Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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  • Formatting was changed.

Insert excerptDef - Payment BatchDef - Payment Batchnopaneltrue The purpose

Insert excerpt
Def - Payment Batch
Def - Payment Batch
The purpose of this page is to create, update and process Vendor payment batches. Users will be able to search for unapplied or partially applied invoice, credit memo and check payment transactions to include on the payment batch. Payment batches, when posted, automatically apply payable transactions and receivable transactions towards each other to settle vendor balances.

(lightbulb) This record view also contains columns for each Attribute that is set up for the 'Vendors' attribute type. Because these are user defined, they are not included in the default view but can be added a saved layout. Vendor attributes are not included in the help documentation.

To view the help page for the NorthScope 2.0 Build Payment Batch Record View, please click hereBuild Payment Batch Record View. 


Table of Contents

Page Header

Header Toolbar

Batch Properties Tab

FieldsDescriptionApply Date

Identifies the date the payment will be applied, formatted from the users 'Date Format' preference. This is a date picker that defaults to the current date. It is required and if missing, will default to current date on Save. This date will automatically populate the 'Payment Date' field on the Process Payments Record View. This field is editable prior to clicking the Build Batch button. After a payment batch is saved, this field is disabled.

Database Field: EERPx_MFTransactionBatch.BatchDate

Apply Expired Discounts

Determines if expired discounts should be applied or not. Any non-expired discounts are applied by default, but the discount amounts can be manually edited. This is a Yes/No lookup that is required. It defaults as "No" and is always editable.

Database Field: EERPx_MFTransactionBatch.ApplyExpiredDiscounts

Batch ID Insert excerptBatch IDBatch IDnopaneltrue 
Toolbar IconsDescription

Insert excerpt
Delete - RV Header 3.0
Delete - RV Header 3.0

Insert excerpt
Help - Global 3.0
Help - Global 3.0
Insert excerpt
Print - LV 3.0
Print - LV 3.0
Process Payments

Opens Process Payments Record View for Vendors, where users can create, print and post check and ACH payments from the payment batch.

Insert excerpt
Save - RV Header 3.0Save - RV Header 3.0
Save & Close
Insert excerpt
Save & Close - RV Header 3.0Save & Close - RV Header 3.0


Insert excerpt
Save - RV Header 3.0
Save - RV Header 3.0
Save & Close
Insert excerpt
Save & Close - RV Header 3.0
Save & Close - RV Header 3.0

Batch Properties Tab

select the checkbook that will be used to make the payments. This is required and defaults from the 'Default Vendor Checkbook ID' field on the Purchasing Preferences page, if blank, the message "Checkbook is required." will be displayed on Save. This is editable prior to building the batch (clicking the Refresh or Save button).  After a payment batch is saved, this field is disabled. 

Apply Expired Discounts

Determines if expired discounts should be applied or not. Any non-expired discounts are applied by default, but the discount amounts can be manually edited. This is a Yes/No lookup that is required. It defaults as "No" and is always editable.

Database Field: EERPx_MFTransactionBatch.ApplyExpiredDiscounts

Batch ID

Insert excerpt
Batch ID
Batch ID
 This is a single-select standard lookup that allows users to navigate between active batches. The field defaults to (Build New Batch) when the Build Payment Batch Record View is opened. Once the batch is built by clicking the Refresh or Save button, this field defaults to the username, formatted as [User First Name] + [User Last Name] + [Previous Batch Number + 1]. Selecting a Batch ID from the lookup will reload the page with the associated fields and transactions grid. This is a system assigned value and is never editable by a user.  A user may have several check batches simultaneously.

Database Field: ERPx_MFTransactionBatch.BatchID


Insert excerpt
This is a single-select standard lookup that allows users to

navigate between active batches. The field defaults to (Build New Batch) when the Build Payment Batch Record View is opened. Once the Build Batch button is clicked, this field defaults to the username, formatted as [User First Name] + [User Last Name] + [Previous Batch Number + 1]. Selecting a Batch ID from the lookup will reload the page with the associated fields and transactions grid. This is a system assigned value and is never editable by a user.  A user may have several check batches simultaneously.

Database Field: ERPx_MFTransactionBatch.BatchID

Insert excerpt
Insert excerpt
Def - Checkbook
Def - Checkbook

The lookup contains a list of all the 'Active' Checkbooks.

Database Fields: ERPx_MFCheckbook.CheckbookDescription, ERPx_MFTransactionBatch.CheckbookSK

Include Transactions 

Identifies the types of transactions to be included in the payment batch. This is a single-select standard lookup that allows users to select the checkbook that will be used to make the payments. This is required and defaults from the 'Default Vendor Checkbook ID' field on the Vendor Preferences page. This is editable prior to clicking the Build Batch button. After a payment batch is saved, this field is disabled.
Insert excerptDef - CheckbookDef - Checkbooknopaneltrue

The lookup contains a list of all the 'Active' Checkbooks.

Database Fields: ERPx_MFCheckbook.CheckbookDescription, ERPx_MFTransactionBatch.CheckbookSK

Include Transactions 

Identifies the types of transactions to be included in the payment batchis required to return results. This defaults to "Invoices, Credit Memos and Checks". If missing, the message "Include Transactions is required." will be displayed when the batch is built by clicking the Refresh or Save button. This field is always editable.

This lookup contains the values in the APBuildCheckInclude Enumeration Class.

Database Field: ERPx_MFTransactionBatch.APBuildCheckIncludeEN

One Payment Per

Identifies whether payments should be applied per Document or per Vendor. One payment can be applied towards several invoices simultaneously and also several payment transactions can be used towards one invoice. This is a single-select standard lookup that is required to return results. This It defaults as blank. If missing, the message "Include Transactions is required." will be displayed when the Build Batch button is clicked. This field is always editable"Vendor" and is editable prior to building the batch (clicking the Refresh or Save button). Updating the value to "Document" will automatically update the 'Include Transactions' field to be "Invoices Only". After a payment batch is saved, this field is disabled.

This lookup contains the values in the APBuildCheckInclude MFOneCheckPer Enumeration Class.

Database Field: ERPx_MFTransactionBatch.APBuildCheckIncludeENMFOneCheckPerEN

One Payment PerDate


whether payments should be applied per Document or per Vendor. One payment can be applied towards several invoices simultaneously and also several payment transactions can be used towards one invoice. This is a single-select standard lookup that is required to return results. It defaults as "Vendor" and is editable prior to clicking the Build Batch button. Updating the value to "Document" will automatically update the 'Include Transactions' field to be "Invoices Only". After a payment batch is saved, this field is disabled.

This lookup contains the values in the MFOneCheckPer Enumeration Class.

Database Field: ERPx_MFTransactionBatch.MFOneCheckPerEN

the date the payment will be applied, formatted from the users 'Date Format' preference. This is a date picker that defaults to the current date. It is required and if missing, will default to current date on Save. This date will automatically populate the 'Payment Date' field on the Process Payments Record View. This field is editable until payments are assigned, after this the field is disabled on Save.

Database Field: EERPx_MFTransactionBatch.BatchDate

Filters Tab

Discount Date as of

Identifies the Discount Date to use to filter transactions for the payment batch, formatted from the users 'Date Format' preference. Invoices and Credit Memos with a Discount Date on or before the defined 'Discount Date as of' field are added to the payment batch. This is a date picker that is not required to return results. This field defaults as blank and is always editable.

Insert excerpt
Def - Discount Date
Def - Discount Date

(lightbulb) Since payment transactions do not have Discount Dates, selecting a 'Discount Date as of' will not exclude payment transactions from the payment batch.

Database Field: ERPx_MFTransactionBatch.DiscountDateAsOf

Due Date as of

Identifies the Due Date to use to filter transactions for the payment batch, formatted from the users 'Date Format' preference. Invoices and Credit Memos with a Due Date on or before the defined 'Due Date as of' field are added to the payment batch. This is a date picker that is not required to return results. This field defaults as blank and is always editable.

Insert excerpt
Def - Due Date
Def - Due Date

(lightbulb) Since payment transactions do not have Due Dates, selecting a 'Due Date as of' will not exclude payment transactions from the payment batch.

Database Field: ERPx_MFTransactionBatch.DueDateAsOf


Insert excerpt
Search - LV
Search - LV

Refer to this FAQ for advanced search options.

The Search field can be used to search across the following fields: 

  • Vendor
  • Doc No
  • Transaction
Transaction Class

Identifies the transaction class(es) to be included in the payment batch. This is a multi-select lookup that is not required to return results. It defaults

with no

to All Transaction Classes


and is always editable.

Insert excerpt
Def - Transaction Class - General
Def - Transaction Class - General

This lookup contains a list of all active Transaction Classes where the TransactionTypeSK is either 1 (Invoice) or 2 (Credit Memo).

(lightbulb)In order to include transactions that are associated with an inactivated Transaction Class, the default option of no Transaction Classes selected should include transactions that are on inactive classes.

Database Field: ERPx_MFTransactionBatch.TransactionClassSKCSV

Vendor Class

Used to select a Vendor Class to filter transactions for the payment batch. This is a multi-select lookup that is not required to return results. It defaults as blank and is always editable.

The lookup contains a list of all the 'Active' Vendor Classes.

Insert excerpt
Def - Vendor Class
Def - Vendor Class

Database Fields: ERPx_MFTransactionBatch.VendorClassCSV

Page Detail

Transactions Grid

The purpose of this grid is to display and manage the individual transactions associated with the payment batch. Transactions that Credit the Accounts Payable Account will be displayed as positive and in black font. Transactions that Debit the Accounts Payable Account will be displayed as negative and in red font, as they will be subtracted from the payment amount. Transactions that are removed will be displayed in blue font. The default grid layout for this grid is grouped by Vendor Name. The group heading displays as "Vendor Name: [VendorName] + ([VendorID])".

Builds a payment batch based on filter criteria selected / entered. This icon is only displayed when a new batch is being created, and is replaced with "Append to Batch" after the initial payment batch is created. 

Updates the grid section with new transactions that match the filter criteria. This icon is only displayed after the initial batch is created to allow users to redefine search criteria and add additional transactions to the batch. 

(lightbulb) Append to Batch only adds new transactions to the batch, but does not remove previously added transactions from the batch.

This button displays the following options: “Remove Filtered” and “Remove Selected”. If filter criteria have been entered in the grid, and “Remove Filtered” is clicked, the filtered transactions will be removed from the payment batch. If the check box next to the transaction is checked and the “Remove Selected” is clicked, those transactions checked will be removed from the settlement batch.

(lightbulb)Removed transactions are displayed in blue font.Clicking the Edit Amounts toolbar icon opens a dialog box that allows users to edit the Discount Amount to Take (if applicable) and Max Amount to Pay. The 'Discount Amount to Take' field defaults from the 'Terms Discount Taken' column. This field is disabled do not allow The 'Amount defaults from Max Amount to Pay' column.

The 'Amount' entered in the dialog box cannot be greater than the 'Open Amt.' field. If so, the message "The Amount cannot be greater than is left on the transaction." will be displayed on Save & Close. Additionally, the 'Discount Amount to Take' entered in the dialog box cannot be greater than the 'Original Terms Discount Amt.' field. If so, the message "Cannot set a Discount Amount to Take greater than is left on the transaction" will be displayed on Save & Close.

(lightbulb)The Edit Amounts toolbar icon will only open a dialog box when a single transaction is selected.  MFTransactionBatchTransaction.DiscountToConsumeMFTransactionBatchTransaction.AmountToConsume
Toolbar IconsDescription
Clear Filtered

Provides a quick way to de-select all records for payment.

When clicked, the values in the 'Amt. to Pay' and 'Terms Discount Taken' columns will be set to 0.00.

Column Filter Show/Hide 
Insert excerpt
Column Filter Show/Hide - Global
Column Filter Show/Hide - Global
Insert excerpt
Excel - LV 3.0
Excel - LV 3.0
Group By Show/Hide
Insert excerpt
Group By Show/Hide - Global
Group By Show/Hide - Global
Include Filtered

This button displays the following options: “Include Filtered” and “Include Selected”. This allows users to add previously removed transactions back to the payment batch by selecting/filtering the transactions in the grid and clicking “Include Transactions” and choosing either “Include Filtered” or Include Selected”.

(lightbulb) Included transactions credit the Accounts Payable Account are displayed in black font. Included transactions debit the Accounts Payable Account are displayed in red fontProvides a quick way to select all records for payment.

When clicked, all the records within the filter where the 'Amt. to Pay' = 0.00 will be populated as: [Open Amt.] - [Terms Discount Taken].

Quick Column Filter
Insert excerpt
Quick Column Filter
Quick Column Filter

Insert excerpt
Refresh - Global 3.0
Refresh - Global 3.0

Remove FilteredSaved Layouts
Insert excerpt
Column Layouts for Framework 3.0 - GlobalColumn Layouts for Framework 3.0 - Global
Insert excerpt
Batch Amount

 Builds a payment batch based on filter criteria selected / entered. This also allows users to add additional transactions to the batch if the filter/search criteria is redefined.  

Saved Layouts
Insert excerpt
Column Layouts for Framework 3.0 - Global
Column Layouts for Framework 3.0 - Global
Insert excerpt
Amt. to Pay

This is an editable text box that defaults to 0.00 and is required to process a payment.  The amount entered cannot be greater than the 'Open Amt.' field. If so, the message "The Amount cannot be greater than is left on the transaction." will be displayed on Save.

Database Field: ERPx_MFTransactionBatchTransaction.AmountToConsume

Discount Date

Insert excerpt
Discount Date
Discount Date
This is a non-editable text box, formatted from the users 'Date Format' preference, that is not required. This field is only displayed if the Payment Terms of the transaction

allows for discounts.

It defaults from the 'Discount Date' field

on the '

Properties' tab of the Invoice Record View. This field is for information only and never editable.

Insert excerpt
Def - Discount Date
Def - Discount Date

Database Field: ERPx_APTransactionHeader.DiscountDate

Doc Date

Insert excerpt
Doc Date
Doc Date
This is a non-editable text box, formatted from the users 'Date Format' preference, that is required. For Invoice and Credit Memo transactions, this defaults from the 'Doc Date' field on the 'Home' tab of the Invoice Record View. For Payment transactions, this defaults from the date the payment was created. This field is for information only and never editable.

Database Fields: ERPx_

APTransactionHeader.TransactionDate (Invoice/Credit Memo), ERPx_

MFCheckbookTransaction.CreatedDate (Payment)

Doc DateNo

Insert excerpt
Doc DateNo
Doc DateNo
This is a non-editable text box , formatted from the users 'Date Format' preference, that is required. For Invoice and Credit Memo transactions, this defaults from the 'Doc DateNo' field on the 'Home' tab of the Invoice Record Viewassociated transaction. For Payment transactions, this defaults from the date the payment was created'Payment Number' field in the Payment grid of the Process Payments Record View. This field is for information only and never editable.

Database Fields: ERPx_APTransactionHeader.TransactionDate DocNumber (Invoice/Credit Memo), ERPx_MFCheckbookTransaction.CreatedDate TransactionID (Payment)

Doc No
Due Date

Doc No

Insert excerpt
Doc No
Due Date
Due Date
This is a non-editable text box that is required. For , formatted from the users 'Date Format' preference, that is sometimes required. This field is only required on Invoice and Credit Memo transactions, this . It defaults from the 'Doc NoDue Date' field on the 'HomeProperties' tab of the associated transaction. For Payment transactions, this defaults from the 'Payment Number' field in the Payment grid of the Process Payments Invoice Record View. This field is for information only and never editable.

Database Fields: ERPx_APTransactionHeader.DocNumber (Invoice/Credit Memo), ERPx_MFCheckbookTransaction.TransactionID (Payment)

Discount Date


Insert excerpt
Def - Due Date
Def - Due Date
This is a non-editable text box, formatted from the users 'Date Format' preference, that is not required. This field is only displayed if the Payment Terms of the transaction allows for discounts. It defaults from the 'Discount Date

Database Field: ERPx_APTransactionHeader.DueDate

Last Updated By

Insert excerpt
Last Updated By
Last Updated By
 It defaults from the 'Last Updated By' field on the 'Properties' tab of the Invoice Record View. This field is for information only and never editable. Insert excerptDef - Discount DateDef - Discount Datenopaneltrue

Database Field: ERPx_APTransactionHeader.DiscountDate

Due Date

Insert excerptDue DateDue DatenopaneltrueLastUser

Open Amt.

Displays the amount due for payment on the transaction. This is a non-editable text box

, formatted from the users 'Date Format' preference,

that is


required. It is calculated as [Orig. Trans. Amt] - previous applications. This field is for information only

required on Invoice and Credit Memo transactions. It defaults from the 'Due Date' field on the 'Properties' tab of the Invoice Record View. This field is for information only and never editable.
Insert excerptDef - Due DateDef - Due Datenopaneltrue

Database Field: ERPx_APTransactionHeader.DueDate

Max Amount to Pay

Identifies the maximum amount to be paid for the documentand never editable. This field is not stored in the database.

(lightbulb) For transactions that Credit the Accounts Payable Account, this field will display as positive. For transactions that Debit the Accounts Payable Account, this field will display as negative.

Orig. Terms Discount Amt.

Displays the original discount amount. This is a non-editable text box that is required. This field is calculated as [Open Amount] - [Terms Discount Taken] - [Previous Payment Applications]. This field can be edited by clicking the 'Edit Amounts' icon in the grid header and entering a amount in the 'Amount' field on the Edit Amounts dialog box. This field is always editable from the Edit Amounts dialog box.

(lightbulb) For transactions that Credit the Accounts Payable Account, this field will display as positive. For transactions that Debit the Accounts Payable Account, this field will display as negative.

Database Field: ERPx_MFTransactionBatchTransaction.AmountToConsume

Open Amt.

Displays the amount due for payment on the transaction. not required. It defaults from the 'Discount Amount' filed on the 'Properties' tab of the Invoice Record View. This field is for information only and never editable.

Database Field: ERPx_APTransactionHeader.DiscountAmount

Orig. Trans. Amt.

Insert excerpt
Amount - Original
Amount - Original
This is a non-editable text box that is required.

It is calculated as [Orig. Trans. Amt] - previous applications.

For Invoice and Credit Memo transactions, this defaults from the 'Amount' field on the 'Home' tab of the Invoice Record View. For Payment transactions, this comes from the 'Amount' field for the specific check or ACH payment on the Process Payments Record View. This field is for information only and never editable.

This field is not stored in the database.

(lightbulb) For transactions that Credit the Accounts Payable Account, this field will display as positive. For transactions that Debit the Accounts Payable Account, this field will display as negative.

Orig. Trans. Amt.

Insert excerptAmount - OriginalAmount - OriginalnopaneltrueDatabase Fields: ERPx_APTransactionHeader.ExtendedAmount (Invoice/Credit Memo), ERPx_MFCheckbookTransaction.Amount (Payment)

Terms Discount Amt. Not Taken

Displays the discount amount that has not been used yet. This is a non-editable text box that is

required. For Invoice and Credit Memo transactions, this defaults from the 'Amount' field on the 'Home' tab of the Invoice Record View. For Payment transactions, this comes from the 'Amount' field for the specific check or ACH payment on the Process Payments Record View. This field is for information only and never editable.

(lightbulb) For transactions that Credit the Accounts Payable Account, this field will display as positive. For transactions that Debit the Accounts Payable Account, this field will display as negative.

Database Fields: ERPx_APTransactionHeader.ExtendedAmount (Invoice/Credit Memo), ERPx_MFCheckbookTransaction.Amount (Payment)

Orig. Terms Discount Amt.

Displays the original discount amount. This is a non-not required. It is calculated as [Orig. Terms Discount Amt.] - [Terms Discount Taken] if the Payment Terms of the transaction allows for discounts. Else, it will default as "0.00". This field will be automatically updated if the 'Terms Discount Taken' field is updated. This field is for information only and never editable. It is not stored in the database.

Terms Discount Taken

Identifies the amount of discount applied to the transaction. This is an editable text box that is not required. It is calculated based on the Payment Terms associated with the transaction by using the [Percent of Discount] x [Amount] if the Payment Terms of the transaction allows for discounts. This field is for information only and never editable. It is not stored in the database.

Terms Discount Amt. Not Taken

Displays the discount amount that has not been used yet. This is a non-editable text box that is not required. It is calculated as [Orig. Terms Discount Amt.] - [Terms Discount Taken] if defaults from the ' Terms Discount Amt. Not Taken' field when:

  • The discount is not expired.
  • The discount is expired, but the ‘Apply Expired Discounts’ is set to Yes.
Transaction Insert excerptTransaction IDTransaction IDnopaneltrueClicking on this link opens the transaction record view for the selected record. For Invoice and Credit Memo transactions, this is a system assigned number that comes from the associated Transaction Class and is required. For Payment transactions, this is a system assigned number that comes from the 'Next Check #' field for the associated Checkbook on the Checkbooks List View and is required. This field is

This defaults to "0.00" if the discount is expired and the ‘Apply Expired Discounts’ is set to No. It also defaults to "0.00" when the Payment Terms of the transaction allows do not allow for discounts. Else, it will default as "0.00". This field will be automatically updated if The amount entered cannot be greater than the ' Terms Discount Amt. Not Taken' field is updated. This field is for information only and never editable. It is not stored in the database.

Terms Discount Taken

Identifies the amount of discount applied to the transaction. This is a non-editable text box that is not required. It defaults from the 'Orig. Terms Discount Amt.' field when:

  • The discount is not expired.
  • The discount is expired, but the ‘Apply Expired Discounts’ is set to Yes.

This defaults to "0.00" if the discount is expired and the ‘Apply Expired Discounts’ is set to No. It also defaults to "0.00" when the Payment Terms of the transaction do not allow for discounts. This field is only editable on the Edit Amounts dialog box if the Payment Terms of the transaction allows for discounts.

Database Field: ERPx_MFTransactionBatchTransaction.DiscountToConsume

, otherwise the message "Cannot set a Discount Amount to Take greater than is left on the transaction" will be displayed on Save.  This field is only editable if the Payment Terms of the transaction allows for discounts.

Database Field: ERPx_MFTransactionBatchTransaction.DiscountToConsume


Insert excerpt
Transaction ID
Transaction ID
Clicking on this link opens the transaction record view for the selected record. For Invoice and Credit Memo transactions, this is a system assigned number that comes from the associated Transaction Class and is required. For Payment transactions, this is a system assigned number that comes from the 'Next Check #' field for the associated Checkbook on the Checkbooks List View and is required. This field is never editable.

Insert excerpt
Def - Transaction ID
Def - Transaction ID

Database Fields: ERPx_APTransactionHeader.TransactionID (Invoice/Credit Memo), ERPx_MFCheckbookTransaction.TransactionID (Payment)

Transaction Class

Insert excerpt
Transaction Class
Transaction Class
This is a non-editable text box that is required for Invoice and Credit Memo transactions. It defaults from the 'Transaction Class' field on the 'Properties' tab of the Invoice Record View. This is blank for check / ACH payments. This field is for information only and never editable.

Insert excerpt
Def - Transaction
Class - General
Def - Transaction
Class - General

Database Fields: ERPx_APTransactionHeader.TransactionID (Invoice/Credit Memo)APTransactionClass.TransactionClassDescription, ERPx_MFCheckbookTransaction.TransactionID (Payment)APTransactionHeader.TransactionClassSK

Transaction ClassType

Insert excerpt
This is a non-editable text box that is required for Invoice and Credit Memo transactions. It . This defaults from the 'Transaction Class' field on the 'Properties' tab of the Invoice Record View. Transaction Type selected when creating a new transaction. This field is for information only and never editable.

Insert excerpt
Def - Transaction
Class - General
Def - Transaction
Class - General

Database Fields: ERPx_APTransactionType.TransactionName, ERPx_APTransactionClass.TransactionClassDescriptionTransactionTypeSK, ERPx_APTransactionHeader.TransactionClassSK

Transaction Type

(Invoice/Credit Memo), ERPx_MFCheckbookTransaction.TransactionTypeSK (Payment)


Insert excerpt

Transaction Type


Transaction Type

This is a non-editable text box

that is required. This defaults from the Transaction Type selected when creating a new transaction. 

that is required. For Invoice and Credit Memo transactions, it defaults from the 'Vendor' field on the 'Home' tab of the Invoice Record View. For Payment transactions, this defaults from the 'Account' field on the Payments grid of the Process Payments Record View. This field is for information only and never editable.

Insert excerpt
Def -

Transaction Types

Def -

Transaction Types


Database Fields: ERPx_




VendorName (ERPx_




VendorID), ERPx_APTransactionHeader.


VendorSK (Invoice/Credit Memo), ERPx_MFCheckbookTransaction.


EntitySK (Payment)

Vendor Name

Insert excerpt
Vendor Name
Vendor Name
This is a non-editable text box that is required. For Invoice and Credit Memo transactions, it defaults from the 'Vendor' field on the 'Home' tab of the Invoice Record View. For Payment transactions, this defaults from the 'Account' field on the Payments grid of the Process Payments Record View. This field is for information only and never editable.

Insert excerpt
Def - Vendor
Def - Vendor

Database Fields: ERPx_APVendor.VendorName (ERPx_APVendor.VendorID), ERPx_APTransactionHeader.VendorSK (Invoice/Credit Memo), ERPx_MFCheckbookTransaction.EntitySK (Payment)

Related Topics

User Guide: Vendor Balances
