- Calculated On
- Hint: This is how the rate is applied
- % Amount: Select this method if the premium is a % of the amount
- Delivered Weight: Select this method if the premium is calculated from the Delivered WeightFixed Amount: Select this method if the premium is a predetermined amount independent of the delivery
- Net Weight: Select this method if the premium is calculated from the Net Weight (Delivered Weight * Weight Modifier)
- Class
- Debit Account
- Select the GL account for the debit entry of the premium.
- This is a required field.
- Description
- Program ID
- This value must be unique by program 'Type' - meaning that no two premiums may have the same Program ID.
- Note: The program ID should be an alpha code to help you quickly identify the premium
- Rate
- This is the price of the premium. If the premium is $0.05/lb, then enter 0.05. This rate defaults on the ticket, but can be overwritten.
- Start Date
- This date determines when the premium program begins and is available to be applied on delivery tickets.
- Type
- Note: This field defaults and cannot be edited.