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  • This line was added.
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  • Deliver On: Displays a date text box for the user to select the date the ordered items are to be delivered on. If entered, this date must be the same as or later than the Ship by date.
  • Order Date: Displays a date text box for the user to select the date the items were ordered. This date defaults to today's date but is editable.
  • Purch. Purchase Order: Displays a text box for the user to enter the purchase order number associated with the order.
  • Ship by: Displays a date text box for the user to select the ship by date for the order. This is a required field and must be the same as or later than the Order Date. 
  • Transaction Class: Displays a drop-down menu of all ‘Order’ transaction classes for the user to select the document type for the new order. This field defaults to the document type set by the “Default Order ID” preference.


  • Extended Price: Displays the product of the line item’s price per unit of measure and number of units ordered. This field auto-populates upon entering the units and price.
  • Item: Description: Displays the item ID and the description of the line item corresponding to the item number.Item: Displays the item number.
  • Price: Displays a text box field for the user to enter the price per unit of measure for the line item. If the item is on one of the customer’s assigned price lists the price will default but can be overwritten if price variances are allowed, per the Sales Order preferences. Once the price is entered, select the price unit of measure from the drop-down menu, which will default from the price list if the line item is assigned to a price list.
  • Units: Displays a text box field for the user to enter the number of units ordered. A drop-down menu is also displayed for the user to select the units unit of measure, which will default from the price list if the line item is assigned to a price list.
  • Weight: Displays a text box field for the user to enter the amount of weight ordered and a drop-down menu for the user to select the weight unit of measure, both of which will default after units have been entered if the information is known.  


The Order record view opens with four tabs and a grid. The first tab is the Home tab, which opens with the Doc Order Date, Default Ship By date, Default Site, Status, Workflow, Carrier, and Ship to address fields defaulted from the previously entered information. The following fields will also display:

  • Actual ShipDefault Carrier: Displays a date field that will automatically pull the latest Actual Ship date from the shipments on the Shipments tab once all shipments have been marked as Shipped. This field is not editable but is required and once it defaults from the Shipments tab, the transaction will automatically update to a status of Shipped.Carrier: Displays a drop-down menu of all active carriers for the user to select the shipment method for the order. If the address drop-down menu of all active carriers for the user to select the shipment method for the order. If the address being shipped to has a carrier assigned to it, this field will default to select the assigned carrier. Or, if there is no carrier assigned to the address but there is a carrier selected for the “Default Carrier” Sales preference, this field will default to select the preference carrier. If the selected Carrier is visible to Logistics, the shipments on the transaction will be managed in the Logistics module. Whether or not the Carrier is required is determined by the ‘Do Sales Orders Require a Carrier’ Sales Order preference.
  • Default Deliver On: Displays a text box field for the user to enter the date on which the order needs to be delivered.Doc Date
  • Default Ship By: Displays a text box field for the user to enter the date by which the order was made. PO: Displays a text box field for the user to enter the purchase order associated with the order. If the Purch. Order must be shipped. This field defaults to the date selected for the Ship by field on the Select Ship-To window was completed, the PO field will auto-populate to reflect the same entry.Ship By
  • Default Site: Displays a drop-down menu of all the sites assigned to the workflow group for the address. These sites are determined in the Workflow setup in the System module.
  • Purchase Order: Displays a text box field for the user to enter the date by which purchase order associated with the order must be shipped. This field defaults to the date selected for the Ship by . If the Purch. Order field on the Select Ship-To window .was completed, the PO field will auto-populate to reflect the same entry.
  • Hold Code: Displays a drop-down menu of all the Hold Codes configured in Hold Codes Master List.
  • Ship to: Displays a drop-down menu of the available shipping addresses for the customer by ID. The address of the selected address ID is populated as read-only beneath the selection. This field’s title displays a hyperlink that, when clicked, opens the Edit ship-to address window, which allows the user to edit the “Ship Attention To” name, the address, and the phone number without affecting the address or customer record.
  • SiteStatus: Displays a drop-down menu of all the sites assigned to the workflow group the status options for the address. These sites are determined in the Workflow setup in the System module.Status: Displays a drop-down menu of the status options for the order. This field defaults to ‘New’ but all available statuses are determined in Status order. This field defaults to ‘New’ but all available statuses are determined in Status Setup.
  • Workflow: Displays a drop-down menu of the workflow options for the order. These workflow options are determined in the Workflow setup in the System module.


The Shipments tab opens with a line item for each shipment. Shipments are determined by the line items’ Carrier, Site, and Ship By date and appear with the following information:

  • # ItemsBOL#: Displays the number of items on Bill of Lading number for the shipment.
  • Actual Ship: Displays the date the shipment was actually shipped. This is required to save the Shipment in a status of ‘Shipped’.
  • Alloc. Units: Displays the number of allocated units on the shipment.
  • BOL: Displays the Bill of Lading number for the shipmentThis field is a text field and it is not required.
  • Carrier: Displays the carrier transporting the shipment.
  • Deliver On: Displays the date on which the shipment is to be delivered.Details
  • Freight $: Displays a hyperlink that, when clicked, opens the Sales Order: Shipment Details window with the following fields: Truck, Driver, Vessel, Destination, Container, Total Units, Total Weight, Base Rate, Sales Amount, and Comment. The values entered in the Truck and Driver fields will auto-populate the corresponding fields on the Logistics line item and vice versa.
  • Driver: Displays the name of the driver transporting the shipment.
  • Freight Amount: Displays the cost of the freight.
  • Freight Rate Typethe cost of the freight.This field cannot be edited on the Shipments tab. The Freight amount needs to be entered on the Load Record..
  • Freight Terms: Displays a drop-down menu of freight rate types terms for the user to select the freight rate type terms for the shipment.Freight Rate
  • Invoice #: Displays the freight rate.Freight Terms: Displays a drop-down menu of freight terms for the user to select the freight terms for the shipmentInvoice Number. The number can be manually entered, but the Invoice Number is retrieved from an Invoice when the Invoice is printed.
  • Invoiced: Displays the Invoice Date. The date can be manually entered, but the Invoice Date is retrieved from an Invoice when the Invoice is printed.
  • Load Status: Displays the status of the shipment’s load.
  • Net Alloc. Lbs.: Displays the total weight of allocated units on the shipment.
  • Net Ord. Lbs.: Displays the total weight of units ordered.
  • Ord. Units: Displays the number of units orderedNotes: Opens the noted dialog, which allows users to enter additional notes for the Shipment.
  • Ship By: Displays the date by which the shipment is to be shipped.
  • Shipment: Displays the shipment number .
  • Site: Displays the name of the site to which the shipment is being made.
  • Tracking #: Displays the shipment’s tracking number.
  • Truckas a hyperlink, when clicked, opens the Load Record, which allows users to enter Load details like Freight Costs and Pallet Positions. The Freight costs entered on the Load Record updates Freight $ amount on the shipment tab.
  • Shipped: Displays the date the shipment was actually shipped. This is required to save the Shipment in a status of ‘Shipped’.
  • Site: Displays the name of the truck transporting site to which the shipment is being made.Waybill
  • Tracking #: Displays the waybill shipment’s tracking number for the shipment.

Before the ordered items have been assigned a shipment, the only fields that can be edited are the Freight Rate Type and the Freight Rate.

Once the ordered items have been assigned a shipment, the Deliver On, Freight Terms, BOL, Waybill, Tracking #, Truck, Driver, and Details can also be edited.  

Step 5: Editing the ‘User-Defined’ tab.

The User-Defined tab opens with all the fields that were created in the User-Defined Attributes setup in the System module for Sales Order - Order. The first four of these fields will appear on the Home tab header and the values entered in these fields on either the Home tab or User-Defined tab will auto-populate the same entry in the corresponding field on the opposite tab.

Step 6: Editing the ‘More Info’ tab.


  • . This is a text field, which allows users to manually enter the tracking number.

Step 5: Editing the ‘Properties’ tab.

The Properties tab opens with two sections: Transaction and Other Information. Payment Terms, Salesperson - Outside Sales, Salesperson - Inside Sales and Default Certification fields in the Transaction section are editable and other fields are for informational use and therefore disabled. 

Step 6: Editing the ‘Attributes’ tab.

The Attributes tab opens with all the fields that were created in the User-Defined Attributes setup in the System module for Sales Order - Order.

Step 7: Editing the Program Details.


Open the Promotions & On Invoice Charges tab to view each line item’s promotions and other charges that will appear on the invoice. The values for each line item will be calculated based on the Promotions Sales Program assigned to the customer’s address in the customer’s Sales Program tab. The only editable field will be the Adj. Rate column where the user can enter the new promotions rate for each line item. These amounts will appear on the invoice and will affect the general ledger.

Once the rates have been adjusted, click the Save toolbar icon.

Step 8: Approving the Order.

Once all information has been entered on the order, return to the home tab, select ‘Approved’ from the Status drop-down menu, and click the Save toolbar icon. When the Order status has been changed to Approved, the order cannot be modified.the rates have been adjusted, click the Save toolbar icon.

Step 8: Changing the Order Status

The Order Status defaults to New when a new order is being created. When all required data has been entered, including the Shipped date, the Order status can be changed to Shipped. After Shipped status has been saved and Invoice ID and Invoice date have been entered on the Shipments tab, the order status can be changed to Approved or Ready to Post. The records needs to be Saved after the new Status has been selected from the Status menu.

Note: If the Invoice is Printed, the Invoice ID and the Invoice Date are automatically populated from the Invoice, but both fields can be also manually entered

When the Order status is changed to Ready to Post, it is integrated to the Host System.
