(Software Version: 2024.10.30 Database Version: 2024.10.30)
Not every new feature we add to NorthScope is something that gets used directly; sometimes we add new features that make it easier for our Implementation and Support teams to deliver functionality that is tailored to individual NorthScope installations. NorthScope’s new GL Account Parsed Segments Function makes it easier to create reports that understand the meaning of each GL Account Segment, making reports and inquiries more capable and easier to build.
NS-12884 – Added Automatic Deletion of Search Metadata
Item sets are great for automatically grouping items together based on criteria you define. When a new item gets added to the system, it can automatically be included in an existing Item Set without you having to do anything extra. Sometimes, though, you need to specifically exclude an item from a particular Item Set. We fixed a bug where if an item was excluded from an item set and that Item's master file record view was opened and then saved, the item would become excluded from every item set.
Technical Changes
- Please view cumulative schema changes here.
- No config file changes.