Click New from the grid toolbar to add blank rows for data entry. By default clicking New creates 5 blank rows. Complete the data entry by adding one line for each transaction.
Note: Clicking New from the grid toolbar saves the transaction.
Note: Additional lines can be added by clicking New grid toolbar icon.
Required line item fields:
- Description: Enter the description for the adjustment. This field defaults to blank but is required in order to save the line item.
- Distributed To: Select the fisherman or tender to which the adjustment is being applied. This lookup contains all active vendors with a Vendor Type of Fisherman, Tender, or Fisherman & Tender. This field is required.
- Extended: This field is read-only and displays the product of the price per UOM and the quantity.
- Price: Enter the price for the line item. This field defaults to 0 but must be greater than 0 to save as a status of 'Approved' or greater.
- Purchase Account: Select the GL account that will be used for the credit side of the journal entry if the line item is a positive adjustment and the debit side of the journal entry if the line item is a negative adjustment. The lookup contains all active purchasing accounts. This field defaults to blank. (The Purchase Account cannot be the same as the Distributed To entity's Settlement Accrual account)
- Quantity: This field defaults to 1 and must be greater than or less than 0 to save the transaction with a status of 'Approved' or greater.
- Note: If the user wishes to record a negative adjustment, the user must use the Quantity field to record the negative (i.e. -1) and enter the absolute value of the amount to be adjusted in the Price field. For example, an adjustment of -$500 would be entered by placing a -1 in the Quantity field and a positive 500 in the price field.
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Assigning Attributes (Optional)