- Actual Cost
- Allocated
- Available: This will display the total available quantity of the corresponding lot.
- Available Units
- Available Weight
- Batch Date
- Batch Site
- Committed Units
- Committed Weight
- Country of Origin
- Days Since Produced
- Days Until Expire
- Expire On
- Invoice Description: This field displays the Sales Invoice Description saved from the item. The value is pulled from the item record.
- Item: Description: This will display the item and item description of the item the corresponding lot holds.
- Label Code
- Market Cost
- On Hand: This will display the on hand balance of the corresponding lot.
- On Hand Units
- On Hand Weight
- On Hold
- Outside Purchase
- Owner
- Production Batch
- Received
- Require Whole Units
- Site: This will display the site at which the corresponding lot exists.
- Site Name
- Standard Cost
- Supplier
- Supplier Mfg Date
- Units: Enter the units to be allocated from the corresponding lot. This field is only editable if the corresponding item is managed by units and weight or units only.
- Units UOM: This will display the unit of measure in which the unit allocation is being made.
- UOM: This will display the unit of measure in which the On Hand and Available balances are being displayed.
- Warehouse Lot: This will display the warehoue lot id of the warehouse lot that corresponds to the inventory lot.
- Weight: Enter the weight to be allocated from the corresponding lot. This field is only editable if the corresponding item is managed by units and weight or weight only.
- Weight UOM: This will display the unit of measure in which the weight allocation is being made.