(Software Version: 2023.03.02 Database Version: 2023.03.02)
NS-10954 Framework Improvements
In this round of framework improvements, we did many things; improved performance, further future proofed, removed unnecessary work being done, and of course bug fixes. Please bear with us as we explain what we did, this is where we geek out a little…
- Removed unnecessary service calls that were happening multiple times per page.
- Updated our pages to have the ability to only load data that the user requests. This means that many dropdowns will no longer load their data until it is opened by the user, this also means that many tabs on a page (like the shipments tab on a sales order) will not load their data until the user opens the tab.
- Tabs will no longer flash blue when selecting them.
- Merged duplicated code objects to decrease the overall page size.
- When you have a grid that is filtered and you click the new button to add a new row the filter will be removed and the new row will be added.
- Removed browser level auto-complete.
- We removed majority of the data that was being passed to save. Now every 3.0 page has the ability to only send the data it needs to send when saving, this happens at the column/field level.
Bug Fixes:
- User Date Format – previously Day/Month/Year format would not display or filter correctly. This has been resolved.
- Quick Filter – previously the quick filter in the toolbar would not filter attribute columns. This has been resolved.
- Tab Refresh – previously when closing a page that is launched on top of a record view, not all tabs would refresh as expected. This was apparent when changing the customer on a sales order and closing, the properties tab would still display the old address id. This has been resolved.
NS-8746 Sales Order CorrectionsOrder Void & Correct
Have you ever made a mistake on a Sales Order and posted it? It’s ok, we won’t tell, you can be honest. Have you ever posted a Sales Order that after some time you just needed to void? Happens to the best of us.
The wait is over! You can now void and correct posted Sales Orders! To find the Void & Correct screen, navigate to the Sales Transaction History inquiry, find an Invoice and select it, click More Actions, then Void & Correct. This will open the Void & Correct window; you will find it looks very similar to Quick Sales Voids with the minor tweak that you can choose to Void or Void & Correct as an option. When Voiding, NorthScope will attempt to void the Sales Order on the same GL Date if the period is open, if it is not then it will default to today’s date. When processing the void a new version of the Order will be created in the system to undo the effects on inventory, customer balance, program balance (if applicable), freight, and GL balance. Both the original Order and the newly created version will be in a status of Void and the new version will have an order number and invoice number suffixed with ‘v’.
Void & Correct works very similar to Void in that a Void record will be created in the same way, however, a new Order will be created that is an exact replica of the Order being voided. This new Order will be in a status of new, have the allocations the original had, will have programs re-evaluated, along with the journal. This new Order will have no ties to the original Order and can be treated like a brand new fresh order and anything can be done to it prior to posting.
Last but not least, while we were in the neighborhood, we also implemented an Order Copy feature. This feature can be found in the Sales Transactions list view under More Actions. Simply open the list view, find an Order you would like to copy and select it, open More Actions and click Copy Order, you will be alerted to the newly created Order and it will be available to you in the list view. This copied Order will not have allocations or invoice information copied.
Bug Fixes
NS-10680 Fixed an issue with deleting Sales Order transactions that have Sales Programs assigned
When Sales Orders had Sales Programs assigned and you attempted to delete the order, you would likely receive a message that is not so friendly, which would prevent you from deleting.
NS-10732 Fixed an issue allocating inventory for Units Only and Weight Only managed items
The Allocate screen has an Allocate button on it that automatically fills the Units and Weight fields based on the ordered or available quantities. This is a handy little button as it makes data entry an easy click of a button. This however was not the case with Units Only and Weight Only items because nothing would happen. This has now been resolved, the button is behaving now, and you can proceed to push this button to make your life easier.
NS-10830 Fixed an issue with deleting a Sales Order line item that has Item Attributes assigned
When a Sales Order Item had Sales Item Attributes assigned and you attempted to delete the line item, you would likely receive a message that is not so friendly, which would prevent you from deleting.
Technical Changes
- Please view cumulative schema changes here.
- No config file changes.