Because Sales Orders do not affect the general ledger, they are not sent to the host system. However, if the Sales Preference for “Do Sales Orders become Invoices in NorthScope” is set to ‘Yes,’ when the order is set to a status of ‘Approved,’ it will be converted into a Sales Invoice.
Step 1: Creating the Sales Order.
From either the Sales Order Transactions or Transaction Items list view, click the New toolbar icon and select Order from the drop-down menu.
Once the item information for the order has been entered, click the Save toolbar icon. This will open the Order record view with all known information defaulted.
Step 2: Editing the ‘Home’ tab.
The Order record view opens with four tabs and a grid. The first tab is the Home tab, which opens with the Doc Date, Ship By date, Site, Status, Workflow, Carrier, and Ship to address fields defaulted from the previously entered information. The following fields will also display:
Once all the home tab information has been entered, click the Save toolbar icon.
Step 3: Editing the grid contents and allocating items.
Editing the grid contents.
Note: Allocating items on orders in a status less than shipped will increase each allocated lot's allocated balance and will decrease the available balance. Saving an order with allocations as shipped will decrease each allocated lot's on hand and allocated balances.
Step 4: Editing the ‘Shipments’ tab.
The Shipments tab opens with a line item for each shipment. Shipments are determined by the line items’ Carrier, Site, and Ship By date and appear with the following information:
Once the ordered items have been assigned a shipment, the Deliver On, Freight Terms, BOL, Waybill, Tracking #, Truck, Driver, and Details can also be edited.
Step 5: Editing the ‘User-Defined’ tab.
The User-Defined tab opens with all the fields that were created in the User-Defined Attributes setup in the System module for Sales Order - Order. The first four of these fields will appear on the Home tab header and the values entered in these fields on either the Home tab or User-Defined tab will auto-populate the same entry in the corresponding field on the opposite tab.
Step 6: Editing the ‘More Info’ tab.
The More Info tab opens with the previous transaction number, if applicable, the currency, and the bill to address as read-only values. In addition, there is a Trade Discount %, a Terms, a Salesperson, and a Credit Hold field for data entry. The Trade Discount % field defaults to 0% and the Terms field defaults to the customer’s pre-determined payment terms, however, both fields can be edited.
Step 7: Editing the Program Details.
Program Details include Brokerage and Freight Accruals and Promotions and On Invoice Charges. To edit this information, click the Program Details toolbar icon. This will open the Program Details window to the Brokerage & Freight Accruals tab.
Once the rates have been adjusted, click the Save toolbar icon.
Step 8: Approving the Order.
Once all information has been entered on the order, return to the home tab, select ‘Approved’ from the Status drop-down menu, and click the Save toolbar icon.