The Find Lots page allows users to directly allocate lots to inventory transactions. Allocated lots added from here are added as line item(s) to the transaction.
This inquiry also contains columns for each Attribute that is set up for the 'Warehouse Lots' attribute type. Because these are user defined, they are not included in the default view but can be added a saved layout. Attributes are not included in the help documentation.
Software Version: 2024.12.16 and newer
Toolbar Icons | Description |
Grid Layout | |
Help | |
Save / Save & Close | |
Fields | Description |
Allocate From | A lookup to displays the Site (displayed as [Site ID] - [Site Name]) where lots are being allocated from. This defaults from the Site on the source transaction the page was opened from, is required, and cannot be edited. |
Transaction Lines | A textbox to displays the number of lots that have been allocated. This is a calculated field that is updated on Save and cannot be edited. |
Toolbar Icons | Description |
Excel | |
Refresh | Refreshes the contents of the page. |
Search | Allows users to search lots by
Users can also enter multiple search criteria e.g., 'Item ID & Production Batch ID'. |
Columns | Description |
Actual Cost | Database Field: ERPx_IMItem.CurrentCost |
Allocate | A checkbox to quickly allocate the entire contents of the Lot. Clicking the checkbox updates the allocated Units and Weight to their entire amounts. |
Available Units |
Available Weight |
Batch Date |
Database Field: ERPx_IMProductionLot.DateProduced |
Batch Site ID |
Database Field: ERPx_IMProductionLot.ManufactureSiteSK |
Cost UOM | Database Field: ERPx_IMItem.CostUOMSK |
Country of Origin |
Days Old | Displays the calculated age (in days) of the Production Batch. It is calculated as the (Current Date) - [Batch Date]. This can be edited by changing the 'Batch Date' field on the Properties tab of the Production Batch record view. This is not stored in the database. |
Days Until Expiration | |
Expiration Date | Database Field: ERPx_IMProductionLot.ExpirationDate |
Gross Weight | This field allows users to enter the gross weight for the allocated item. This field is only enabled for transfer transactions and is not required. |
Hold Code | Displays the name of the Hold Code placed on the lot. This defaults as blank and can be edited by setting the 'Hold Code' field on the Mass Update dialog box launched from the Lot Balances Inquiry list view. Database Fields: ERPx_MFHoldCode.HoldCode, ERPx_IMLotBalanceHold.HoldCodeSK where ERPx_IMLotBalance.LotSK = ERPx_IMLotBalanceHold.LotSK |
Is Lot Expired | Identifies if a Lot is expired.
Item ID | Database Field: ERPx_IMItem.ItemID |
Item Description | Database Field: ERPx_IMItem.ItemDescription |
Item Description |
Database Fields: ERPX_IMItem.ItemID, ERPX_IMItem.ItemDescription |
Market Cost | Database Field: ERPx_IMItem.MarketCost |
On Hand Units |
Note: For companies that want unposted Sales Orders to update the On Hand balances as soon as they are marked as Shipped, they can set the "Include Shipped & Approved Sales Orders in On Hand balances" Inventory Preference to "Yes". |
On Hand Weight |
Note: For companies that want unposted Sales Orders to update the On Hand balances as soon as they are marked as Shipped, they can set the "Include Shipped & Approved Sales Orders in On Hand balances" Inventory Preference to "Yes". |
Owner |
Database Field: ERPx_IMLotOwner.OwnerName |
Production Batch |
Database Field: ERPx_IMProductionLot.ProductionLotID |
Received From |
Site Name |
Database Fields: ERPx_MFSite.SiteName, ERPx_IMLotBalance.SiteSK |
Standard Cost | Database Field: ERPx_IMItem.StandardCost |
Units | A numeric field to enter the quantity of 'Units' being allocated. This is enabled and required for Items with a 'Manage Items By' of either "Units Only" or "Units and Weight". For "Units and Weight" Items, updating the Units also updates the Weight.
Units UOM |
Database Field: ERPx_IMLotBalance.UnitsUOMSK |
UOM Schedule |
Database Field: ERPX_IMItem.UOMScheduleSK |
Warehouse Lot |
Database Fields: ERPx_IMWarehouseLot.WarehouseLotID, ERPx_IMLotBalance.WarehouseLotSK |
Weight | A numeric field to enter the quantity of 'Weight' being allocated. This is enabled and required for Items with a 'Manage Items By' of either "Weight Only" or "Units and Weight". For "Units and Weight" Items, updating the Weight also updates the Units.
Weight UOM |
Database Field: ERPx_IMLotBalance.WeightUOMSK |
Certifications and production batch attributes are also displayed as columns. Production batch attributes are not in the system view.
Page Definitions |
Technical Details