeader.ScheduledDateStart

Planned Yield %

Insert excerpt
Planned Yield Percentage
Planned Yield Percentage
 This is not required and is expressed as a percentage and can only be changed by changing the 'Units' or 'Weight' field for a line item in the Input tab or Output tab of the Production Order record view. This is a calculated field and not stored in the database.

Note: If the UOM of a line item is not the same as, or does not have a UOM conversion to the UOM in the Production Order header, then the line item will not be included in the input, output and yield calculations. Additionally, items with a line type of "By-Product" will not be included output and yield calculations.

Prod. Order

Insert excerpt
Transaction ID
Transaction ID
Clicking on the link opens the Production Order record view for the selected record. This is either a system assigned number that comes from the 'Transaction Class' and is required but is never editable.or user specified.  It is required and can be edited from the 'Order ID' field on the Home tab of the record view. 

Database Field: ERPx_IMProductionOrderHeader.ProductionOrderID


Insert excerpt
 This is required and can be edited from the 'Site' field on the Home tab of the Production Order record view, but is not editable after the transaction has been Saved.

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Def - Site
Def - Site

Database Fields: ERPx_IMProductionOrderHeader.SiteSK


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This is required and can always be edited from the 'Status' field on the Home tab of the Production Order record view.

Insert excerpt
Def - Status
Def - Status
The Statuses that apply to transactions in this List View include:

Insert excerpt
Def - Status - Open
Def - Status - Open

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Def - Status - Released
Def - Status - Released

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Def - Status - Closed
Def - Status - Closed

Note: The Status will not have an impact when the Record Production button is clicked (Production transactions created from the Record Production button will always be created as New).

Database Field: ERPx_IMProductionOrderHeader.StatusEN

Transaction Class

Insert excerpt
Transaction Class
Transaction Class
This is required and is never editable.

Insert excerpt
Def - Transaction Class
Def - Transaction Class

Database Fields: ERPx_IMTransactionClass.TransactionClassID, ERPx_IMProductionOrderHeader.TransactionClassSK


Insert excerpt
Yield UOM - Production Order
Yield UOM - Production Order
This is required and can be edited from the 'Production Order UOM' field on the Properties tab of the Production Order record view.

Insert excerpt
Def - UOM
Def - UOM

Database Field: ERPx_IMProductionOrderHeader.ProductionOrderUOM
