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The Production Order Item Inquiry displays line item detail from Open, Released and Closed Production Order transactions. From this page, users may view and generate an Excel file of Production Order transaction line itemsIn addition, the inquiry selection can be refined using the Inquiry Criteria fields. 

Software Version: 2020.06.05 and newer

Page Header

Toolbar IconsDescription
ExcelExport the contents of the list view to an Excel file that will automatically download. The contents that export are those that are visible to the user. Therefore, if the user has filtered the view only the filtered contents will be exported. 
Grid Layout
Opens the Saved Grid Layout menu that allows the user to select another saved layout, create a new layout, save changes to a layout, or assign a saved layout as the default for the page. Once changes are made to a grid, such as columns are added or removed, the user can click the Saved Grid Layout icon and save the changes to the grid layout and name the new layout. The new layout can also be set as the default, instead of the System View. This is useful for creating specific views to separate master files or transaction types (i.e. Invoice specific vs. Credit Memo specific).

(lightbulb) The bolded view is the default view, which will determine the view will automatically display in when opened. 

HelpOpens the online WIKI help page for the current page. 

(lightbulb) This icon is only visible on pages that are documented in the online help.

Inquiry Criteria

Opens Inquiry Criteria window where users can define the following criteria: 

  • Search: A text box that to specify a Production Order ID. This defaults as blank.
  • Planned Start From: A date picker to specify the 'Planned Start' From date. This defaults to [Current Date] - 30 days. If entered, this must be in a valid date format. A blank assumes all dates.
  • Planned Start To: A date picker to specify the 'Planned Start' To date. This defaults to blank. If entered, this must be in a valid date format. A blank assumes all dates.
  • Production Order Status: A multi-select standard lookup to specify one or more Statuses. This defaults to "All items checked". Options include: Open, Released and Closed.
  • Production Order Site: A multi-select standard lookup to specify one or more Sites. This defaults to "All items checked". Options include list of all the 'Active' Inventory Sites.
Actual Units

Identifies the total number of units entered on the Input tab or Output tab of all associated Production transactions. This is not required and remains blank until the Record Production button is clicked, a Production transaction is created, and line item units are added to the grid in the Input tab or Output tab. This field can be edited by adding or editing the 'Units' field for a line item on the Input tab or Output tab of the associated Production transaction's record view. Since the user may record production multiple times, there may be more than one Production transaction associated with a Production Order transaction. This is a calculated field and not stored in the database.

Actual Weight

Identifies the total weight entered on the Input tab or Output tab of all associated Production transactions.  This is not required remains blank until the Record Production button is clicked, a Production transaction is created, and line item weight is added to the grid in the Input tab or Output tab. This field can be edited by adding or editing the 'Weight' field for a line item on the Input tab or Output tab of the associated Production transaction's record view. Since the user may record production multiple times, there may be more than one Production transaction associated with a Production Order transaction. This is a calculated field and not stored in the database.


Identifies the percentage complete between the Planned Units and the Actual Units (or Planned Weight and the Actual Weight). This is not required. It is calculated as [Actual Units] / [Planned Units] * 100 or [Actual Weight] / [Planned Weight] * 100, depending on the Production Order transaction's UOM. This field can be edited by adding or editing the 'Units' field or 'Weight' field for a line item on the Input tab or Output tab of the Production Order transaction's record view or the associated Production transaction's record view. This is a calculated field that is not stored in the database.


Identifies the Created Date & Time of the record, formatted from the users 'Date Format' preference. This is a system assigned value and is never editable by a user.

Database Field: ERPx_IMProductionOrderHeader.CreatedDate

Created By

Identifies the name of the user that created the record. It is formatted to be the "logged-in" users [User First Name] + [User Last Name]. This is a system assigned value and is never editable by a user.

Database Field: ERPx_IMProductionOrderHeader.CreatedBy


Identifies the Item, displayed as Item ID: Item Description. This can be edited from the 'Item: Description' field on the Input tab or Output tab of the Production Order record view.

Database Fields: ERPx_IMItem.ItemID, ERPx_IMItem.ItemDescription, ERPx_IMProductionOrderDetail.ItemSK

Line Type

Identifies the type of the line item. This can be edited from the 'Line Type' field for a line item on the Input tab or Output tab of the Production Order record view.

Database Field: ERPx_IMProductionOrderDetail.LineItemTypeEN

Planned End

Identifies the scheduled completion date of the Production Order. This can be edited from the 'Planned End' field on the Home tab of the Production Order record view.

Database Field: ERPx_IMProductionOrderHeader.ScheduledDateEnd

Planned Units

Identifies the number of units entered for the line item on the Input tab or Output tab of the Production Order transaction. This is not required and can be edited by adding or editing the 'Units' field for a line item on the Input tab or Output tab of the Production Order record view. This is a calculated field and not stored in the database.

Planned Weight

Identifies the weight of the line item entered on the Input tab or Output tab of the Production Order transaction. This is not required and can be edited by adding or editing the 'Weight' field for a line item on the Input tab or Output tab of the Production Order record view. This is a calculated field and not stored in the database.

Planned Start

Identifies the scheduled start date of the Production Order. This can be edited from the 'Planned Start' field on the Home tab of the Production Order record view.

Database Field: ERPx_IMProductionOrderHeader.ScheduledDateStart

Prod. Order

Identifies the unique Transaction ID for each transaction. Clicking on the link opens the Production Order record view for the selected record. This is a system assigned number that comes from the 'Transaction Class' and is never editable.

Transaction numbers are system assigned IDs to differentiate unique transactions. Transaction ID's are unique by the unique combination of 'Transaction Type' + 'Transaction Class'.

Database Field: ERPx_IMProductionOrderHeader.ProductionOrderID


Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : No link could be created for 'site'.
This field comes from from the 'Site' field on the Home tab of the Production Order record view, but is not editable after the transaction has been Saved.

Sites represent Plants, Warehouses, Distribution Centers, or virtual objects that are used to store and/or maintain perpetual inventory balances.

Database Fields: ERPx_IMProductionOrderHeader.SiteSK


Identifies the Status of the transaction. This field can be edited from the 'Status' field on the Home tab of the Production Order record view. 

Status is used to identify where a transaction, Purchase Order, Price List, BOM, or Master File record is in its life cycle. Records start in a Status of 'New' and progress sequentially through additional statuses until they are 'Posted' or 'Closed'. The list of potential Statuses changes depending on the transaction type.  The Statuses that apply to transactions in this List View include:

Open: This is the default Status for all new records. While in the Status of 'Open', all editable fields are open for edit.

Released: This status is used to signify that the transaction is ready to be released to production. While in the Status of 'Released', all editable fields are open for edit.

Closed: Used to indicate that the record is no longer open to be used on other transactions. Closed records are only visible from inquiries, not list views.

Note: The Status will not have an impact when the Record Production button is clicked (Production transactions created from the Record Production button will always be created as New).

Database Field: ERPx_IMProductionOrderHeader.StatusEN

Units UOM

Identifies the unit of measure that the units are stored in (Box, Bag, Case, Each, Tote, etc.) for a line item or on the transaction. This field can be edited from the 'Units UOM' field for a line item on the Input tab or Output tab of the Production Order record view.

Database Fields: ERPx_IMUOM.UOMName, ERPX_IMItem.UOMScheduleSK, ERPx_IMProductionOrderDetail.OrderedUnitsUOMSK

Weight UOM

Identifies the unit of measure that the weight is stored in (Lbs, Kg, Oz, Ton, etc.) for a line item or on the transaction. This field can be edited from the 'Weight UOM' field for a line item on the Input tab or Output tab of the Production Order record view.

Database Fields: ERPx_IMUOM.UOMName, ERPX_IMItem.UOMScheduleSK, ERPx_IMProductionOrderDetail.OrderedWeightUOMSK

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