The purpose of this page is to create, update and process Vendor payment batches. Users will be able to search for unapplied or partially applied invoice, credit memo and check payment transactions to include on the payment batch. Payment batches, when posted, automatically apply payable transactions and receivable transactions towards each other to settle vendor balances. Insert excerpt Def - Payment Batch Def - Payment Batch nopanel true
This record view also contains columns for each Attribute that is set up for the 'Vendors' attribute type. Because these are user defined, they are not included in the default view but can be added a saved layout. Vendor attributes are not included in the help documentation.
To view the help page for the NorthScope 2.0 Build Payment Batch Record View, please click here: Build Payment Batch Record View.
Batch Properties Tab
Fields | Description | ||||||||||||||||
Apply Expired Discounts | Determines if expired discounts should be applied or not. Any non-expired discounts are applied by default, but the discount amounts can be manually edited. This is a Yes/No lookup that is required. It defaults as "No" and is always editable. Database Field: EERPx_MFTransactionBatch.ApplyExpiredDiscounts | ||||||||||||||||
Batch ID |
Database Field: ERPx_MFTransactionBatch.BatchID | ||||||||||||||||
Checkbook |
The lookup contains a list of all the 'Active' Checkbooks. Database Fields: ERPx_MFCheckbook.CheckbookDescription, ERPx_MFTransactionBatch.CheckbookSK | ||||||||||||||||
Include Transactions | Identifies the types of transactions to be included in the payment batch. This is a single-select standard lookup that is required to return results. This defaults to "Invoices, Credit Memos and Checks". If missing, the message "Include Transactions is required." will be displayed when the batch is built by clicking the Refresh or Save button. This field is always editable. This lookup contains the values in the APBuildCheckInclude Enumeration Class. Database Field: ERPx_MFTransactionBatch.APBuildCheckIncludeEN | ||||||||||||||||
One Payment Per | Identifies whether payments should be applied per Document or per Vendor. One payment can be applied towards several invoices simultaneously and also several payment transactions can be used towards one invoice. This is a single-select standard lookup that is required to return results. It defaults as "Vendor" and is editable prior to building the batch (clicking the Refresh or Save button). Updating the value to "Document" will automatically update the 'Include Transactions' field to be "Invoices Only" and any Credit Memo's and Payments will be removed from the batch. After a payment batch is saved, this field is disabled. This lookup contains the values in the MFOneCheckPer Enumeration Class. Database Field: ERPx_MFTransactionBatch.MFOneCheckPerEN | ||||||||||||||||
Payment Date | Identifies the date the payment will be applied, formatted from the users 'Date Format' preference. This is a date picker that defaults to the current date. It is required and if missing, will default to current date on Save. This date will automatically populate the 'Payment Date' field on the Process Payments Record View. This field is editable until payments are assigned, after this the field is disabled on Save. Note: The transactions displayed in the grid will be for Document Dates on or before the Payment Date entered. Database Field: EERPx_MFTransactionBatch.BatchDate |
Filters Tab
Fields | Description | ||||||||
Discount Date as of | Identifies the Discount Date to use to filter transactions for the payment batch, formatted from the users 'Date Format' preference. Invoices and Credit Memos with a Discount Date on or before the defined 'Discount Date as of' field are added to the payment batch. This is a date picker that is not required to return results. This field defaults as blank and is always editable.
Since payment transactions do not have Discount Dates, selecting a 'Discount Date as of' will not exclude payment transactions from the payment batch. Database Field: ERPx_MFTransactionBatch.DiscountDateAsOf | ||||||||
Due Date as of | Identifies the Due Date to use to filter transactions for the payment batch, formatted from the users 'Date Format' preference. Invoices and Credit Memos with a Due Date on or before the defined 'Due Date as of' field are added to the payment batch. This is a date picker that is not required to return results. This field defaults as blank and is always editable.
Since payment transactions do not have Due Dates, selecting a 'Due Date as of' will not exclude payment transactions from the payment batch. Database Field: ERPx_MFTransactionBatch.DueDateAsOf | ||||||||
Search |
Refer to this FAQ for advanced search options. The Search field can be used to search across the following fields:
| ||||||||
Transaction Class | Identifies the transaction class(es) to be included in the payment batch. This is a multi-select lookup that is not required to return results. It defaults to All Transaction Classes and is always editable.
This lookup contains a list of all active Transaction Classes where the TransactionTypeSK is either In order to include transactions that are associated with an inactivated Transaction Class, the default option of no Transaction Classes selected should include transactions that are on inactive classes. Database Field: ERPx_MFTransactionBatch.TransactionClassSKCSV | ||||||||
Vendor Class | Used to select a Vendor Class to filter transactions for the payment batch. This is a multi-select lookup that is not required to return results. It defaults as blank and is always editable. The lookup contains a list of all the 'Active' Vendor Classes.
Database Fields: ERPx_MFTransactionBatch.VendorClassCSV |
Page Detail
Transactions Grid
The purpose of this grid is to display and manage the individual transactions associated with the payment batch. Transactions that Credit the Accounts Payable Account will be displayed as positive and in black font. Transactions that Debit the Accounts Payable Account will be displayed as negative and in red font, as they will be subtracted from the payment amount. Transactions that are removed will be displayed in blue font. The default grid layout for this grid is grouped by Vendor Name. The group heading displays as "Vendor Name: [VendorName] + ([VendorID])".
Toolbar Icons | Description | ||||||||||||||||
Clear Filtered | Provides a quick way to de-select all records for payment. When clicked, the values in the 'Amt. to Pay' and 'Terms Discount Taken' columns will be set to 0.00. | ||||||||||||||||
Column Filter Show/Hide |
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Excel |
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Group By Show/Hide |
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Include Filtered | Provides a quick way to select all records for payment. When clicked, all the records within the filter where the 'Amt. to Pay' = 0.00 will be populated as: [Open Amt.] - [Terms Discount Taken]. | ||||||||||||||||
Quick Column Filter |
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Refresh |
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Saved Layouts |
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Fields | Description | ||||||||||||||||
Checkbox |
| ||||||||||||||||
Amt. to Pay | This is an editable text box that defaults to 0.00 and is required to process a payment. The amount entered cannot be greater than the 'Open Amt.' field. If so, the message "The Amount cannot be greater than is left on the transaction." will be displayed on Save. Database Field: ERPx_MFTransactionBatchTransaction.AmountToConsume | ||||||||||||||||
Currency |
Database Fields: ERPx_MFCurrency.CurrencyID, ERPx_APTransactionHeader.CurrencySK | ||||||||||||||||
Discount Date |
Database Field: ERPx_APTransactionHeader.DiscountDate | ||||||||||||||||
Doc Date |
Database Fields: ERPx_APTransactionHeader.TransactionDate (Invoice/Credit Memo), ERPx_MFCheckbookTransaction.CreatedDate (Payment) | ||||||||||||||||
Doc No |
Database Fields: ERPx_APTransactionHeader.DocNumber (Invoice/Credit Memo), ERPx_MFCheckbookTransaction.TransactionID (Payment) | ||||||||||||||||
Due Date |
Database Field: ERPx_APTransactionHeader.DueDate | ||||||||||||||||
Exchange table | A non-editable text box to show the ID of the 'Exchange Table' that was assigned to the transaction when it posted. This field will be blank for transactions that were posted in the Home Currency. | ||||||||||||||||
From Currency | A non-editable text box that displays the Currency from the transaction. | ||||||||||||||||
Last Updated By |
Database Field: ERPx_APTransactionHeader.LastUser | ||||||||||||||||
Open Amt. | Displays the amount due for payment on the transaction. This is a non-editable text box that is required. It is calculated as [Orig. Trans. Amt] - previous applications. This field is for information only and never editable. This field is not stored in the database. For transactions that Credit the Accounts Payable Account, this field will display as positive. For transactions that Debit the Accounts Payable Account, this field will display as negative. | ||||||||||||||||
Orig. Terms Discount Amt. | Displays the original discount amount. This is a non-editable text box that is not required. It defaults from the 'Discount Amount' filed on the 'Properties' tab of the Invoice Record View. This field is for information only and never editable. Database Field: ERPx_APTransactionHeader.DiscountAmount | ||||||||||||||||
Orig. Trans. Amt. |
For transactions that Credit the Accounts Payable Account, this field will display as positive. For transactions that Debit the Accounts Payable Account, this field will display as negative. Database Fields: ERPx_APTransactionHeader.ExtendedAmount (Invoice/Credit Memo), ERPx_MFCheckbookTransaction.Amount (Payment) | ||||||||||||||||
Payment Exchange Rate | A non-editable text box that displays the 'Rate' (exchange rate) that applies to the 'Payment Date' from the header source transaction being applied on the 'Exchange Table' assigned to the record. This is set to 1.0000000 for all 'Payments' where the transaction Currency matches the 'Home Currency'. This is a looked-up value that is not editable from here. | ||||||||||||||||
Payment Exchange Rate Calc. Method | A non-editable text box to show the 'Calculation Method' being used to convert each application's currency (the 'From Currency') to the Home Currency (the 'To Currency'). This will either be "Multiply" or "Divide" and is set as follows:
| ||||||||||||||||
Payment Gain/Loss | A non-editable text box to identify if the application results in a currency gain or loss. If the result is positive then we have a currency gain, if it is negative, we have a currency loss, and if it is 0.00 then this line is not part of the gain/loss journal entry. If any of the line items have a non-zero value in this field, then a currency gain/loss journal entry will be made on save. This will always be a separate Journal Entry because it must be made in the Home Currency. The journal entry is created, using the Apply Date of each transaction that had a non-zero value as follows: If the transaction results in a currency gain:
If the transaction results in a currency loss:
| ||||||||||||||||
Purchase Exchange Rate | A non-editable text box that displays the 'Rate' (exchange rate from the currency exchange table) that applied to the Invoice transaction when it posted. This is set to 1.0000000 for all transactions that were posted in the 'Home Currency'. This is a looked-up value that is not editable from here. | ||||||||||||||||
Purchase Exchange Rate Calc. Method | A non-editable text box to show the 'Calculation Method' being used to convert each transaction's currency (the 'From Currency') to the Home Currency (the 'To Currency'). This will either be "Multiply" or "Divide" and is set as follows:
| ||||||||||||||||
Terms Discount Amt. Not Taken | Displays the discount amount that has not been used yet. This is a non-editable text box that is not required. It is calculated as [Orig. Terms Discount Amt.] - [Terms Discount Taken] if the Payment Terms of the transaction allows for discounts. Else, it will default as "0.00". This field will be automatically updated if the 'Terms Discount Taken' field is updated. This field is for information only and never editable. It is not stored in the database. | ||||||||||||||||
Terms Discount Taken | Identifies the amount of discount applied to the transaction. This is an editable text box that is not required. It defaults from the ' Terms Discount Amt. Not Taken' field when:
This defaults to "0.00" if the discount is expired and the ‘Apply Expired Discounts’ is set to No. It also defaults to "0.00" when the Payment Terms of the transaction do not allow for discounts. The amount entered cannot be greater than the ' Terms Discount Amt. Not Taken' field, otherwise the message "Cannot set a Discount Amount to Take greater than is left on the transaction" will be displayed on Save. This field is only editable if the Payment Terms of the transaction allows for discounts. Database Field: ERPx_MFTransactionBatchTransaction.DiscountToConsume | ||||||||||||||||
To Currency | A non-editable text box that displays the Home Currency. | ||||||||||||||||
Transaction |
Database Fields: ERPx_APTransactionHeader.TransactionID (Invoice/Credit Memo), ERPx_MFCheckbookTransaction.TransactionID (Payment) | ||||||||||||||||
Transaction Class |
Database Fields: APTransactionClass.TransactionClassDescription, ERPx_APTransactionHeader.TransactionClassSK | ||||||||||||||||
Transaction Type |
Database Fields: ERPx_APTransactionType.TransactionName, ERPx_APTransactionClass.TransactionTypeSK, ERPx_APTransactionHeader.TransactionClassSK (Invoice/Credit Memo), ERPx_MFCheckbookTransaction.TransactionTypeSK (Payment) | ||||||||||||||||
Vendor |
Database Fields: ERPx_APVendor.VendorName (ERPx_APVendor.VendorID), ERPx_APTransactionHeader.VendorSK (Invoice/Credit Memo), ERPx_MFCheckbookTransaction.EntitySK (Payment) | ||||||||||||||||
Vendor Name |
Database Fields: ERPx_APVendor.VendorName, ERPx_APTransactionHeader.VendorSK (Invoice/Credit Memo), ERPx_MFCheckbookTransaction.EntitySK (Payment) |
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