Table of Contents | ||||||
- Description: Enter a description to identify the purchase order. This field is not required.
- Expire By: Enter the date the purchase order will expire. This field defaults to a year from today’s date less a day but can be edited.
- Note: The Expire Date must b later or equal to the Ordered date.
- Ordered: Enter the date of the purchase order. This field defaults to today’s date but can be edited.
- PO: Enter the number for the purchase order. This field defaults to use the next PO# available but can be edited.
- Status: Select the status of the purchase order (i.e. Open or Closed).
- Note: A purchase order may only be “Closed” once its full amount has been accounted for on a posted Invoice.
- Type: Select the desired type for the purchase order – whether it allows one or multiple invoices.
- Vendor: Select the vendor the item(s) are being purchased from. This field provides a lookup of all active vendors with a vendor type of “Vendor.”
Adding line items
Click New from the grid toolbar to add blank rows for data entry. By default clicking New creates 5 blank rows. Complete the data entry for each line item you wish to add. Complete the data entry for each line item the user wishes to add.
- Description: Enter a description of the line item being purchased. This field defaults to blank but must be entered for the line item to be saved. Note: New line items on these transactions, without a Description, will not be saved.
- Extended: This field is read-only and displays the product of the price per UOM and the quantity.
- Price: Enter the price for the line item. Prices must be greater than or equal to 0. This will be displayed in the currency of the Vendor assigned to the Purchase Order record.
- Purchase Account: Enter the expense account that will be used for the debit side of the journal entry for an applicable invoice and the credit side for an applicable credit memo. This lookup contains all the active financial accounts that are marked as “Use in Purchasing”. This field is required and defaults to the Vendors default "Purchase Account" (this can be assigned from the Accounts tab on the Vendor record view) and can be edited while the transaction is 'New'.
- Quantity: Enter the amount of the line item. This field defaults to 1 and must be greater than or equal to 0.
- UOM: Identifies the unit of measure for the line item. This field displays a drop-down menu of all active UOMs to select the unit of measure for the line item. This field defaults from the Purchasing preference "Default Invoice, Credit, & PO UOM", but can be changed to any active UOM in the Units of Measure master file. If no default preference is set, or the UOM is inactive, new transaction lines will not default a UOM value. This field can can be edited while the transaction is set to a status of 'New'.
Optional line item field(s):