The Committed (-) balance reflects the quantity of an Inventory Lot that would decrease the On Hand balance if all the underlying transactions were posted. As a result, the Committed (-) balances decrease the Available balance. The following transactions are included in the Committed (-) balance: - Unposted Inventory Adjustment line items with (+-) quantities (based on the "Include open Adjustment transactions in Available balances" Inventory Preference)
- Unposted Inventory Production (OutputInput) line items with (+) quantities (based on the "Include open Production transactions in Available balances" Inventory Preference)
- Unposted Inventory Production (InputOutput) line items with (-) quantities (based on the "Include open Production transactions in Available balances" Inventory Preference)
- Unposted Inventory Receipt line items with (+-) quantities (based on the "Include open Receipt transactions in Available balances" Inventory Preference)
- Unposted Inventory Transfer line items (for the Receiving sending Site) (based on the "Include open Transfer transactions in Available balances" Inventory Preference)
- Unposted Sales Orders with line items with (-+) quantities
- Unposted Sales Returns with line items with (+-) quantities