Description: The Account Balance Summary Inquiry displays the balance for each account.

Header Toolbar

Toolbar Icons


Grid Layout

Inquiry Criteria

  • Account
  • Account Number Search
  • Year

Refreshes the Inquiry.


Column Headers

AccountDisplays the Account number.
Beginning Balance Displays the ending balance of the previous period.  (lightbulb) This column is not displayed in the system view.
CreditDisplays the total amount that was credited for the account during the corresponding period.
DebitDisplays the total amount that was debited for the account during the corresponding period.
DetailsDisplays a link to open the Journal Line Inquiry. The inquiry is filtered for the corresponding account and period.
Net ChangeDisplays the account’s net change during the corresponding period. This is Debit amount – Credit amount.
Period BalanceDisplays the Period Balance. This is calculated from the previous Period Balance and the Net Change of the corresponding period. 
PeriodDisplays the fiscal period name.
YearDisplays the fiscal period year.

Related Topics

Account Balance Inquiry

Stored Procedures: