Table of Contents |
NorthScope allows users to add and edit customers. These records integrate with the host system so that any changes made to common fields will be made in both systems if the Integration Setup for 'Customer' is set to 'Timed' or 'Immediate' in NorthScope. This field can be located in the Integration Setup page in the Company module of NorthScope.
Required Prerequisites
Required Host System Prerequisites
- Customer Class
- Financial Account Setup
- Currency Setup
- Checkbook Setup
- Payment Terms Setup
Required NorthScope Prerequisites
- Customer Class - if not setup in host system
- Financial Accounts - if not setup in host system
- Currency - if not setup in host system
- Checkbooks - if not setup in host system
- Payment Terms - if not setup in host system
Optional Prerequisites
Optional NorthScope Prerequisites
- User Defined Attributes
- Integration Setup for 'Customer' set to 'Timed' or 'Immediate'
- Tax Class Setup
Step 1: Adding a New Customer in NorthScope
- From NorthScope, expand the Sales Order module on the navigation menu and select 'Customers'. This will open the Customers List View which displays all customers.
- Click the 'New' icon in the header to open a blank record view.
When the New Customer Record View is opened, only the Properties tab is visible and only the base properties are shown. Once the base properties have been entered and saved, the default values will be assigned and the remaining properties and tabs will be visible. Clicking Save will also update the header information with the Customer drop-down menu.
Step 2: Assigning the Base Customer Properties
Until the base properties have been assigned, the new customer record cannot be added. Enter the following customer properties.
Click here to view the Customer Properties help page and view what each property is responsible for.
- Attribute Class
- Customer Class
- Customer ID
- Customer Name
- Full Item Access
- Hold
- Inactive
- Invoice Delivery Method
- Parent Customer
- Use Favorites For
Once the base properties are entered, click the “Save” icon on the header toolbar. If the save was successful, the customer record will be saved and the rest of the properties and tabs will be visible and ready for edit.
Step 3: Assigning the Remaining Customer Properties
When the Customer Record has successfully saved for the first time, the remaining Customer Properties can be completed.
Click here to view the Customer Properties help page and view what each property is responsible for.
- Checkbook
- Note: This field value defaults from the Customer Class.
- Credit Amount
- Note: This field value defaults from the Customer Class.
- Credit Limit Option
- Note: This field value defaults from the Customer Class.
- Currency
- Note: This field value defaults from the Customer Class.
- Discount Grace Period
- Note: This field value defaults from the Customer Class.
- Due Date Grace Period
- Note: This field value defaults from the Customer Class.
- Finance Charge Amount
- Note: This field value defaults from the Customer Class.
- Finance Charge Option
- Note: This field value defaults from the Customer Class.
- Payment Terms
- Note: This field value defaults from the Customer Class.
- Statement Name
- Note: This field value defaults from the Customer Name.
- Tax Class
- Note: This field value defaults from the Customer Class.
- Trade Discount Amount
- Note: This field value defaults to '0.00000'.
- Trade Discount Method
- Note: This field value defaults to '%'.
Once the remaining properties are entered, click the “Save” icon on the header toolbar. If the save was successful, click on the Attributes Tab and enter the Item Attributes.
Step 4: Adding Customer Attributes
Once all base Customer Properties have been entered or selected, click on the Attributes tab to select the attribute values to assign the customer. Once in the tab, the attributes for the customer's attribute class are displayed along with their availability.
In order to properly save the customer, make value selections for each attribute that has a corresponding Available field value of 'Yes - Required', signifying that attribute is required to be assigned a value.
Step 5: Adding Customer Addresses
To add new addresses for the customer, click on the Addresses tab. By default, a 'PRIMARY' address is assigned to the customer with the Address Name defaulting from the Customer Name and the Address Type defaulting to 'Both'. Once in the tab, click the New grid toolbar icon to open a New Address record view. The New Address record view will open with the following properties for the user to assign.
Click here to view the Address Properties help page and view what each property is responsible for.
- Address 1
- Address 2
- Address 3
- Address ID
- Address Name
- Note: This field value defaults from the Customer Name
- City
- Country
- Fax
- Freight Terms
- Item Access
- Note: This field value defaults to 'Inherit Item access from Customer'.
- Phone
- Salesperson
- Sales Order Carrier
- Sales Order Freight Programs
- Note: This field value defaults to 'No Defaults'.
- Sales Order Site
- Tax Class
- Zip
Once the base properties for the Address have been entered, click save. If the save was successful, the Address record view will refresh with the additional tabs. Click here to view the user guide for entering addresses.
After entering and saving all of the desired Address information, exit the Address record view to return to the Customer record view.
Step 6: Adding Customer Contacts
To add contacts for the customer, click on the Contacts tab. Once in the tab, the two contact types available for entry are Billing and Sales. This step is optional.
Click here to view the Contacts Tab help page for more information on these data fields.
- Contact Type
- Fax
- Name
- Note
- Phone
Step 7: Viewing Customer Sales Programs
To view Sales Programs assigned to any of the customer's addresses, click the Sales Programs tab. The content on this tab is read-only as it is assigned at the address level.
- Active
- Address ID
- End
- Program
- Program Class
- Program Type
- Start
Step 8: Assigning Catalog Items to the Customer
The Catalog tab is only enabled if the customer's 'Full Item Access' property is set to 'No'. If this holds true, click the Catalog tab to grant the customer access to item sets. Once in the Catalog tab, click the New grid toolbar icon to open 5 lines for data entry.
Then, select the item set(s) for the customer to have access.
Click here to view the Catalog help page for more information.
Step 9: Assigning Favorites and Substitute Items to the Customer
The Favorites tab is only enabled if the customer's 'Use Favorites For' property is set to 'Customer'. If this holds true, click the Favorites tab to assign favorites for the customer. Once in the Favorites tab, click the New grid toolbar icon to open 5 lines for data entry.
Then, select the desired favorite item(s) and their properties for the customer. Note that the selected Price UOM must match either the selected Units UOM or Weight UOM. Users can also assign substitute items for the favorite items on the Favorites tab. This can be done by clicking Add in the '#Substitute Items' column. This opens a new 'Assign Substitute Items' page, where users can add item substitutes by clicking New in the grid section. Substitute items must meet the following criteria:
- Item must be active.
- Item can be only added once as a substitute item for the parent item.
- Item must have the same 'Managed Items by' property as the parent item.
- The parent item cannot be added as a substitute item to itself.
- Item's 'Inventory Tracked' property is set to Yes.
- Item must have the same 'Lot Tracked' property as the parent item.
Click here to view the Favorites help page for more information.
Step 10: Assigning Price Lists to the Customer
To assign price lists to the customer, click the Price List tab. Once in the tab, click the New grid toolbar icon to open 5 lines for data entry.
Then, select the price list(s) to assign the customer.
Click here to view the Price List help page for more information.
Step 11: Editing Default GL Accounts
Click on the Accounts tab to assign default GL accounts for the customer. These accounts will initially default from the Customer Class, but can be overwritten. Setting these accounts will drive accounting rules within the Sales Order module.
Click here to view the Accounts tab help page for more information about these data fields.
- Accounts Receivables
- Cost of Sales
- Finance Charges
- Inventory
- Overpayment Writeoffs
- Sales
- Sales Order Returns
- Terms Discount Available
- Terms Discounts Taken
- Writeoffs