Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Insert excerptDef - Grower TicketDef - Grower Ticketnopaneltrue The purpose of this page is to add, edit, remove, and post Grower Accounting Tickets. 

Software Version: 2022.04.22 and newer

Table of Contents

Page Header


More Actions


Home Tab


Database Field: ERPx_CPTicketHeader.GrossAccrualsAmount


Database Field: ERPx_CPTicketHeader.GrossChargesAmount


Database Fields: ERPx_CPCrop.Crop, ERPx_CPTicketHeader.CropSK


This is a single select lookup to identify the 'Field' where the product came from. This is required and defaults from the Field selected on the New Ticket Page. This is not editable after the initial save from the New Ticket page. 


Database Fields: ERPx_CPField.FieldName, ERPx_CPTicketHeader.FieldSK


Database Field: ERPx_CPTicketHeader.GrossWeight


Database Fields: ERPx_MFHoldCode.HoldCode, ERPx_CPTicketHeaderHold.HoldCodeSK


Database Field: ERPx_CPTicketHeader.NetWeight


Database Field: ERPx_CPTicketHeader.PaidWeight


Database Fields: ERPx_CPPriceListHeader.PriceListName, ERPx_CPTicketHeader.PriceListSK


Need to add this info: Sample Size will follow the Net Weight value if one isn't specified. For example, if Net Weight = 400 lbs, Sample Size will populate with 400lbs.  If Net Weight is then updated to 500lbs and the user hasn't manually updated Sample Size, then Sample Size value will be updated to 500lbs.  However, if the user has specified a Sample Size it will not be updated even when Net Weight is changed. 

Database Field: ERPx_CPTicketHeader.SampleWeight


Insert excerpt
Def - Grower Ticket
Def - Grower Ticket
 The purpose of this page is to add, edit, remove, and post Grower Accounting Tickets. 

Software Version: 2022.04.22 and newer

Table of Contents

Page Header

Toolbar IconsDescription
Insert excerpt
Delete - RV Header 3.0
Delete - RV Header 3.0
Insert excerpt
Help - Global 3.0
Help - Global 3.0

More Actions

Insert excerpt
More Actions - Global 3.0
More Actions - Global 3.0

  • RV: Charges & Accruals - Opens the Charges & Accruals record view. 
  • RV: Journal Details - 
    Insert excerpt
    Journal Details - RV Header
    Journal Details - RV Header
Insert excerpt
New - Multi-Select Trans Type - Global 3.0
New - Multi-Select Trans Type - Global 3.0
Insert excerpt
Notes - RV Grid 3.0
Notes - RV Grid 3.0
Insert excerpt
Def - Notes
Def - Notes
Insert excerpt
Print - LV 3.0
Print - LV 3.0
Insert excerpt
Save - RV Header 3.0
Save - RV Header 3.0
Save & Close
Insert excerpt
Save & Close - RV Header 3.0
Save & Close - RV Header 3.0

Home Tab

 The Statuses that apply to transactions in this Record View include: This is a single-select standard lookup that is required. It defaults as "New" and is always editable until the transaction is posted. Status - New Status - New
  • Received
  • Graded
  • Reviewed
  • Approved
  • Ready To Post
  • Database FieldsCPTicketStatus.StatusName, ERPx_TicketStatusSK UOM UOM Fields: ERPx_IMUOM.UOMName, ERPxSampleUOMSK InWeight Out

    Insert excerpt
    Def - Accrual - GA
    Def - Accrual - GA

    Database Field: ERPx_CPTicketHeader.GrossAccrualsAmount


    Insert excerpt
    Def - Charges (GA)
    Def - Charges (GA)

    Database Field: ERPx_CPTicketHeader.GrossChargesAmount


    A single select lookup to identify the 'Crop' on the Ticket. This is required and defaults from the Crop selected on the New Ticket Page. This is not editable after the initial save from the New Ticket page. 

    Insert excerpt
    Def - Crop
    Def - Crop

    Database Fields: ERPx_CPCrop.Crop, ERPx_CPTicketHeader.CropSK


    A date picker to identify the date the Ticket was delivered to the 'Site'. This is required and defaults from the Delivered date entered on the New Ticket Page. This is editable until the Ticket is in a Status of Approved, Ready to Post, or Posted.

    Database Field: ERPx_CPTicketHeader.DeliveryDate


    A single select lookup to identify the 'Field' where the product came from. This is required and defaults from the Field selected on the New Ticket Page. This is not editable after the initial save from the New Ticket page. 

    Insert excerpt
    Def - Field
    Def - Field

    Database Fields: ERPx_CPField.FieldName, ERPx_CPTicketHeader.FieldSK

    Gross Weight

    Insert excerpt
    Def - Gross Weight
    Def - Gross Weight
     This is a calculated field that cannot be edited unless either the 'Weight In' or 'Weight Out' amounts are edited.

    Database Field: ERPx_CPTicketHeader.GrossWeight


    A date picker to identify the date the contents of the Ticket were harvested. This is required and defaults from the Harvested date entered on the New Ticket Page. This is editable until the Ticket is in a Status of Approved, Ready to Post, or Posted.

    Database Field: ERPx_CPTicketHeader.HarvestDate

    Hold Code

    A single select lookup to assign a 'Hold Code' to a Ticket. This defaults to blank and is not required. The lookup contains a list of all the Grower Accounting Hold Codes. This is editable until the Ticket is in a Status of Approved, Ready to Post, or Posted.

    Insert excerpt
    Def - Hold Code
    Def - Hold Code

    Database Fields: ERPx_MFHoldCode.HoldCode, ERPx_CPTicketHeaderHold.HoldCodeSK

    Net Weight

    Insert excerpt
    Def - Net Weight
    Def - Net Weight
     This is a calculated field that cannot be edited unless either the 'Weight In', 'Weight Out', or 'Total Tare' amounts are edited.

    Database Field: ERPx_CPTicketHeader.NetWeight

    Paid Weight

    Insert excerpt
    Def - Paid Weight
    Def - Paid Weight

    Database Field: ERPx_CPTicketHeader.PaidWeight

    Price List

    A single select lookup to identify the 'Price List' on the Ticket. This is not required and defaults from the Price List assigned to the Farmer. This is not editable after the initial save from the New Ticket page. 

    Insert excerpt
    Def - Price List
    Def - Price List

    Database Fields: ERPx_CPPriceListHeader.PriceListName, ERPx_CPTicketHeader.PriceListSK

    Sample Size

    A text box to record the Sample Size that was taken. will follow the Net Weight value if one isn't specified. For example, if Net Weight = 400 lbs, Sample Size will populate with 400lbs.  If Net Weight is then updated to 500lbs and the user hasn't manually updated Sample Size, then Sample Size value will be updated to 500lbs.  However, if the user has specified a Sample Size it will not be updated even when Net Weight is changed. 

    Insert excerpt
    Def - Sample Size (Ticket)
    Def - Sample Size (Ticket)

    Database Field: ERPx_CPTicketHeader.SampleWeight


    Insert excerpt
    Site Name - LV
    Site Name - LV
     This is a single select lookup that is required. This defaults from the sequence of 1) the Site selected on the New Ticket Page, 2) the Site setup as the 'Site Name' on the Field master file, or 3) the Site setup as the 'Default Site' on the Preferences page. The lookup contains the list of all active sites. This is editable until the Ticket is in a Status of Approved, Ready to Post, or Posted.

    Database Field: ERPx_MFSite.SiteName, ERPx_CPTicketHeader.SiteSK


    Insert excerpt
     This is a single-select lookup that is required. It defaults as "New" and is always editable until the transaction is posted.

    Insert excerpt
    Def - Status
    Def - Status
     The Statuses that apply to transactions in this Record View include:

    • Insert excerpt
      Def - Status - New
      Def - Status - New
    • Insert excerpt
      Def - Status - Received
      Def - Status - Received
    • Insert excerpt
      Def - Status - Graded
      Def - Status - Graded
    • Insert excerpt
      Def - Status - Reviewed
      Def - Status - Reviewed
    • Insert excerpt
      Def - Status - Approved
      Def - Status - Approved
    • Insert excerpt
      Def - Status - Ready to Post
      Def - Status - Ready to Post

    Database Fields: ERPx_CPTicketStatus.StatusName, ERPx_CPTicketHeader.TicketStatusSK

    Ticket GrossDatabase Field: ERPx_CPTicketHeader.GrossTicketAmount
    Ticket NetDatabase Field: ERPx_CPTicketHeader.NetTicketAmount
    Total Tare
    Insert excerpt
    Def - StatusDef - Status

    An editable text box to record the 'Total Tare' weight of delivery. This defaults to 0.00 and is not required. This is editable from either the 'Total Tare' field on the Home tab or by editing the details on the Tare tab.

    • If the Tare is entered on the Tare tab, this field will populate from the detail totals and be disabled.
    • IF the Tare is being managed from the Home tab, it is editable until the Ticket is in a Status of Approved, Ready to Post, or

    Database Field: ERPx_MFSite.SiteName, ERPx_CPTicketHeader.SiteSK

    Insert excerpt
    • Posted.

    Insert excerpt
    Def -

    Tare Weight
    Def -

    Tare Weight

    Database Field: ERPx_



    Ticket GrossUnpaid WeightDatabase Field: ERPx_CPTicketHeader.GrossTicketAmount
    Ticket NetDatabase Field: ERPx_CPTicketHeader.NetTicketAmount
    Total TareDatabase Field: ERPx_CPTicketHeader.ContainerTare
    Unpaid WeightDatabase Field: ERPx_CPTicketHeader.UnpaidWeight

    Identifies the Weight UOM for the Ticket. This is required and defaults from the 'Scale Weight UOM' preference. This is not editable.

    Insert excerpt
    Def - UOM
    Def - UOM

    Database Fields: ERPx_IMUOM.UOMName, ERPx_CPTicketHeader.SampleUOMSK

    Weight In

    An editable text box to record the inbound weight of the delivery. This defaults to 0.00 but must be >0 to approve or post a Ticket.  This is editable until the Ticket is in a Status of Approved, Ready to Post, or Posted.

    Insert excerpt
    Def -

    Weight In
    Def -

    Weight In


    Field: ERPx_CPTicketHeader.


    Weight Database Field: ERPx_CPTicketHeader.WeightInOut

    An editable text box to record the outbound weight of the delivery vehicle. This defaults to 0.00 and is not required. This is editable until the Ticket is in a Status of Approved, Ready to Post, or Posted.

    Insert excerpt
    Def - Weight Out
    Def - Weight Out

    Database Field: ERPx_CPTicketHeader.WeightOut

    Properties Tab

    Property NameDescription
    Group: Ticket
    GL Date

    Insert excerpt
    GL Date
    GL Date
     This is a date picker that is required, defaults to blank and can be manually edited until the Ticket is in a Status of either Approved or Posted. If blank, when the Ticket is set to a Status of either 'Approved' or 'Ready to Post' it will be auto updated to match the Delivered date on the Home tab. In order to Approve or Post a ticket, the GL Date must fall within a Fiscal Period that open for Purchasing else the message "The Fiscal Period is not open." will be displayed. 

    Database Field: ERPx_CPTicketHeader.GLDate

    Ticket Version

    Identifies the Version # of the Ticket. This is system assigned and is not editable.

    Insert excerpt
    Def - Version
    Def - Version

    Database Field: ERPx_CPTicketHeader.TicketVersion


    Identifies the 'Harvester' of the Ticket. This is not required and defaults from the New Ticket page. The lookup contains a list of all 'Active' Harvesters. This can be edited until the Ticket is in a Status of either Approved or Posted.

    Insert excerpt
    Def - Harvester
    Def - Harvester

    Database Fields: ERPx_CPHarvester.HarvesterName, ERPx_CPTicketHeader.HarvesterSK


    Identifies the 'Hauler' of the Ticket. This is not required and defaults from the New Ticket page. The lookup contains a list of all 'Active' Hauler. This can be edited until the Ticket is in a Status of either Approved or Posted.

    Insert excerpt
    Def - Hauler
    Def - Hauler

    Database Fields: ERPx_CPHauler.HaulerName, ERPx_CPTicketHeader.HaulerSK

    Created Date

    Insert excerpt

    Database Field: ERPx_CPTicketHeader.CreatedDate

    Created By

    Insert excerpt
    Created By
    Created By

    Database Field: ERPx_CPTicketHeader.CreatedBy

    Last Updated By

    Insert excerpt
    Last Updated By
    Last Updated By

    Database Field: ERPx_CPTicketHeader.LastUser

    Last Updated

    Insert excerpt
    Last Updated
    Last Updated

    Database Field: ERPx_CPTicketHeader.LastUpdated


    Toolbar IconsDescription
    Insert excerpt
    Delete - LV 3.0
    Delete - LV 3.0

    Insert excerpt
    Excel - LV 3.0
    Excel - LV 3.0

    Insert excerpt
    New - Global 3.0
    New - Global 3.0
    Quick Column Filter
    Insert excerpt
    Quick Column Filter
    Quick Column Filter
    Insert excerpt
    Checkbox (Tag)- RV
    Checkbox (Tag)- RV
    Container Tare

    Identifies the empty container weight for containers that are of the same Container Type / Weight. If entered, this is used with the 'Number of Containers' to calculate the 'Total Container Tare' for each Container Type. This is not required but if entered must be >=0. If this is entered, either the 'Containers Per Pallet' or the 'Number of Containers' must also be entered otherwise on Save they will both be set to 0. This is editable until the Ticket is Approved or Posted.

    Database Field: ERPx_CPTicketContainer.ContainerTare

    Containers Per Pallet

    An optional field that is used to compute the 'Number of Containers' for each Pallet Type. For example, if each pallet contains 48 containers and there are 15 pallets, a user could enter '48' in the 'Containers Per Pallet' field and the system would compute '720' and put that value in the 'Number of Containers' field. If the user already knows the number of containers, they could leave this blank and enter the total in the 'Number of Containers' field. This is editable until the Ticket is Approved or Posted.

    Database Field: ERPx_CPTicketContainer.ContainersPerPallet

    Number of Containers 

    INSERT EXCERPT HERE.  This is an editable textbox that is required to calculate the Total Container Tare.  

    An optional field used to compute the 'Container Tare' for each Pallet Type. This can be auto populated by entering a value in both the 'Number of Pallets' and 'Containers per Pallet' fields or can be manually entered. This is editable until the Ticket is Approved or Posted.

    Database Field: ERPx_CPTicketContainer.NumberofContainers

    Number of Pallets

    Identifies the quantity of Pallets that are of the same Pallet Type / Weight. If entered, this is used with the 'Pallet Tare' to calculate the 'Total Pallet Tare' for each Pallet Type. This is not required but if entered must be >=0. If this is entered, a 'Pallet Tare' must also be entered otherwise on Save they will both be set to 0. This is editable until the Ticket is Approved or Posted.

    Database Field: ERPx_CPTicketContainer.NumberofPallets

    Pallet Tare

    Identifies the empty pallet weight for Pallets that are of the same Pallet Type / Weight. If entered, this is used with the 'Number of Pallets' to calculate the 'Total Pallet Tare' for each Pallet Type. This is not required but if entered must be >=0. If this is entered, a 'Number of Pallets' must also be entered otherwise on Save they will both be set to 0. This is editable until the Ticket is Approved or Posted.

    Database Field: ERPx_CPTicketContainer.PalletTare

    Total Container Tare

    A calculated field that identifies the total tare weight from the containers. This is calculated as ([Number of Containers] * [Container Tare]). To be calculated, both the 'Number of Containers' and 'Container Tare' fields are required to have values >0.

    Total Pallet Tare

    A calculated field that identifies the total tare weight from the pallets. This is calculated as ([Number of Pallets] * [Pallet Tare]). To be calculated, both the 'Number of Pallets' and 'Pallet Tare' fields are required to have values >0.

    Total Tare

    A calculated field that identifies the total tare weight from the Pallets and Containers. If one or more rows in the Tare gid has a 'Total Tare' value >0, then the 'Total Tare' for all the rows will be used as the Ticket Header's 'Total Tare'. 

    Database Field: ERPx_CPTicketContainer.TotalTare



    Insert excerpt
    Attribute - Attribute
    Attribute - Attribute
     The Attributes displayed here are setup and assigned in the Attributes section of the Company module (Company → Setup → Attributes →Grower Accounting).


    A non-editable text box that shows whether the Attribute Value is required or not. If the Attribute Value is required, it will display "Yes". If it is optional, it will display as blank. This value is only editable from the 'Assign Attribute Rules' page (Company → Setup → Attributes → Grower Accounting → Transactions hyperlink). 


    Insert excerpt
    Attribute - Value
    Attribute - Value
     This is editable if the Transaction Class property 'Allow Attribute Edit After Approval' is set to "Yes".  

    Page Details 

    This grid shows each Ticket Item that is included on the Ticket. From Here, users can add, edit, or remove items.

    Toolbar IconsDescription
    Add Item
    Insert excerpt
    Add Item - RV Grid 3.0
    Add Item - RV Grid 3.0
    Column Filter Show / Hide
    Insert excerpt
    Column Filter Show/Hide - Global
    Column Filter Show/Hide - Global
    Group By Show / Hide
    Insert excerpt
    Group By Show/Hide - Global
    Group By Show/Hide - Global

    Insert excerpt
    Excel - LV 3.0
    Excel - LV 3.0

    Insert excerpt
    Notes - RV Grid 3.0
    Notes - RV Grid 3.0
    Quick Column Filter
    Insert excerpt
    Quick Column Filter
    Quick Column Filter
    Remove Items
    Insert excerpt
    Remove Items - RV Grid 3.0
    Remove Items - RV Grid 3.0
    Saved Layouts
    Insert excerpt
    Column Layouts for Framework 3.0 - Global
    Column Layouts for Framework 3.0 - Global

    Insert excerpt
    Checkbox (Tag)- RV
    Checkbox (Tag)- RV

    Accrual Amount

    Insert excerpt
    Def - Accrual Amount (GA)
    Def - Accrual Amount (GA)

    Database Field: ERPx_CPTicketItem.AccrualAmount

    Charge Amount

    Insert excerpt
    Def - Charge Amount (GA)
    Def - Charge Amount (GA)

    Database Field: ERPx_CPTicketItem.ChargeAmount

    Ext. Amount

    Insert excerpt
    Def - Ext Amount (GA)
    Def - Ext Amount (GA)

    Database Field: ERPx_CPTicketItem.GrossAmount


    Insert excerpt
    Item ID & Item Description
    Item ID & Item Description
     This is required and cannot be edited (it can only be removed). Items can default on new Tickets or can be added by clicking the 'Add Item' button on the Grid Toolbar. 

    Database Fields: ERPx_CPItem.ItemID - ItemDescription, ERPx_CPTicketItem.ItemSK

    Net Amount

    Insert excerpt
    Def - Net Amount (GA)
    Def - Net Amount (GA)

    Database Field: ERPx_CPTicketItem.NetAmount


    Insert excerpt
    Def - Percent (Sample Size)
    Def - Percent (Sample Size)
     This is a calculated field that can only be edited by changing either the Ticket Item's 'Sample Size' or one of the Ticket Header Properties that impact the Ticket's Net Weight or Ticket's Sample Size.

    Database Field: ERPx_CPTicketItem.SampleWeightPercent


    Insert excerpt
    This is a numeric text box that is required. It defaults from the Price List assigned to the Ticket but can be edited until the Ticket is Approved or Posted.

    Database Field: ERPx_CPTicketItem.Price

    Purchase Account

    Insert excerpt
    GL Account - Purchases (GA)
    GL Account - Purchases (GA)
     This is a single-select lookup that defaults from the 'Purchase GL Account' assigned to the Ticket Item. This is required for any Ticket Item that has a Net Amount <> 0.00. This is editable until the Ticket is Approved or Posted.

    Database Fields: ERPx_GLAccount.AccountNumber - Description, ERPx_CPTicketItem.AccountSK

    Sample Size

    Insert excerpt
    Def - Sample Size (Ticket Item)
    Def - Sample Size (Ticket Item)
     This defaults as 0.00 and can be edited to any numeric value. The Ticket Items Sample Size is used to calculate the Ticket Items Net Weight. This is editable until the Ticket is Approved or Posted.

    Database Field: ERPx_CPTicketItem.SampleWeight

    Total Weight

    Insert excerpt
    Def - Total Weight (GA)
    Def - Total Weight (GA)

    Database Field: ERPx_CPTicketItem.TotalWeight


    Identifies the # of containers the Ticket Item was delivered in. This defaults as blank and is not required. If entered, it must be >=0. Units are saved to two decimal places. For example, if Strawberries were delivered in Freezer Trays this is where you would enter the count of Freezer Trays if it was important to retain. This is editable until the Ticket is Approved or Posted.

    Database Field: ERPx_CPTicketItem.Units


    Identifies the Weight UOM for the Ticket Item. This is required and defaults from the 'Scale Weight UOM' preference. This cannot be edited from here. 

    Insert excerpt
    Def - UOM
    Def - UOM

    Database Fields: ERPx_IMUOM.UOMName, ERPx_CPTicketItem.UOMSK
