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  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
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To select the specific lot and/or bin the allocated items will be pulled from, select the line item and click the Alloc. Details grid toolbar icon. The Alloc. Details window will open with the Site, Item, Ordered quantity, and Allocated quantity in the header. The Item field displays a drop-down with the ordered line item(s) for selecting. The line items that appear are those lots and/or bins that contain the ordered line item with the following details: Allocate Item, Site, Lot, Bin, Owner, Hold, On Hand Units, Allocated Units, Available Units, Allocate Units, Units UOM, Allocate Weight, Weight UOM, On Hand Weight, Allocated Weight, Available Weight, Manufactured date, Days Since Manufactured, Received date, Days Since Received, Expiration Date, Days Until Expiration, Unit Cost, and the User-Defined Attributes setup in the System module for lots. The only editable field is Allocate Units. Enter the number of units to allocate from the line item lot and/or bin in this field.To view where else the lot’s and/or bin’s units have been allocated, click the Allocated Units hyperlink. This will open the SO Allocation Details window, which will display the Alloc Type, Trans Number, To, Lot, Bin, Ship By, Actual Ship, Alloc. Units, and Alloc. Weight of the previously allocated items. The Alloc. Units and Alloc. Weight fields are available for edit.following header fields:

To view what each header field is responsible for, click here

  • Allocated: This is a calculated field.
  • Allocate From: Select the site from which you would like to allocate from. All lots at the selected site containing the selected item(s) will display in the grid. 
  • Item: Select the item for which to display lots to allocate from. This list will include all items on the transaction in addition to the option 'Transaction Items', which will display the site's lots for all items on the transaction. 
  • Ordered: This is a calculated field.
  • Show In: Select the UOM in which to display the item's lot values. This list includes the options 'Transaction UOM' and 'Inventory UOM'. 
  • Unallocated: This is a calculated field.
  • Units UOM: This field defaults and is not editable.
  • Weight UOM: This field defaults and is not editable. 

Once the user has selected the appropriate values for all header fields, the grid will display the eligible lots to allocate from. The grid will display with the following fields:

To view what each grid field is responsible for, click here

  • Actual Cost
  • Allocated
  • Auto Fill: Select this checkbox to auto allocate the item from the corresponding lot up to the ordered quantity or to the lot's available balance, whichever is less. The auto allocated quantity will update on save. 
  • Available: This will display the total available quantity of the corresponding lot.
  • Available Units
  • Available Weight
  • Committed Units
  • Committed Weight
  • Days Since Produced
  • Days Since Received
  • Days Until Expire
  • Expire
  • Item: Description: This will display the item and item description of the item the corresponding lot holds. 
  • Julian Day
  • Lot Code: This will display the lot code of the production lot that corresponds to the inventory lot. 
  • Lot Comment
  • Manufactured In
  • Market Cost
  • Mfg Year
  • On Hand: This will display the on hand balance of the corresponding lot. 
  • On Hand Units
  • On Hand Weight
  • On Hold
  • Owner
  • Produced
  • Production Lot ID
  • Purchased From
  • Received
  • Site: This will display the site at which the corresponding lot exists. 
  • Standard Cost
  • Units: Enter the units to be allocated from the corresponding lot. This field is only editable if the corresponding item is managed by units and weight or units only. 
  • Units UOM: This will display the unit of measure in which the unit allocation is being made. 
  • UOM: This will display the unit of measure in which the On Hand and Available balances are being displayed. 
  • Warehouse Lot: This will display the warehoue lot id of the warehouse lot that corresponds to the inventory lot. 
  • Weight: Enter the weight to be allocated from the corresponding lot. This field is only editable if the corresponding item is managed by units and weight or weight only. 
  • Weight UOM: This will display the unit of measure in which the weight allocation is being made. 

Once all allocations are complete, click the Save toolbar icon. If the user would like to allocate other ordered line items, select the next item from the Item drop-down menu and follow the same steps as above

Step 4: Editing the ‘Logistics’ tab.
