Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

To view the help page for the NorthScope 2.0 IM Receipt Record View, please click here: Receipt Transaction Record View

The Inventory Receipt Transaction Record View allows users to record the receipt of inventory from an outside entity. This transaction allows multiple line items to be received into a single site. The 'Include open Receipt transactions in Available balances' preference will determine whether Available balances are updated before the transaction is posted. Once the transaction is posted, it will update the On Hand lot balance of the item(s).

To view the help page for the NorthScope 2.0 IM Receipt Record View, please click hereReceipt Transaction Record View

Software Version: 20212023.??.?? and 11.30 and newer

Table of Contents

Page Header

Header Toolbar

Toolbar IconsDescription

Insert excerpt
Delete - RV Header 3.0
Delete - RV Header 3.0

(lightbulb) If the Receipt Transaction was linked to a PO #,   the PO will be updated to reflect the changes.

(lightbulb) If the Receipt Transaction was created from an AP Transaction, the 'Linked Receipt Transaction ID' will be cleared from the source AP Transaction.  This feature has not been implemented yet.

Insert excerpt
Help - Global 3.0
Help - Global 3.0
More Actions

Insert excerpt
More Actions - Global 3.0
More Actions - Global 3.0

  • IQ: PO Linked Transactions -Opens an inquiry with all the Purchase Orders,  Opens the "PO Linked Transactions" inquiry showing the Purchase Order and all AP Invoices, AP Credit Memos, and Inventory Receipts associated with this Purchase Order assignedit.
  • RV: Purchase Order - Opens the record view of the Purchase Order
  • --
  • Create AP Invoice - /wiki/spaces/HELP/pages/3294461960   This feature has not been implemented yet.  Change Ship To - Opens the 'Change Ship To' window allowing users to change the Ship To address for this Purchase Order. 

Insert excerpt
New - Multi-Select Trans Type - Global 3.0
New - Multi-Select Trans Type - Global 3.0

The list contains all the 'Active' Receipt Transaction Class IDs displayed as [TransactionType] - [ClassID]. For example: "Receipt - Packaging".

Note: The Transaction Class will not display after the Transaction Type if the Class ID is named "Default" 


Insert excerpt
Notes - Global 3.0
Notes - Global 3.0

Insert excerpt
Def - Notes
Def - Notes


Print - LV 3.0
Insert excerpt
Print - LV 3.0

When clicked, all the Reports assigned to the Functional Area of Inventory, that launch from the Print Dialog, are assigned to this page, and that the user has rights to (if Report Data Access is enabled) are displayed.

Process CorrectionThis toolbar icon is only displayed when a correction has been processed from the Void/Correct page. Users can make any edits to the transaction prior to clicking Process Correction. When this icon is clicked, the changes displayed will be the difference between the original and the new transaction. If the transaction was not updated, the message "No changes have been made and a correction cannot be processed. Please either make changes or delete the transaction." will be displayed when the icon is clicked. Once clicked, the icon is hidden.

Print - LV 3.0

Process Correction
Insert excerpt
Process Correction - RV Header
Process Correction - RV Header


Insert excerpt
Save - RV Header 3.0
Save - RV Header 3.0
Save & Close
Insert excerpt
Save & Close - RV Header 3.0
Save & Close - RV Header 3.0

Home Tab

entered for this transaction)From the 'Default Site' on the Transaction Class - THIS DOES NOT EXIST TODAY AT THE TRANSACTION CLASS LEVEL. , it ,

(lightbulb) If this transaction is linked to an Inventory Receipt and any of the linked line items have a different quantity than the linked Receipt it when it is saved with a Status of either 'Approved' or 'Ready to Post', a warning message will appear. This is just a warning and will not prevent the transaction from posting. The message will be:

One or more line items contain a different quantity on the Receipt than on the linked transaction.
  • Receipt: [Receipt#], Ln# [Ln#]  
  • Receipt: RCT 10005, Ln#: 10 
    REC#: [TransID]        PO#: [PO]         REQ#: [REQ#]             [Received From]  

    Insert excerpt
    Description Comment - HeaderDescription
    Comment - Header
     This is text box is not required but If if entered, it must be <=150 characters. This defaults as follows:

    • From the 'Comment' on the source AP Invoice/Credit memo for for Receipts auto-created from a source AP Transaction.
    • From the 'Comment' on the source PO # if one exists.
    • As blank for manually entered Receipts that are not linked to a PO #. 
    • 'Created from Grower Ticket' when a Receipt transaction is created from linked inventory items on a posted Grower Accounting ticket.

    The 'Comment' can be overwritten and is always editable even after the transaction is posted

    Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionHeader.Description


    Insert excerpt
    Doc Date
    Doc Date
     This is a date picker that defaults to today's date for manually entered transactions or from the source AP Transaction for transactions created from an AP Invoice/Credit Memo. This is required and if missing, the message "Transaction Date is required." will be displayed on Save.

    The Date must be on or before the GL Date when Approving or Posting the transaction. If not, the message "The GL Date must be on or after the Transaction Date." will be displayed on Save. This is editable while the transaction is in a Status of "New".

    Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionHeader.TransactionDate

    PO #

    Insert excerpt
    Def - Purchase Order #
    Def - Purchase Order #
     This is a text box that is not required and is editable when the transaction is in a Status of "New". If a valid PO# is not entered, the 'PO # lookup' will open to provide a way to search for "valid" PO's. 

    Once a valid PO# has been selected, or manually entered, all the Purchase Order line items (with a remaining quantity) that are not already on the transaction will be auto-added to the transaction and both the 'PO #' and 'Rec. From' values will be set and disabled.

    A 'PO #' is considered valid for Receipts based on:

    1. The 'PO Type' of the Purchase Order
      1. PO Type of "Multiple Invoices and Receipts" are always considered
      2. PO Type of "Single Invoice and Receipt" are considered if the Purchase Order has not been assigned to an IM Receipt
    2. The 'Status' of the Purchase Order
      1. New - Only if the 'First Status POs can be Received or Invoiced' property on the Purchase Order Class is set to "New".
      2. Released - always considered valid
      3. Closed - Never considered valid

    Database Fields: ERPx_APPoHeader.PurchaseOrderID, ERPx_IMTransactionHeader.POHeaderSK

    Rec. From

    Identifies the name of the entity (Vendor, Fisherman, Grower, etc.) the product was received from. 

    This is text box that is only required if a PO # has been entered and it defaults as:

    • Blank for manually entered Receipts
    • The 'Vendor Name' from the source AP Invoice/Credit Memo if the receipt was auto created.
    • The 'Vendor Name' from the source PO # if a valid PO # is assigned.
    • The 'Farmer Name' from the source Grower Accounting Ticket if the ticket contained line items that have linked inventory items assigned. 

    This is editable when the transaction is in a Status of "New" for Receipts that are not linked to a PO #. For Receipts that are linked to a PO #, this is not editable.

    This value will be stamped on the Production Batch for all lot tracked items when the transaction is saved as Ready to Post/Posted.

    Database Fields: Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionHeader.RecFrom 


    Insert excerpt
    This is text box that defaults to blank and is not required, but if entered, it must be <=100 characters. This is always editable even after the transaction is posted.

    If the Receipt transaction is created as a result of a Grower Accounting ticket that has linked inventory items, this value will default as the Ticket # of the corresponding posted Grower ticket. 

    (lightbulb) The Reference will not default from the Reference on a linked Purchase Order. These are treated as separate reference fields.

    Insert excerpt
    Def - Reference #
    Def - Reference #

    Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionHeader.Reference 

    Site Name

    Insert excerpt
    Site Name
    Site Name
     This is single select lookup that is required and defaults in the following sequence:

    1. From the Site assigned to the linked PO (if a PO # is
    1. entered for this transaction)
    2. From the Site assigned to the linked Grower Accounting ticket (if the ticket contained items that have linked inventory items assigned). 
    3. Otherwise, blank for the user to select the required value.

    This is editable while the transaction is in a Status of "New" and until a line item (with full lot information) is saved. 

    (lightbulb) The Site can be changed

    ; it is not restricted to the Site on the linked Purchase Order.

    Insert excerpt
    Def - Site
    Def - Site

    This lookup contains a blank value, the current assigned value, and a list of all active Sites.

    Database Fields: ERPx_IMTransactinHeader.SiteSK, ERPx_MFSite.SiteID


    Insert excerpt
     This is a single-select lookup that is required. It defaults as "New" and is always editable.

    The Statuses that apply to transactions in this Record View include:

    Insert excerpt
    Def - Status - New
    Def - Status - New

    Insert excerpt
    Def - Status - Approved
    Def - Status - Approved

    Insert excerpt
    Def - Status - Ready to Post
    Def - Status - Ready to Post



    Database Fields: ERPx_IMTransactionHeader.TransactionStatusSK

    Properties Tab

    Group: 1
    GL Date

    Insert excerpt
    GL Date
    GL Date
    This is an a date picker that defaults as blank and is required to Approve or Post the transaction. If it has not been manually assigned, it will be automatically set to match the transaction's 'Date' when the transaction is saved with a Status of either Approved or Ready to Post. The GL Date must be on or after the transaction's 'Date' when Approving or Posting the transaction. If not, the message "The GL Date must be on or after the Doc Date." will be displayed on Save. This is always editable while the transaction is in a Status of New.

    Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionHeader.GLDate

    Transaction Date

    This is a non-editable control that shows the 'Transaction Date' from the Home Tab. This is informational only from here.

    Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionHeader.TransactionDate

    Auto-Create New Lots

    Insert excerpt
    Auto Create New Lots
    Auto Create New Lots
    This is a single-select lookup that is required. It defaults from the 'Auto-Create New Lots' property in the 'Properties' tab of the associated Transaction Class Record View. This field is always editable while the transaction is in a Status of 'New'. If set to "Not Allowed" and the transaction would result in the creation of a new inventory lot, the message "Lots would be created when Auto-Create Lots is Not Allowed" will be displayed on Save. 

    This lookup contains the values in the IMAutoCreateNewLots Enumeration Class.

    Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionHeader.AutoCreateLotsEN

    Negative Available Balances

    Insert excerpt
    Negative Available Balances
    Negative Available Balances
    This is a single-select lookup that is required. It defaults from the 'Negative Available Balances' property in the 'Properties' tab of the associated Transaction Class Record View. This field is always editable while the transaction is in a Status of 'New'. If set to "Not Allowed" and the transaction would result in an inventory lot with a negative available balance, the message "Lot balances would be negative when set to Not Allowed" will be displayed on Save. 

    This lookup contains the values in the IMAllowNegativeAvailableBalances Enumeration Class.

    (lightbulb) If Sales Order allocation preferences are set to either “Available Only” or “Available and On Hand” and a Sales order has been allocated prior to a user updating the Inventory “Negative Available Balances” property, it is possible to draw the lots negative.   

    Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionHeader.NegativeBalancesEN

    Group: 2

    Insert excerpt
     This is a system assigned value and is never editable by a user. This is a non-editable text box that is required.

    Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionHeader.CreatedDate

    Created By

    Insert excerpt
    Created By
    Created By
     This is a non-editable text box that is required.

    Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionHeader.CreatedBy 

    Last Updated

    Insert excerpt
    Last Updated
    Last Updated
     This is a non-editable text box that is required.

    Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionHeader.LastUser 

    Last Updated By

    Insert excerpt
    Last Updated By
    Last Updated By
     This is a non-editable text box that is required.

    Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionHeader.LastUser 

    Group: 3
    Void Date

    Insert excerpt
    Void Date
    Void Date
    This is a non-editable text box that is not required.

    Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionHeader.VoidDate

    Voided By

    Insert excerpt
    Voided By
    Voided By
     This is a non-editable text box that is not required.

    Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionHeader.VoidedBy

    Group: 4
    Transaction Class ID

    Insert excerpt
    Transaction Class
    Transaction Class
    This is required and comes from the 'Receipt Class' selected when the transaction was initially created or from the Receipt Class set as the Receipt 'Transaction Default' for Receipts that were auto created. This is not editable. 

    Insert excerpt
    Def - Transaction Class - General
    Def - Transaction Class - General

    Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionHeader.TransactionClassSK, ERPx_IMTransactionClass.TransactionClassID 

    Linked AP Transaction IDIdentifies the transaction ID for the AP Invoice/Credit Memo transaction that is linked to this transaction. This is not required and not editable. This will be populated if a Receipt was created from the AP Invoice/Credit Memo or if the AP Invoice/Credit Memo was created from the Receipt. If a Receipt was linked but was either deleted or voided, the link will be removed.
    Transaction SK

    Identifies the SK value of the Transaction. This is a non-editable text box that is informational only.

    Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionHeader.TransactionHeaderSK

    Attributes Tab


    Insert excerpt
    Attribute - Attribute
    Attribute - Attribute
     The Attributes displayed here are setup and assigned in the Attributes section of the Company module (Company → Setup → Attributes → Inventory). 

    RequiredA non editable text -editable text box that shows whether the Attribute Value is required or not. If the Attribute Value is required, it will display "Yes". If it is optional, it will display as blank. This value is only editable from the 'Assign Attribute Rules' page (Company → Setup → Attributes → Inventory → Transactions hyperlink → Inventory - Receipt). 

    Insert excerpt
    Attribute - Value
    Attribute - Value
     This is editable if the Transaction Class property 'Allow Attribute Edit After Approval' is set to "Yes".  

    Page Details

    Column Layouts for Framework 3.0 - Global

     This defaults as blank and is editable for new Lots. This is required for all lot tracked items. This is only editable for new Lots while the transaction is in a Status of "New" and is disabled once the lot information has been entered for the line item. 
    Toolbar IconsDescription
    Add Item

    Insert excerpt
    Add Item - RV Grid 3.0
    Add Item - RV Grid 3.0
      This toolbar icon is only enabled when the transaction status is New.

    Column Filter Show/Hide
    Insert excerpt
    Column Filter Show/Hide - Global
    Column Filter Show/Hide - Global
    Insert excerpt
    Excel - RV Header 3.0
    Excel - RV Header 3.0
    Group By Show/Hide
    Insert excerpt
    Group By Show/Hide - Global
    Group By Show/Hide - Global
    Mass Update

    Insert excerpt
    Mass Update - Global 3.0
    Mass Update - Global 3.0

    • Transaction
      • Warehouse Lot - This may only be updated if the Site is warehouse lot tracked and if the Status of the transaction is 'New'. Else the message "Warehouse Lot may only be updated for transactions in the status of New." will be displayed on Save.
    • Production Batch Properties
      • Batch Class, Batch Date, Expiration Date, Production Batch Site and Status
    • Production Batch Certifications
      • Each applicable certification will be available
    • Production Batch Attributes
      • Each Batch and Status
    • Production Batch Attributes
      • Each Batch Attribute will be available
    • Production Batch Certifications
      • Each applicable certification will be available
    • Warehouse Lot Properties
      • Storage Begin Date - This is a date picker field that the user can select or enter a valid date.  
      • Storage Renewal Day - This must be a number between 1 - 31 that represents the day of the 'Storage Begin Date'. If a Storage Begin Date is provided and the Storage Renewal Day is blank, we will automatically calculate and assign the value.  For example, if the Storage Begin Date = 02/26/2022, the Storage Renewal Day would be 26.  Users cannot enter 0 as a value, but the property is not required and may be blank.
    • Warehouse Lot Attributes 
      • Each Warehouse Lot Attribute will be available
    More Actions

    Insert excerpt
    More Actions - Global 3.0
    More Actions - Global 3.0

    • IQ: PO Linked Lines - Opens an inquiry with all  the "PO Linked Lines" inquiry showing the Purchase Order , and all the AP InvoiceInvoices, AP Credit MemoMemos, and Inventory Receipt lines associated with this Purchase Order assignedItem.
    • LV: Warehouse Lot - Opens the Warehouse Lot List View, in a new tab, filtered for the selected record's Warehouse Lot. 
    • RV: Item - Open the item Record View for the selected item
    • RV: Production Batch - Open the Production Batch Record View for the selected line item
    Quick Column Filter

    Insert excerpt
    Quick Column Filter
    Quick Column Filter

    Saved Layouts

    Insert excerpt
    Column Layouts for Framework 3.0 - Global
    Remove Items
    Insert excerpt
    Remove Items - RV Grid 3.0
    Remove Items - RV Grid 3.0
    CheckboxSaved Layouts

    Insert excerpt
    Def - Batch DateDef - Batch Date
    Insert excerpt

    CheckboxCheckboxnopaneltrueBatch Date

    Column Layouts for Framework 3.0 - Global
    Column Layouts for Framework 3.0 - Global

    Insert excerpt

    Insert excerpt
    Item ID & Item Description
    Item ID & Item Description
    This is a text box that is required. It defaults as blank and is not editable once the line item has been saved to the transaction.

    When the 'Add Item' icon is clicked, users may enter all or part of an Item ID or Description and hit the Enter key on the keyboard. If a complete Item ID was entered, the line item will be saved, if not, the Item Lookup dialog box will open with a list of items containing the data entered. From the 'Item Lookup' dialog box, users may check the checkbox next to one or multiple item(s) to add to the transaction using the Save & Close button.

    Insert excerpt
    Def - Item
    Def - Item

    The lookup contains a list of all active Inventory type Items in the Items Master File.

    (lightbulb) Selecting an Item will default the 'Inventory Unit UOM' and 'Inventory Weight UOM' properties specified on the Item Record View.

    Database Fields: ERPx_IMItem.ItemID:ItemDescription, ERPX_IMTransactionDetail.ItemSK 

    Line Comment

    Insert excerpt
    Line Item
    Line Item
    This is text box that is not required. For transactions that are not linked to a Purchase Order this defaults as blank. For transactions that were auto
    -created from created from an AP transaction this defaults from the source transaction lines 'Line Comment'. For manually entered transactions that are assigned with a PO #, this will default from 'Line Comment' on the PO Line Item. This value can always be overwritten.

    This is not required and is always editable, even after the transaction is posted. If entered, it must be <=100 characters.

    (lightbulb)When Receipts are auto-created from an AP Transactionloaded from a PO, this will default as the 'Line Comment' on those transactions. This feature has not been implemented yet.(lightbulb)When Receipts are loaded from a PO, this will default as the 'Line Comment' on those transactions

    Database Fields: ERPX_IMTransactionDetail.LineComment, ERPx_APPoLine.LineComment

    Line Description

    Insert excerpt
    Line Description
    Line Description
     This is not required, is always editable until the transaction is Approved or Posted, and defaults as follows:

    1. For line items that are manually added this default as blank.

    Database Fields: ERPX_IMTransactionDetail.LineDescription, ERPx_APPoLine.LineDescription


    Insert excerpt
    Ln. - RV Items Grid
    Ln. - RV Items Grid
     This is an editable text box that defaults to the next available base-10 number. It is required, and is editable while the transaction is in a Status of "New". To re-sequence the lines, edit one or more lines with a new positive number that would put the line item where you want it sorted, and click the Save button. On save, the line items will be resorted, and the Ln. values will be re-set to base-10 values.

    For example, if you had line items 10, 20, and 30 and you wanted the last one (Ln. 30) to be second, you could edit the value to any number between 10 and 20 (i.e. 15, 15) and on save the lines would be sorted in the new sequence (10, 15, and 30) and then all Ln.'s would be re-set to base 10 numbers (10, 20, 30).

    Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionDetail.LineNumberIMTransactionDetail.LineNumber

    Market Cost

    Insert excerpt
    Cost - Market
    Cost - Market
     This is an editable numeric textbox formatted to 2 decimals that is not required.  If entered it must be >=0 else the message "Market Cost must be greater than or equal to 0." will be displayed on Save.  It defaults based on the following:

    1. If the Lot has cost history the value will display the most recent Market Cost for the lot. 
    2. If it is a new Lot and the corresponding Item has a Market Cost set on the Item master file, it will default this value. 
    3. Else, it will be blank. 

    Insert excerpt
    Def - Cost - Market
    Def - Cost - Market

    PO Ln.

    Identifies the Purchase Order line item that the Receipt line item is linked to. This is a single-select lookup that is not required. If a 'PO #' is entered/selected for this transaction, as line items are added to the Receipt, if they are also on the Purchase Order, this will default from the Purchase Order's 'Ln.' as  as [PO#]: [Ln]. This is editable while the transaction is in a Status of "New".

    The lookup contains a blank value, the current assigned value, and a list of all the Purchase Order Line Numbers (from the PO # assigned to this transaction) that matches the selected Item ID. 

    (lightbulb) When AP Invoices, Credit Memos, and IM Receipts are loaded from a PO, this will default from the 'Ln.' of the Purchase Order Item.

    Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionDetail.PoLnSK


    Insert excerpt
    Owner - Item
    Owner - Item
    This is a single-select lookup that is enabled and required for all Lot Tracked Items. It defaults from the 'Default Owner' preference on the Inventory Preferences page. This field is editable until a line item has been saved.

    If the transaction was created as a result of a Grower Accounting ticket that has linked inventory items, this value will default from the 'Default Lot Owner' property on the associated Grower Accounting Ticket Class record.

    Insert excerpt
    Def - Owner
    Def - Owner

    The lookup contains a list of all Lot Owners.

    Database Field: ERPx_IMLotOwner.OwnerName

    Production Batch

    Insert excerpt
    Production Batch
    Production Batch
    This is a text box that is only required and editable for line items that are Lot Tracked. It defaults as blank and is editable on transactions Lot Tracked. It defaults as blank and if missing the message "Complete lot information is required to save item: [ItemID]." is displayed on Save.  It is editable on transactions in a Status of 'New'. This field must be <= 50 characters. 

    Insert excerpt
    Def - Production Batch
    Def - Production Batch

    Database Fields: ERPx_IMProductionLot.ProductionLotID, ERPx_IMTransactionDetail.ItemSK


    Insert excerpt
    Site Name
    Site Name
     This is a single select lookup that defaults to the Site Name from the Home Tab but can be changed while the transaction is in a Status of 'New'. This field must be <= 50 characters.
    Insert excerptDef - Production BatchDef - Production BatchnopaneltrueIt is required else the message "Site is required." will be displayed on Save.

    The lookup contains a blank value, the current assigned value and all 'Active' Sites

    Database Fields: ERPx_IMProductionLotMFSite.ProductionLotIDSiteName, ERPx_IMTransactionDetail.ItemSKSiteLineSK


    Insert excerpt
    Units - Inventory
    Units - Inventory
    This is a numeric text box that is required and editable only if the item is managed by 'Units Only' or 'Units and Weight'. This defaults to 0 and is always editable while the transaction is in a Status of 'New'. This can be positive or negative. This will display the number of decimals set for the selected item on the 'Unit Decimals' property on the 'Properties' tab of the Item Record View. 
    Insert excerpt
    Def - Units- Inventory Calculations
    Def - Units- Inventory Calculations

    (lightbulb) 'Units' and 'Unit UOM' fields will always display as the values entered by the user. However for consistency, Units that are saved using a UOM that is different than the 'Inventory Unit UOM' will be converted and subsequently stored in the default Inventory Unit UOM.

    Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionDetail.TransactionUnits

    Units UOM

    Insert excerpt
    UOM - Units
    UOM - Units
    This is a single-select lookup. This field will be disabled if the item is managed by 'Weight Only' otherwise it will be enabled and is required to save a line item on transactions with a Status of 'Approved' or greater. This defaults as follows:

    1. For manually entered line items that are not linked to a PO Line Item, this defaults from the 'Inventory Unit UOM' property on the 'Properties' tab of the Item Record View for the selected Item.
    2. For manually entered line items that are linked to a PO #, this defaults from the UOM on the Purchase Order line item.
    3. For line items that were auto created from transactions, this defaults to the UOM on the source transaction line item.

    If enabled, this field will be editable while the transaction is in a Status of 'New'.

    This lookup contains all 'Active' Unit UOMs on the selected Item's UOM Schedule.

    Insert excerpt
    Def - UOM
    Def - UOM

    Database Fields: ERPx_IMUOM.UOMName, ERPX_IMItem.UOMScheduleSK, ERPx_IMTransactionDetail.TransactionUnitsUOMSK

    Warehouse Lot

    Insert excerpt
    Def - Warehouse Lot
    Def - Warehouse Lot
     This is a text box that is only required and editable on transactions where the 'Site' is Warehouse Lot Tracked. This defaults as blank and is blank and if missing the message "Complete lot information is required to save item: [ItemID]." is displayed on Save. It is editable while the transaction is in a Status of 'New'. This must be <= 50 characters.

    If the transaction was created as a result of a Grower Accounting ticket that has linked inventory items, this value will default from the 'Create Warehouse Lot As' property on the associated Grower Accounting Ticket Class record.

    Database Field: ERPx_IMWarehouseLot.WarehouseLotID


    Insert excerpt
    Weight - Inventory
    Weight - Inventory
    This is a numeric text box that is required and editable only if the item is managed by 'Weight Only' or 'Units and Weight'. This defaults to 0 and is always editable while the transaction is in a Status of 'New'. This can be positive or negative. This will display the number of decimals set for the selected item on the 'Weight Decimals' property on the 'Properties' tab of the Item Record Record View.. 
    Insert excerpt
    Def - Weight - Inventory Calculations
    Def - Weight - Inventory Calculations

    (lightbulb) 'Weight' and 'Weight UOM' fields will always display as the values entered by the user. However for, for consistency, weight that is saved using a UOM different than the 'Inventory Weight UOM' will be converted and subsequently stored in the default Inventory Weight UOM.

    Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionDetail.TransactionWeight

    Weight UOM

    Insert excerpt
    UOM - Weight
    UOM - Weight
     This is a single-select lookup. This field will be disabled if the item is managed by 'Units Only' otherwise it will be enabled and is required to save a line item on transactions with a Status of 'Approved' or greater. This defaults as follows:

    1. For manually entered line items that are not linked to a PO Line Item, this defaults from the 'Inventory Weight UOM' property on the 'Properties' tab of the Item Record View for the selected Item.
    2. For manually entered line items that are linked to a PO #, this defaults from the UOM on the Purchase Order line item.
    3. For line items that were auto created from transactions, this defaults to the UOM on the source transaction line item.

    If enabled, this field will be editable while the transaction is in a Status of 'New'.

    This lookup contains all 'Active' Weight UOMs on the selected Item's UOM Schedule

    Insert excerpt
    Def - UOM
    Def - UOM

    Database Fields: ERPx_IMUOM.UOMName, ERPX_IMItem.UOMScheduleSK, ERPx_IMTransactionDetail.TransactionWeightUOMSK

    Related Topics

    titlePage Definitions

    Page Definitions

    titleTechnical Details

    Technical Details