NorthScope allows user to create three different types of price lists: Standard, Base Index, and Linked. Standard and Base Index price lists function in the same way and are created following the same steps . These price lists can have multiple items, all of which cannot be linked to another price list item but can have items on other price lists linked to themand can have multiple items. The difference between a Standard price list and a Base Index price list is that the items on a Base Index price list can be linked to while the items on a Standard price list cannot. This means that when a user creates a Linked price list, the items selected on that price list can be linked to the items and corresponding prices on a Base Index price list. However, items on a linked price list cannot be linked to items on a Standard price list.
Linked price lists function differently. Linked price lists can also have multiple items, however, the items on Linked price lists can be either linked to an item on another price list or un-linked. Linking an item to another price list inherits the item's price from the linked source as well as the price date ranges. However, linked price lists also allow the user to create complex formulas that adjust the price inherited from a linked item. These formulas can be configured either at the header or line item level. Configuring a formula at the header level acts as a default that is inherited to all linked line items added to the price list after the header formula is configured. Once a header formula is inherited to line items, the header formula can be edited at the line item level. If a header formula is not configured or a line item is added after the header formula is configured (and therefore does not inherit the header formula), the user can configure a formula at the line item level. Configuring a formula at the line item level applies the formula only to the selected item. The available formula operations include Multiply, Divide, Subtract, Add, Round, and Convert.