- Gross $: Displays the item’s total gross dollar amount.
- Item Set: Displays the name of the Item Set assigned to the program to which the corresponding transaction item belongs to.
- Item: Description: Displays the item and item description of the transaction item affected by the program.
- Method: Displays the calculation method of the program.
- Net $: Displays the item’s total net dollar amount.
- Program Amt.: Displays the amount of the program as calculated for the corresponding line item.
- Program Group: Displays the Sales Program type, ID and Description. This field is not in the system view.
- Program ID: Displays the Program ID of the Sales Program. This field is not in the system view.
- Program Name: Displays the name of the Sales Program. This field is not in the system view.
- Program Type: Displays the type of the Sales Program. This field is not in the system view.
- Promo Item ID: Displays the item ID that will display on the invoice for the program calculations.
- Rate: This field displays the sales program rate as defined on the sales program record. This field is editable and the Program Amount is re-calculated after clicking Save. Note: Updating the rate on this window impacts only this transaction and it does not update the Sales Program record.
- Unit UOM: Identifies the unit UOM of the item that is affected by the sales program.
- Units: Displays the total number of units ordered of the item that is affected by the sales program.
- UOM: Displays the UOM upon which the program was calculated.
- Weight: Displays total weight of the item that is affected by the sales program.
- Wt. UOM: Identifies the weight UOM of the item that is affected by the sales program.