Within the list view, select the check box corresponding to the line item(s) to correct and click Process in the header toolbar.
Clicking Process will change the selected Delivery Ticket(s) to a status of New, making it available in the Delivery Ticket List View, allow for edits to the Delivery Ticket as Version 2, and create a second Settlement Transaction for the same Delivery Ticket with a status of "Open".do the following:
- Correcting a ticket creates a new version of the ticket in the Ticket List View.
- The Version # of the new ticket will be incremented by 1 from the originating ticket. The user must then go into the ticket and make any corrections necessary.
- The original Ticket is Voided (see steps from above)
- The new ticket becomes the active ticket
To make edits to the delivery ticket, select Delivery Tickets from the Purchasing module and select the delivery ticket to correct.