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Def - Sales Order Ship ToShipments
Def - Sales Order Ship ToShipments
The purpose of this page is to select a customer address and enter/select default fields for a sales order and sales quote transactions. From this record view, users may choose to navigate to the Select Items Record View, allocate from inventory lots using the Find Lots Record View, or go directly to the Sales Order Record View. The ExportDetails record is for the user to save additional shipment details including container detailsdocument additional shipment details including port information and container details. This page may be accessed via the Export Details hyperlink on the 'Shipments' tab of the Sales Transaction Record View, via the Export Details button on the Shipment Details Record View, via the Loads List View or the Load Record View.

Software Version: 2020.xx.xx and newer


Page Header 

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Cancel - RV Grid
Cancel - RV Grid
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Save - RV Header
Save - RV Header
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Help - Global 3.0
Help - Global 3.0
Booking #

Displays a text box for the user to enter the booking number Identifies the Booking Number associated with the shipment. This is a text box that is not required. It defaults as blank and is always editable. If entered, this field must be <= 100 characters.

Database Field: ERPx_LMLoadHeader.BookingNumber


Displays the name/ID of the forwarder that corresponds to the shipment. This


is a text box that is not required. It defaults as blank and is always editable. If entered, this field must be <= 100 characters.

Insert excerpt
Def - Forwarder
Def - Forwarder

Database Field:  ERPx_LMLoadHeader.Forwarder


Place of Delivery

Insert excerpt
Place of Delivery
Place of Delivery
This is a text box

for the user to enter the forwarder


corresponds to the shipment. This field

is not required. It defaults as blank and is always editable. If entered, this field must be <= 200 characters.

Database Field: ERPx_LMLoadHeader.DeliveryPort

Place of Delivery / Date

Displays two text boxes side-by-side for the user to enter the place of delivery for the shipment and the date of the shipment's delivery. These fields are not required.

Port of Discharge / Date

Displays two text boxes side-by-side for the user to enter the port of discharge for the shipment and the date of the shipment's discharge from the receiving port. These fields are not required.

Port of Entry / Date

Displays two text boxes side-by-side for the user to enter the port of entry for the shipment and the date of the shipment's entry to the receiving port. These fields are not required.

Port of Loading / Date

Displays two text boxes side-by-side for the user to enter the port of loading for the shipment and the date of the shipment's loading. These fields are not required.


Displays the transfer's shipment as the shipment ID, the site, and the ship by date. This field is required.

Shipping Line

Displays a text box for the user to enter the shipping line for the corresponding shipment. This field is not required.


Displays a text box for the user to enter the vessel for the corresponding shipment. This field is not required

Vessel Number Date

Insert excerpt
Date - Delivery
Date - Delivery
 This is a date picker that is not required. It defaults as blank and is always editable.

Database Field: ERPx_LMLoadHeader.DeliveryDate

Port of Discharge

Insert excerpt
Port of Discharge
Port of Discharge
This is a text box that is not required. It defaults as blank and is always editable. If entered, this field must be <= 200 characters.

Database Field: ERPx_LMLoadHeader.DischargePort

Port of Discharge Date

Insert excerpt
Date - Discharge
Date - Discharge
 This is a date picker that is not required. It defaults as blank and is always editable.

Database Field: ERPx_LMLoadHeader.DischargeDate

Port of Entry

Insert excerpt
Port of Entry
Port of Entry
 This is a text box that is not required. It defaults as blank and is always editable. If entered, this field must be <= 200 characters.

Database Field: ERPx_LMLoadHeader.EntryPort

Port of Entry Date

Insert excerpt
Date - Entry
Date - Entry
 This is a date picker that is not required. It defaults as blank and is always editable.

Database Field: ERPx_LMLoadHeader.EntryDate

Port of Loading

Insert excerpt
Port of Loading
Port of Loading
 This is a text box that is not required. It defaults as blank and is always editable. If entered, this field must be <= 200 characters.

Database Field: ERPx_LMLoadHeader.LoadingPort

Port of Loading Date

Insert excerpt
Date - Loading
Date - Loading
 This is a date picker that is not required. It defaults as blank and is always editable.

Database Field: ERPx_LMLoadHeader.LoadingDate


Displays the unique shipment as the shipment ID, Site, and Ship By date. This is a single-select standard lookup that is required. It defaults from the associated shipment that was selected prior to opening this record view. This field is editable as long as the Shipment Load Status has not been posted.

This lookup contains a list of non-logistic shipments that have not been posted if the default shipment was a non-logistic shipment. This lookup contains a list of logistic shipments that have not been posted if the default shipment was a logistic shipment.

Database Fields: ERPx_LMLoadHeader.LoadID - ERPx_LMLoadHeader.SiteSK - ERPx_LMLoadHeader.ScheduledShipDate

Shipping Line

Insert excerpt
Shipping Line
Shipping Line
This is a text box that is not required. It defaults as blank and is always editable. If entered, this field must be <= 100 characters.

Database Field: ERPx_LMLoadHeader.ShippingLine


Insert excerpt
This is a text box that is not required. It defaults as blank and is always editable. If entered, this field must be <= 100 characters.

Database Field: ERPx_LMLoadHeader.Vessel

Vessel Number

Displays the Vessel Number of the Vessel carrying the shipment. This is a text box that is not required. It defaults as blank and is always editable. If entered, this field must be <= 100 characters.

Database Field: ERPx_LMLoadHeader.VesselNumber

Page Details

Ship To Tab

Toolbar IconsDescription
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Delete - RV Grid
Delete - RV Grid
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Excel - RV Grid
Excel - RV Grid
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New - multi blank rows - RV Grid
New - multi blank rows - RV Grid
# Pallets


a numeric text box for


user to enter the

number of pallets the container contains. This


is a numeric text box that is not required. It defaults to 0.00 and is

not required

always editable.

Base RateDisplays a numeric text box for the user to enter the base rate of the corresponding container. This field defaults to 0.00 and is not required.
CommentDisplays a text box for the user to enter a comment regarding the corresponding container. This field is not required.
ContainerDisplays a text box for the user to enter the container ID. This field is required.
Container TareDisplays a numeric text box for the user to enter the tare of the corresponding container. This field defaults to 0.00 and is not required.
Container Type
DunnageDisplays a numeric text box for the user to enter the total dunnage associated with the corresponding container. This field defaults to 0.00 and is not required.
Sales AmountDisplays a numeric text box for the user to enter the sales amount of the corresponding container. This field defaults to 0.00 and is not required.
SealDisplays a text box for the user to enter the seal ID that corresponds to the container. This field is not required.
Total WeightDisplays the auto-calculated sum of the Weight, Container Tare, and Dunnage on the corresponding container. This field is never editable by the user.
UnitsDisplays a text box for the user to enter the total units in the corresponding container. This field defaults to 0.00 and is not required.
WeightDisplays a text box for the user to enter the total weight in the corresponding container. This field defaults to 0.00 and is not required.
