To adjust the sales program rate or to see more sales program details, click the transaction’s Program Details header toolbar icon and open the Promotions & On-Invoice Charges tab.
This tab will display all information regarding the effect(s) of the promotion on the transaction, per item affected, with the following details:
- Gross $:
- Program Type: Displays ‘Promotions’ for all effects due to a Promotions Sales Program.
- Item & Displays the item’s total gross dollar amount.
- Item Set: Displays the name of the Item Set assigned to the program to which the corresponding transaction item belongs to.
- Item: Description: Displays the item and item description of the transaction item affected by the promotionprogram.
- Method: Displays the calculation method of the promotionprogram.Rate
- Net $: Displays the rate upon which the promotion was calculated. Negative rates will display within parentheses.
- UOM: Displays the UOM upon which the promotion was calculated.
- Adj. Rate: Displays a blank numeric text box for the user to enter a new rate to calculate the promotion for the corresponding line item. Entering a value here will override whatever rate is currently being enforced for the corresponding line item’s promotion calculations. To apply the adjusted promotion rate for the corresponding line item, click the Promotions & On Invoice Charges tab Save toolbar icon.
- Quantity: Displays the quantity of the transaction line item upon which the promotion was calculated.
- Amount: Displays the amount of the promotion as calculated for the corresponding line item.
- Promo Item: Displays the item ID of the promotion item item’s total net dollar amount.
- Program Amt.: Displays the amount of the program as calculated for the corresponding line item.
- Program Group: Displays the Sales Program type, ID and Description. This field is not in the system view.
- Program ID: Displays the Program ID of the Sales Program. This field is not in the system view.
- Program Name: Displays the name of the Sales Program. This field is not in the system view.
- Program Type: Displays the type of the Sales Program. This field is not in the system view.
- Promo Item ID: Displays the item ID that will display on the invoice for the promotion program calculations.
- Item Set: Displays the name of the Item Set assigned to the promotion to which the corresponding transaction item belongs.
- Program ID: Displays the Program ID of the promotion for which the item’s corresponding promotion calculations were made.Rate: This field displays the sales program rate as defined on the sales program record. This field is editable and the Program Amount is re-calculated after clicking Save.
- Unit UOM: Identifies the unit UOM of the item that is affected by the sales program.
- Units: Displays the total number of units ordered of the item that is affected by the sales program.
- UOM: Displays the UOM upon which the program was calculated.
- Weight: Displays total weight of the item that is affected by the sales program.
- Wt. UOM: Identifies the weight UOM of the item that is affected by the sales program.
Step 3: Posting the transaction with the Promotion