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To view the description of each Transfer transaction grid field, click here.
- From Owner: This is the owner of the lot from which the item is being transferred. Therefore, this field is only editable when the corresponding item is lot tracked.
- From Production Batch: This is the production batch from which the item is being transferred. Therefore, enter the production batch where you would like inventory to decrease. This field is only editable when the corresponding item is lot tracked.
- From Warehouse Lot: This is the warehouse lot from which the item is being transferred. Therefore, enter the warehouse lot where you would like inventory to decrease. This field is only editable when the From Site is warehouse lot tracked.
- Item: Description: This is the item being transferred. If the item selected is managed by units only, the Weight and Weight UOM fields will be disabled. If the item selected is managed by weight only, the Units and Units UOM fields will be disabled.
- To Owner: This is the owner of the lot to which the item is being transferred. Therefore, this field is only editable when the corresponding item is lot tracked.
- To Warehouse Lot: This is the warehouse lot to which the item is being transferred. Therefore, enter the warehouse lot where you would like inventory to increase.
- Units: This is the number of units of the item being transferred. This field is only editable if the corresponding item is managed by units and weight or units only.
- Units UOM: This is the unit of measure of the units being transferred. This field is only editable if the corresponding item is managed by units and weight or units only. This field will default to the item's default inventory unit UOM once the item is selected. If the UOM selected differs from either of the lots involved in the transfer, the units will be converted based on the UOM conversion on the UOM schedule.
- Weight: This is the total weight of the item being transferred. This field is only editable if the corresponding item is managed by units and weight or weight only.
- Weight UOM: This is the unit of measure of the weight being transferred. This field is only editable if the corresponding item is managed by units and weight or weight only. This field will default to the item's default inventory weight UOM once the item is selected. If the UOM selected differs from either of the lots involved in the transfer, the weight will be converted based on the UOM conversion on the UOM schedule.
Note: The Units and Weight values must both be positive and cannot be zero.
Note: The Production Batch and the Warehouse Lot information doesn't need to be manually entered, if Allocate Item feature is used. The Warehouse Lot field is only required when the site is Warehouse Lot tracked.