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Def - GL Budget Details
Def - GL Budget Details
The purpose of this page is to view budget amounts and also to edit budget amounts for Budget that have been set to allow edit.

Software Version: 2022.05.10 and newer


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Account Class

Insert excerpt
Inq - GL Account Class
Inq - GL Account Class
This is a multi-select lookup that is not required to return results. It defaults as blank, which implies ALL.

Insert excerpt
Def - GL Account Class
Def - GL Account Class

The lookup contains a list of all GL Account Classes.

Auto Hide Filters

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Auto Hide Filters
Auto Hide Filters

Auto Refresh on Open

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Auto Refresh on Open
Auto Refresh on Open


Used to select one or more Budgets to view details for. This is a multi-select lookup that is not required to return results. It defaults as blank, which implies ALL. This lookup contains the values in the GL Budgets Master File.


Insert excerpt
Inq - GL Category
Inq - GL Category
This is a multi-select lookup that is not required to return results. It defaults as blank, which implies ALL. This lookup contains the values in the GLAccountClassCategory Enumeration Class.

Insert excerpt
Def - General Ledger Account Category
Def - General Ledger Account Category

Fiscal Year

Insert excerpt
Inq - Fiscal Year
Inq - Fiscal Year
This is a multi-select lookup that is not required to return results. It defaults as blank, which implies ALL.

Insert excerpt
Def - Fiscal Year
Def - Fiscal Year

The lookup contains a list of all Fiscal Years.

Posting Type

Used to select one or more Posting Types. This is a multi-select lookup that is not required to return results. It defaults as blank, which implies ALL.

This lookup contains the values in the GLAccountPostingType Enumeration Class.

  • Balance Sheet

  • Income Statement

Saved Searches

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Search Options for Framework 3.0 - Global
Search Options for Framework 3.0 - Global


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Column Filter Show/Hide - Global
Column Filter Show/Hide - Global


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Excel - LV 3.0
Excel - LV 3.0


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Favorites Add/Remove - Global
Favorites Add/Remove - Global

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Group By Show/Hide - Global
Group By Show/Hide - Global


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Help - Global 3.0
Help - Global 3.0

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Quick Column Filter


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Refresh - Global 3.0
Refresh - Global 3.0


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Save - RV Header 3.0
Save - RV Header 3.0

Saved Layouts

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Column Layouts for Framework 3.0 - Global
Column Layouts for Framework 3.0 - Global

Search Options

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Search Options - Inquiry Grid 3.0
Search Options - Inquiry Grid 3.0




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Account Class

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GL Account Class
GL Account Class
This field is not editable from this page.
Insert excerpt
Def - GL Account Class
Def - GL Account Class

Database Fields: ERPx_GLBudgetDetail.GLAccountSk, ERPx_GLAccountClass.ClassName, ERPx_GLAccount.AccountClassSK


Insert excerpt
Def - GL Budget
Def - GL Budget
This field is not editable from this page.

Database Fields: ERPx_GLBudgetDetail.BudgetSK, ERPx_GLBudget.BudgetName


Insert excerpt
GL Account Category
GL Account Category
This field is not editable from this page. 

Insert excerpt
Def - General Ledger Account Category
Def - General Ledger Account Category

Database Fields: ERPx_GLAccountClass.ClassName, ERPx_GLAccount.AccountClassSK

Fiscal Year

Identifies the Fiscal Year the Budget applies to. This field is not editable from this page. 

Insert excerpt
Def - Fiscal Year
Def - Fiscal Year

Database Fields: ERPx_GLBudgetDetail.BudgetSK, ERPx_GLBudget.FiscalYearSK, ERPx_MFFiscalYear.FiscalYear

GL Account

Insert excerpt
GL Account ID
GL Account ID
 This field is not editable from this page. 
Insert excerpt
Def - GL Account ID
Def - GL Account ID

Database Fields: ERPx_GLBudgetDetail.GLAccountSK, ERPx_GLAccount.AccountNumber

GL Account Description

Insert excerpt
GL Account Description
GL Account Description
This field is not editable from this page. 

Insert excerpt
Def - GL Account Description
Def - GL Account Description

Database Fields: ERPx_GLBudgetDetail.GLAccountSK, ERPx_GLAccount.Description

GL Account: Description

Identifies the GL Account and GL Account Description in one field as [GL Account]: [GL Account Description]. This field is not editable from this page.

Posting Type

Identifies whether the GL Account is an Income Statement Account or a Balance Sheet Account. This field comes from the 'Posting Type' field on the GL Accounts List View. This field is not editable from this page. 

Insert excerpt
Def - Balance Sheet Account
Def - Balance Sheet Account

Insert excerpt
Def - Income Statement Account
Def - Income Statement Account

Database Fields: ERPx_GLBudgetDetail.GLAccountSK, ERPx_GLAccount.PostingTypeEN

Period 01

Identifies the Budget Amount for 'Period 1' for each GL Account. This is not required but if entered, Debit Budget Amounts must be entered as positive amounts and Credit Budget Amounts must be entered as negative amounts. This is only editable for a Budget when the Budget's 'Allow Edit' property is set to "Yes" on the GL Budget page. 

Period 02

Identifies the Budget Amount for 'Period 2' for each GL Account. This is not required but if entered, Debit Budget Amounts must be entered as positive amounts and Credit Budget Amounts must be entered as negative amounts. This is only editable for a Budget when the Budget's 'Allow Edit' property is set to "Yes" on the GL Budget page. 

Period 03

Identifies the Budget Amount for 'Period 3' for each GL Account. This is not required but if entered, Debit Budget Amounts must be entered as positive amounts and Credit Budget Amounts must be entered as negative amounts. This is only editable for a Budget when the Budget's 'Allow Edit' property is set to "Yes" on the GL Budget page. 

Period 04

Identifies the Budget Amount for 'Period 4' for each GL Account.. This is not required but if entered, Debit Budget Amounts must be entered as positive amounts and Credit Budget Amounts must be entered as negative amounts. This is only editable for a Budget when the Budget's 'Allow Edit' property is set to "Yes" on the GL Budget page. 

Period 05

Identifies the Budget Amount for 'Period 5' for each GL Account. This is not required but if entered, Debit Budget Amounts must be entered as positive amounts and Credit Budget Amounts must be entered as negative amounts. This is only editable for a Budget when the Budget's 'Allow Edit' property is set to "Yes" on the GL Budget page. 

Period 06

Identifies the Budget Amount for 'Period 6' for each GL Account. This is not required but if entered, Debit Budget Amounts must be entered as positive amounts and Credit Budget Amounts must be entered as negative amounts. This is only editable for a Budget when the Budget's 'Allow Edit' property is set to "Yes" on the GL Budget page. 

Period 07

Identifies the Budget Amount for 'Period 7' for each GL Account. This is not required but if entered, Debit Budget Amounts must be entered as positive amounts and Credit Budget Amounts must be entered as negative amounts. This is only editable for a Budget when the Budget's 'Allow Edit' property is set to "Yes" on the GL Budget page. 

Period 08

Identifies the Budget Amount for 'Period 8' for each GL Account.. This is not required but if entered, Debit Budget Amounts must be entered as positive amounts and Credit Budget Amounts must be entered as negative amounts. This is only editable for a Budget when the Budget's 'Allow Edit' property is set to "Yes" on the GL Budget page. 

Period 09

Identifies the Budget Amount for 'Period 9' for each GL Account. This is not required but if entered, Debit Budget Amounts must be entered as positive amounts and Credit Budget Amounts must be entered as negative amounts. This is only editable for a Budget when the Budget's 'Allow Edit' property is set to "Yes" on the GL Budget page. 

Period 10

Identifies the Budget Amount for 'Period 10' for each GL Account.. This is not required but if entered, Debit Budget Amounts must be entered as positive amounts and Credit Budget Amounts must be entered as negative amounts. This is only editable for a Budget when the Budget's 'Allow Edit' property is set to "Yes" on the GL Budget page. 

Period 11

Identifies the Budget Amount for 'Period 11' for each GL Account. This is not required but if entered, Debit Budget Amounts must be entered as positive amounts and Credit Budget Amounts must be entered as negative amounts. This is only editable for a Budget when the Budget's 'Allow Edit' property is set to "Yes" on the GL Budget page. 

Period 12

Identifies the Budget Amount for 'Period 12' for each GL Account.. This is not required but if entered, Debit Budget Amounts must be entered as positive amounts and Credit Budget Amounts must be entered as negative amounts. This is only editable for a Budget when the Budget's 'Allow Edit' property is set to "Yes" on the GL Budget page. 

Period 13

Identifies the Budget Amount for 'Period 13' for each GL Account. This is not required but if entered, Debit Budget Amounts must be entered as positive amounts and Credit Budget Amounts must be entered as negative amounts. This is only editable for a Budget when the Budget's 'Allow Edit' property is set to "Yes" on the GL Budget page. 

This is only applicable in Companies with a 13-period fiscal year.

Segment 1

Identifies the first part (segment) of the GL Account Format. It comes from the 'Number' column on the GL Account Format Record View. This field is never editable.

Insert excerpt
Def - General Ledger Account Segment
Def - General Ledger Account Segment

Database Field: ERPx_GLAccountSegmentNumber.Number, ERPx_GLAccountFormat.SegmentSK

Segment 2

Identifies the second part (segment) of the GL Account Format. It comes from the 'Number' column on the GL Account Format Record View. This field is never editable.

Insert excerpt
Def - General Ledger Account Segment
Def - General Ledger Account Segment

Database Field: ERPx_GLAccountSegmentNumber.Number, ERPx_GLAccountFormat.SegmentSK

Segment 3

Identifies the third part (segment) of the GL Account Format. It comes from the 'Number' column on the GL Account Format Record View. This field is never editable.

Insert excerpt
Def - General Ledger Account Segment
Def - General Ledger Account Segment

Database Field: ERPx_GLAccountSegmentNumber.Number, ERPx_GLAccountFormat.SegmentSK


Identifies the total budget amount for all Periods (whether the Periods are displayed or not). This is a calculated field that is not editable and calculates totals differently for each GL Account Posting Type:

  • Balance Sheet Accounts: displays the budget amount from the last GL Period.

  • Income Statement Accounts: displays the summary of all the Period Budget amounts.
