Sales Transaction Classes are used to categorize sales transactions within specific transaction types and assign specific default values and business rules for each. The purpose of this page is to set the properties for the Order transaction class.
Software Version: 2022.08.26 and newer
Page Header
Header Toolbar
Toolbar Icons | Description |
Grid Layout | Opens the Saved Grid Layout menu that allows the user to select another saved layout, create a new layout, save changes to a layout, or assign a saved layout as the default for the page. Once changes are made to a grid, such as columns are added or removed, the user can click the Saved Grid Layout icon and save the changes to the grid layout and name the new layout. The new layout can also be set as the default, instead of the System View. This is useful for creating specific views to separate master files or transaction types (i.e. Invoice specific vs. Credit Memo specific).
Help | Opens the online WIKI help page for the current page.
New | Allows the user to create a new master file record or transaction by opening a blank record view page. This icon is always enabled. |
Save | Saves the changes made to the record.
Fields | Description |
Class | A single-select lookup to select a Transaction Class. This defaults to blank for a new Transaction Class and is always required after initial Save. This field is editable after initial Save. When users update the value selected in this field, the Transaction Class record view page will refresh to display the Properties for the selected Transaction Class. This lookup contains all Transaction Classes and is displayed as '[Transaction Class] - '[Transaction Type]'. Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.DocumentID - ERPx_SOOrderType.OrderTypeName where ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.OrderTypeSK = ERPx_SOOrderType.OrderTypeSK |
Properties Tab
Toolbar Icons | Description |
Excel | Export the contents of the list view to an Excel file that will automatically download. The contents that export are those that are visible to the user. Therefore, if the user has filtered the view only the filtered contents will be exported. |
Fields | Description |
Properties | Identifies the Property that is being set up. |
Value | A text box or lookup to set the value of the property. Property values are always editable and can be changed at any time, unless otherwise specified. |
Group: Configuration | |
Transaction Type | A single-select lookup to select a Transaction Type. This defaults to blank and is always required. If not assigned, the message "Transaction Type is required." will be displayed on Save. This field is not editable after the initial Save. The value can be set to:
This lookup contains all the values in ERPx_SOOrderType where IsEnabled = 1 Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.OrderTypeSK |
Transaction Class | A text box to specify the name of the Transaction Class. This defaults to blank for new records and is always required. If not assigned, the message "Transaction Class is required." will be displayed on Save. This value must be unique by Transaction Type. If not, the message "Duplicate Transaction Classes are not allowed." will be displayed on Save. This field is not editable after the initial Save and must be <= 15 characters. Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.DocumentID |
Document Prefix | A text box to specify the Document Prefix to be used in the Transaction ID. This defaults to blank for new records and is never required. This field must be <= 10 characters. This field must be unique by Transaction Type and Company. If not, the message "Duplicate Document Prefixes are not allowed for the same Transaction Types. This Document Prefix has already been assigned to the [Transaction Class Name] Transaction Class." will display on Save. This field is always editable. The 'Document Prefix' is used in conjunction with the 'Next Document Number' to determine the system assigned Transaction ID's. Transaction ID's are created by stringing together the [Document Prefix] + [Next Ticket Number] from the applicable Transaction Class. Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.DocumentPrefix |
Next Document Number | A text box to specify the Next Document Number to be used in the Transaction ID. This defaults to blank for new records and is always required. If missing, the message “Next Document Number is required.” will be displayed on Save. The value must be a numeric whole number. If not, the message "Next Document Number must be a number and cannot contain letters or symbols." will be displayed on Save. This field is always editable. The 'Document Prefix' is used in conjunction with the 'Next Document Number' to determine the system assigned Transaction ID's. Transaction ID's are created by stringing together the [Document Prefix] + [Next Document Number] from the applicable Transaction Class. The 'Next Document Number' is auto-incremented each time a new transaction for the selected transaction class is created. Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.NextDocNumber |
Logo Location | A text box to specify the network path for the image file used on the transaction reports for Order transactions assigned to the Transaction Class. This is only used for reports and does not drive any other functionality. This defaults to blank for new records and is not required. This field is always editable and must be <= 1000 characters. Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.DocumentLogoLocation |
Remit To Address | A single select lookup to select a Remit To Address to be used on sales reports. This is required and defaults to the first Remit To Address from the ERPx_MFAddress table for the corresponding company. This address will only be used on reports for transactions associated with this class if the Customer associated with the transaction does not have a Remit To Address configured, otherwise the Customer's Remit To Address will default on the associated report(s). This field is always editable. The lookup contains a list of all the active Remit To type addresses in the Company Addresses master file. Database Field: ERPx_MFAddress.AddressID, ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.RemitToAddressSK |
Inactive | A Yes/No lookup to select whether the Transaction Class is displayed in the Transaction Class lookup when a new sales Order transaction is created. This defaults to "Yes" for new records and is always required. This field is always editable. Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.IsInactive |
Group: Data Entry | |
Allow delete of inventory tracked items with allocations | A Yes/No/Warn lookup to select how to manage deletion of inventory tracked items that have been allocated. This defaults to "Warn" for new records and is always required. This field is always editable.
Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.AllowDeleteItemsWithAllocation |
Allow Attribute Edit On Approved and Posted Transactions | A Yes/No lookup to select when sales order attributes can be edited. This defaults to "No" for new records and is always required. This field is always editable.
Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.IsAttributeEditAllowedAfterApproval |
Allow Posting of Transactions with missing Costs | This property is currently under development. |
Single Date Management | A non-editable text box that displays whether or not all dates on a sales transaction default from the Order Date. This defaults to "No" for new records and is always required. This field is always editable. When this property is set to “Yes”, users can only enter and edit the 'Order Date' field on the 'Select Ship-To' page and the Sales Order Record View, all other date fields are disabled and auto-populated from the Order Date. The following date fields will default from the sales transaction Order Date:
Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.SingleDateManagement |
Group: Default | |
Default Carrier | Identifies the default Carrier associated with the sales order transaction. This field will be defaulted on the sales order transaction if there is no 'Sales Order Carrier' assigned on the Customer Address. This is a single-select lookup that is not required. It defaults as blank and is always editable. Carriers represent entities that transport goods from one location to another. They can be actual freight companies (i.e. UPS or Fed Ex) and/or they can represent a delivery method (i.e. Our Truck, Customer Pickup, Transfer in Storage, or UPS-Air). They are used on Inventory transfers and sales order shipments. This lookup contains a list of all active Carriers. Database Fields: ERPx_SOCarrier.CarrierName, ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.DefaultCarrierSK |
Default Freight Rate Type - Freight | Identifies the 'Freight Rate Type' that will default on each Shipment's Freight Leg. This property is only displayed when the Transaction Type is Order. This is a single-select lookup that is required and is displayed once a transaction class has been initially saved. It defaults to the value "$/UOM - Gross Wt." and is always editable. The lookup contains all the values in the FreightRateType Enumeration Class. The Freight Rate Type identifies how the freight/delivery portion (as opposed to the handling portion) of the total freight cost is calculated on Sales Order and Transfer Shipments. The options include:
Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.DefaultFreightFreightRateTypeEN |
Default Freight Rate Type - Handling | Identifies the 'Handling Rate Type' that will default on each Shipment's Freight Leg. This property is only displayed when the Transaction Type is Order. This is a single-select lookup that is required and is displayed once a transaction class has been initially saved. It defaults to the value "$/UOM - Gross Wt." and is always editable. The lookup contains all the values in the HandlingRateType Enumeration Class. The Handling Rate Type identifies how handling/lumper amounts, that are included in the total freight amounts, are calculated on Sales Order and Transfer Shipments. The options include:
Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.DefaultHandlingFreightRateTypeEN |
Default Freight Terms | Identifies the default Freight Terms associated with the sales order transaction. This field will be defaulted on the sales order transaction if there is no 'Freight Terms' assigned on the Customer Address. This is a single-select lookup that is not required. It defaults as blank and is always editable. Freight Terms are used to describe the contract terms between the shipper and receiver or product. They can be assigned to Inventory Transfer and Sales Order Shipments. These can print on transaction documents but do not drive an other functionality. This lookup contains a list of all active Freight Terms. Database Fields: ERPx_SOFreightTerms.Description, ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.DefaultFreightTermsSK |
Default Payment Terms | A single-select lookup to select the default Payment Term that will be assigned to new Orders created with this Transaction Class. When assigned, the Payment Term for a new sales transaction will be defaulted from the Transaction Class, not the Customer. This defaults to blank on new records and is not required. This field is always editable. This lookup contains a blank value, the current assigned value, and a list of all the 'Active' Payment Terms. Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.DefaultPaymentTermSK |
Default Ship From Site | Identifies the name of the Site (Warehouse) that the sales order transaction will ship from. This field will be defaulted on the sales order transaction if there is no 'Sales Order Site' assigned on the Customer Address. This is a single-select lookup that is not required. It defaults as blank and is always editable. Sites represent Plants, Warehouses, Distribution Centers, or virtual objects that are used to store and/or maintain perpetual inventory balances. This lookup contains a list of all active Sites where the 'Visible to Sales' property is set to "Yes". Database Fields: ERPx_MFSite.SiteName, ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.DefaultShipFromSiteSK |
Group: Freight Matching | |
Auto-Create Purchase Orders for Delivered Freight | A Yes/No lookup to identify whether or not a "freight" Purchase Order will be auto generated for transactions assigned to this Transaction Class, that include delivered freight accruals (as specified on the Shipment page). This is required and is displayed once a transaction class has been initially saved. It defaults to "No" and is always editable. Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.AutoCreatePurchaseOrderForDeliveredFreight |
Freight Variance GL Account | The GL Account used to offset differences between the freight amount that was accrued on the posted Sales Order or Inventory Transfer (the amount that becomes the Freight Purchase Order amount), and the amount paid on the AP Invoice. This is only automated on Freight Purchase Orders that were auto created from Sales Orders and Inventory Transfer transactions. This is a single-select lookup that defaults to blank and is required when the 'Auto-Create Purchase Orders for Delivered Freight' property is set to "Yes", it is displayed once a transaction class has been initially saved. If missing, the message "Freight Variance GL Account is required if Auto-Create Purchase Orders for Delivered Freight is set to Yes." will be displayed on Save. The lookup contains the current assigned value and a list of all the 'Active' GL Accounts. Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.FreightVarianceGLAccountSKForDeliveredFreight |
Purchase Order Class | Identifies the Purchase Order Class that will be assigned to the Freight Purchase Order. This is a single-select lookup that defaults to blank and is required when the 'Auto-Create Purchase Orders for Delivered Freight' property is set to "Yes", it is displayed once a transaction class has been initially saved. If missing, the message "Purchase Order Class is required if Auto-Create Purchase Orders for Delivered Freight is set to Yes." will be displayed on Save. The lookup contains the current assigned value and a list of all the 'Active' Purchase Order Transaction Classes. Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.PurchaseOrderClassSKForDeliveredFreight |
Purchase Order Item ID for Freight + Surcharge Amounts | Identifies the Item ID and Description that will be added to the Freight Purchase Order to reflect the accrued 'Freight + Surcharge Amt.' of the total delivered freight accrued amount. This is a single-select lookup that defaults to blank and is required when the 'Auto-Create Purchase Orders for Delivered Freight' property is set to "Yes", it is displayed once a transaction class has been initially saved. If missing, the message "Purchase Order Item ID for Handling Amounts is required if Auto-Create Purchase Orders for Delivered Freight is set to Yes." will be displayed on Save. The lookup contains the current assigned value and a list of all the 'Active' Items. Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.FreightAndSurchargeItemSKForDeliveredFreightPurchaseOrder |
Purchase Order Item ID for Handling Amounts | Identifies the Item ID and Description that will be added to the Freight Purchase Order to reflect the accrued 'Handling Amt.' of the total delivered freight accrued amount. This is a single-select lookup that defaults to blank and is required when the 'Auto-Create Purchase Orders for Delivered Freight' property is set to "Yes", it is displayed once a transaction class has been initially saved. If missing, the message "Purchase Order Item ID for Handling Amounts is required if Auto-Create Purchase Orders for Delivered Freight is set to Yes." will be displayed on Save. The lookup contains the current assigned value and a list of all the 'Active' Items. Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.HandlingItemSKForDeliveredFreightPurchaseOrder |
Purchase Order Item ID for Other Charge Amounts | Identifies the Item ID and Description that will be added to the Freight Purchase Order to reflect the accrued 'Other Charge Amt.' of the total delivered freight accrued amount. This is a single-select lookup that defaults to blank and is required when the 'Auto-Create Purchase Orders for Delivered Freight' property is set to "Yes", it is displayed once a transaction class has been initially saved. If missing, the message "Purchase Order Item ID for Other Charge Amounts is required if Auto-Create Purchase Orders for Delivered Freight is set to Yes." will be displayed on Save. The lookup contains the current assigned value and a list of all the 'Active' Items. Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.OtherChargeItemSKForDeliveredFreightPurchaseOrder |
Group: Integration | |
Transaction Integration to Host System | A single-select lookup to select if and how sales transactions are sent to a separate host system. This defaults to "Transaction with Journal Details" for new records and is always required. This field is always editable. The options include:
This property is only applicable for NorthScope systems that send Sales Transactions to a host system (e.g. Dynamics GP). For NorthScope systems that do not integrate transactions to a host system, this property is not used or applicable. This lookup contains the values in the IntegrationMethod Enumeration Class where Enumeration Value = 2,3. Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.IntegrationMethodEN |
First status invoices are sent to the host system | A non-editable text box to show the status of the invoice sent to the host system. This defaults to "Ready to Post" for new records and is always required. Currently, this field can only be edited from the database. This property is only applicable for NorthScope systems that send Sales Transactions to a host system (e.g. Dynamics GP). For NorthScope systems that do not integrate transactions to a host system, this property is not used or applicable. Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.SendInvoicesToHostSystemEN |
Group: Invoices | |
Get Next Invoice Number From | A single-select lookup to specify how the next Invoice transaction number will generate. This defaults to blank for new records and is never required. This field is always editable.
This lookup contains the values in the SOSourceNumberEN Enumeration Class where Enumeration Value = 1,2. Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.NextInvoiceSourceNumberEN |
Transaction Class for Invoices | A single-select lookup to specify the Invoice Transaction Class to use when an invoice is created from a Sales Order. This property is only used when the ‘Get Next Invoice Number From’ is set to "Invoice Transaction Class". This defaults to blank for new records and is always required. This field is always editable. This lookup contains a list of all Transaction Classes where the Transaction Type is Invoice. Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.DocumentID where ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.OrderTypeDocumentSK = ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.InvoiceOrderTypeDocumentSK |
How Invoice Dates Are Assigned | A single-select lookup to specify how invoice dates are assigned. This defaults to "Default from Actual Ship date" for new records and is always required. This field is always editable.
This lookup contains the values in the SOInvoiceDateMode Enumeration Class. Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.InvoiceDateModeEN |
Group: Price Adjustments | |
Get Next Price Adjustment Number From | A single-select lookup to specify how the next Price Adjustment transaction number will generate. This defaults to blank for new records and is never required. This field is always editable.
This lookup contains the values in the SOSourceNumberEN Enumeration Class where Enumeration Value = 1,3,5. Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.NextPriceAdjSourceNumberEN |
Transaction Class for Price Adjustments | A single-select lookup to specify the Price Adjustment Transaction Class to use when a Price Adjustment transaction number is created from the sales order. This property is used to assign the Transaction Class to the Price Adjustment transaction. This is also used to assign the transaction number to the Price Adjustment if the ‘Get Next Price Adjustment Number From’ property is set to "Price Adjustment Transaction Class". This defaults to blank for new records and is never required. This field is always editable. This lookup contains a list of all Transaction Classes where the Transaction Type is Price Adjustment. Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.DocumentID where ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.OrderTypeDocumentSK = ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.PriceAdjOrderTypeDocumentSK |
Group: Quotes | |
Allow Quotes for this Transaction Class | A Yes/No lookup to select whether the or not Quotes can be created for this Order Class. This defaults to "No" for new records and is always required. This field is always editable.
Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.AllowQuote |
Get Next Quote Number From | A single-select lookup to specify how the next Quote transaction number will generate. This defaults to "Order Transaction Class" for new records and is always required. This field is always editable.
This lookup contains the values in the SOSourceNumberEN Enumeration Class where Enumeration Value = 6,7. Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.NextQuoteSourceNumberEN |
Transaction Class for Quotes | A non-editable text box specify the Quote Transaction Class to use when a Quote transaction is created from the sales order. This property is used to assign the Transaction Class to the Quote transaction. This is also used to assign the transaction number to the Quote if the ‘Get Next Quote Number From’ property is set to "Quote Transaction Class". This defaults to the associated Quote Transaction Class for new records and is always required. Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.DocumentID where ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.OrderTypeDocumentSK = ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.QuoteOrderTypeDocumentSK |
Default Order Status for Converted Quote | A single-select lookup to specify the sales order Status when the Quote is converted to an Order. This defaults to "New" and is always required. This field is always editable. The lookup contains the values of "New" and "Released". However, the "Released" status is only displayed in the lookup when the “Released” status is enabled on the ‘Sales: Configuration – Status Setup’ page. Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.QuoteConversionDefaultOrderStatus |
Group: Required Fields | |
Require an Inside Salesperson for Posting | A Yes/No lookup to select if the 'Salesperson - Inside Sales' property is required on the Sales Order Record View when Approving or Posting the transaction. This defaults to "No" for new records and is always required. This field is always editable. Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.RequireInsideSalesperson |
Require an Outside Salesperson for Posting | A Yes/No lookup to select if the 'Salesperson - Outside Sales' property is required on the Sales Order Record View when Approving or Posting the transaction. This defaults to "No" for new records and is always required. This field is always editable. Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.RequireOutsideSalesperson |
Require Carrier for New Transactions | A Yes/No lookup to select whether the Carrier field is required for saving a sales transaction. This defaults to "No" for new records and is always required. This field is always editable. If set to "Yes", when new Orders are created, the message "Carrier is required for orders in the transaction class and there is no transaction class or customer address default set." will display on the Select Ship-To Record View if the 'Carrier' has not been set. If set to "No", then 'Carrier' is not required. Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.IsCarrierRequired |
Require Deliver On Date for New Transactions | A Yes/No lookup to select whether a Deliver On Date is required for saving a sales transaction. This defaults to "Yes" for new records and is always required. This field is always editable. If set to "Yes", when new Orders are created, the message "Deliver On Date is required for orders in the transaction class." will display on the Select Ship-To Record View if the 'Deliver On' field has not been set. If set to "No", then 'Deliver On' field is not required. Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.IsDeliverOnDateRequired |
Require Freight Terms for New Transactions | A Yes/No lookup to select whether the Freight Terms field is required for saving a sales transaction. This defaults to "No" for new records and is always required. This field is always editable. If set to "Yes", when new Orders are created, the message "Freight Terms are required for orders in the transaction class and there is no transaction class or customer address default set." will display on the Select Ship-To Record View if the 'Freight Terms' have not been set. If set to "No", then 'Freight Terms' are not required. Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.AreFreightTermsRequired |
Require Ship By Date for New Transactions | A Yes/No lookup to select whether a Ship By Date is required for saving a sales transaction. This defaults to "Yes" for new records and is always required. This field is always editable. If set to "Yes", when new Orders are created, the message "Ship by Date is required for orders in the transaction class." will display on the Select Ship-To Record View if the 'Ship By' field has not been set. If set to "No", then 'Ship By' field is not required. Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.IsShipByDateRequired |
Group: Returns | |
Get Next Return Number From | A single-select lookup to specify how the next Return transaction number will generate. This defaults to blank for new records and is never required. This field is always editable.
This lookup contains the values in the SOSourceNumberEN Enumeration Class where Enumeration Value = 4,5. Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.NextReturnSourceNumberEN |
Transaction Class for Returns | A single-select lookup to specify the Return Transaction Class to use when a Return transaction number is created from the sales order. This property is used to assign the Transaction Class to the Return transaction. This is also used to assign the transaction number to the Return if the ‘Get Next Return Number From’ property is set to "Return Transaction Class". This defaults to blank for new records and is never required. This field is always editable. This lookup contains a list of all Transaction Classes where the Transaction Type is Return. Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.DocumentID where ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.OrderTypeDocumentSK = ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.ReturnOrderTypeDocumentSK |