- Description: An optional field for describing the fisherman sale.
- Doc Date: Identifies the date of the transaction. This field defaults to today’s date but can be edited.
- Fisherman: Identifies the fisherman who purchased or returned the item(s). This field provides a lookup of all active fishermen and fishermen/tenders.
- PO: An optional field to identify a purchase order associated with the sale or return.
- Status: This field is to select the status from the following options:
- New - This is the default.
- Approved - Used when there is a two-step process for finalizing transactions. Setting the status to “Approved” disables all editable fields except Status.
- Ready to Post - Used when the user is ready to post the transaction. Setting the status to “Ready to Post” disables all editable fields including status.
- Transaction ID: Displays the unique transaction identification code. This field defaults to use the next available transaction ID but can be edited. However, no two transaction IDs can be the same.
Adding line items
By default, new fisherman sales open with 5 blank rows for data entry. Complete the data entry by adding one line for each transaction.