- Account: Select the account for which the payment is being made. This field defaults to the account a payment was entered for but can be edited. This field is required to save the check.
- Address: This field displays a hyperlink that, when clicked, opens the address window, allowing the user to edit the address that will display on the check for the corresponding payment line. Editing this address will not affect the corresponding vendor's saved address. The address defaults from the selected Address ID. This field is editable until the check batch has been printed.
- Address ID: Select the Address ID to which the check will be written. This drop-down menu displays all Address IDs for the selected Account. Once an Address ID is selected, the Payee, Description, and Address field will default. This field is not required.
- Amount: Enter the amount to be paid to the “Payee.” This field defaults to the total “Payment” amount entered for the vendor but can be edited. Negative amounts are not permitted and entering a $0 amount or deleting the amount and saving will removed the line item.
- Check Number: Displays the check number assigned to the payment. This field is for informational use only and cannot be edited. The field auto-populates when the check(s) have been printed.
- Description: Enter the description to appear on the check. This field defaults from the Address ID but can be edited.
- Payee: Enter the name to appear on the check. This field defaults from the Address ID but can be edited.