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To allocate items to the order, click the Allocate Item grid toolbar icon. This will open the grid in allocate view, opening the Alloc. Units field for edits. Enter the amount of units allocated for each line item. Allocating via this method will allocate the items based on the preference setting for ‘Auto Allocate by?’. 

To select the specific lot the allocated items will be pulled from, select the line item and click the Alloc. Details Allocate Item grid toolbar icon. The Alloc. Details Allocate Item window will open with the following header fields:

To view what each header field is responsible for, click here

  • Allocated: Displays the allocated units and/or weight of the selected item.This is a calculated field.field is for informational use only and cannot be edited. 
  • Allocate From: Select the site from which you would like to allocate from. All lots at the selected site containing the selected item(s) will display in the grid. 
  • Item: Select the item for which to display lots to allocate from. This list will include all items on the transaction in addition to the option 'Transaction Items', which will display the site's lots for all items on the transaction. 
  • Ordered: This is a calculated field.
  • Unallocated: This is a calculated field.
  • Units UOM: This field defaults and is not editable.
  • Weight UOM: This field defaults and is not editable. 

Once the user has selected the appropriate values for all header fields, the grid will display the eligible lots to allocate from. For non-lot tracked items, this window will display the item's item level lots so that the item can still be allocated for the shipment. The grid will display with the following fields:

To view what each grid field is responsible for, click here

  • Actual Cost
  • Allocated 
  • Available: This will display the total available quantity of the corresponding lot.
  • Available Units
  • Available Weight
  • Batch Date
  • Batch Site
  • Committed Units
  • Committed Weight
  • Country of Origin
  • Days Since Produced
  • Days Until Expire
  • Expire On
  • Invoice Description: This field displays the Sales Invoice Description saved from the item. The value is pulled from the item record.
  • Item: Description: This will display the item and item description of the item the corresponding lot holds. 
  • Label Code
  • Market Cost
  • On Hand: This will display the on hand balance of the corresponding lot. Lot Owners: This multi-select menu allows users to filter the lots based on the owner value. 
  • Ordered: Displays the ordered units and/or weight of the selected item. This field is for informational use only and cannot be edited. 
  • Show Lots: This multi-select menu allows users to select lots to be displayed in the grid section. The available options are: Allocate, Available, On Hand and Open. 
  • Unallocated: Displays the unallocated units and/or weight of the selected item. This field is for informational use only and cannot be edited. 
  • Units UOM: This field defaults from the item properties and is not editable.
  • Weight UOM: This field defaults from the item properties and is not editable. 

Once the user has selected the appropriate values for all header fields, the grid will display the eligible lots to allocate from once the Save & Refresh toolbar icon is clicked. For non-lot tracked items, this window will display the item's item level lots so that the item can still be allocated for the shipment. The grid will display with the following fields:

To view what each grid field is responsible for, click here

  • Available Units
  • Available Weight
  • Batch Date
  • Item: Description 
  • On Hand Units
  • On Hand Weight
  • On Hold
  • Outside Purchase
  • Owner
  • Production Batch
  • Received
  • Require Whole Units
  • Site: This will display the site at which the corresponding lot exists. 
  • Site NameStandard Cost
  • Supplier
  • Supplier Mfg Date
  • Units: Enter the units to be allocated from the corresponding lot. This field is only editable if the corresponding item is managed by units and weight or units only. 
  • Units UOM: This will display the unit of measure in which the unit allocation is being made. 
  • UOM: This will display the unit of measure in which the On Hand and Available balances are being displayed. 
  • Warehouse Lot: This will display the warehoue lot id of the warehouse lot that corresponds to the inventory lot. 
  • Weight: Enter the weight to be allocated from the corresponding lot. This field is only editable if the corresponding item is managed by units and weight or weight only. 
  • Weight UOM: This will display the unit of measure in which the weight allocation is being made. 

Once all allocations are complete, click the Save & Close toolbar icon to close the Allocate Item window. The Allocated quanties in the grid section of the transaction are updated accordingly.  

Auto Allocation

The items can be allocated using the auto allocate feature. This feature allows users to allocate one or more items on a sales order with one button click. Users can select the allocation type in preferences. If the ‘Auto Allocate by?’ sales order preference is set to ‘Smallest Quantity’, the lots with the smallest quantities are being allocated first. If the preference is set to ‘Date Produced’ the lots with the earliest production date are being allocated first.
