The purpose of the Company Currencies List View is to assign both the Realized and Unrealized Gain and Realized and Unrealized Loss GL Accounts to all the foreign currencies that are open to the current company. From here, users can click the 'Edit' icon and assign/edit the GL Accounts. The list of currencies in this list view include all the currencies assigned to the company in the System→Configuration→Currencies Master File. Most transactions within NorthScope require the Currency ID to be specified. For those that do not, it is assumed they are in the Home Currency.
Software Version: 20192023.0912.03 19 and newer
Toolbar Icons | Description |
Cancel | Insert excerpt |
Cancel - List View Edit | Cancel - List View Edit | nopanel | true |
Delete | Insert excerpt |
Delete - Global | Delete - Global | nopanel | true |
Edit | Insert excerpt |
Edit - List View Single Line | Edit - List View Single Line | nopanel | true |
Excel | Insert excerpt |
Excel - Global | Excel - Global | nopanel | true |
Favorites | Insert excerpt |
Favorites Add/Remove - Global | Favorites Add/Remove - Global | nopanel | true |
Grid Layout | Insert excerpt |
Grid Layout | Grid Layout | nopanel | true |
Help | Inquiry Criteria | Insert excerpt |
Inquiry Criteria - Global | Inquiry Criteria - Global | nopanel | true |
Mass Update | Insert excerpt |
Mass Update - Global | Mass Update - Global | nopanel | true |
More Actions | Insert excerpt |
More Actions - Global | More Actions - Global | nopanel | true |
New | Insert excerpt |
New - Global | New - Global | nopanel | true |
Notes | Insert excerpt |
Notes - Global | Notes - Global | nopanel | true |
Print | Insert excerpt |
Print - Global | Print - Global | nopanel | true |
Process | Refresh | Insert excerpt |
Refresh - Global | Refresh - Global | nopanel | true |
Requery | Insert excerpt |
Refresh - Global | Refresh - Global | nopanel | true |
Save | Insert excerpt |
Save - Global | Save - Global | nopanel | true |
Validate | Fields | Description |
Field 1 | Field 2 | Field 3 | (Field Name) ID | The unique identifier of the (what type of record is this). This is required for all records and must be unique (what must it be unique by) (and defaults from or is calculated by). Linked Database Field: ERPx_#####.#####. |
(Field Name) Description | The name associated with the (ID Field Name) ID. This is required for all records but does not need to be unique (what must it be unique by) (and defaults from or is calculated by). Linked Database Field: ERPx_#####.#####. |
Inactive | A Yes/No field used to identify if the record is Inactive. If set to 'Yes' then the record is "Inactive" and will not be included in look-ups for transactions or other master files. If set to 'No' then the record is "Active" and can be freely used ('No' values display as blank in the grid). This value is always editable. Linked Database Field: ERPx_#####.#####. |
Checkbox | Used to select one or more records. |
Date Field | The date of the (what is the date for) that was created by the transaction. Linked Database Field: ERPx_#####.#####. |
Hyperlink | A hyperlink show the (Field Name) of the transaction. Clicking on the link opens the record view of the transaction. This field is not editable. Linked Database Field: ERPx_#####.#####. |
Lookup (from an Enumeration) | A (single-select standard, single select load on demand, or multi-select) lookup to select (describe what is being selected). This defaults to (Default Value) and is (always, never, or conditionally) required. If not assigned, the message "(what message is displayed)" will be displayed. This field is (always, never, or conditionally) enabled. Linked Database Field: ERPx_#####.#####. This lookup contains all the values in the (What enumeration Class - link this) Enumeration Class. |
Lookup (non Enumeration) | A (single-select standard, single select load on demand, or multi-select) lookup to select (describe what is being selected). This defaults to (Default Value) and is (always, never, or conditionally) required. If not assigned, the message "(what message is displayed)" will be displayed. This field is (always, never, or conditionally) enabled. Linked Database Field: ERPx_#####.#####Toolbar Icons | Description | Cancel
Column Filter Show/Hide | | Cancel - List View Edit | Cancel - List View Edit |
nopanel | true |
Delete | Insert excerpt |
Delete - Global | | Delete - Global | nopanel | true |
Edit | Insert excerpt |
Edit - List View Single Line | Edit - List View Single Line | Column Filter Show/Hide - Global | | Column Filter Show/Hide - Global |
nopanel | true |
| Excel | Insert excerpt |
| Excel - GlobalLV 3.0 |
| Excel - GlobalLV 3.0 |
nopanel | true |
Favorites | Insert excerpt |
| Favorites Add/Remove - Global |
| Favorites Add/Remove - Global |
nopanel | true |
Grid LayoutGroup By Show/Hide | Inquiry Criteria | Insert excerpt |
| Inquiry Criteria - Global | Inquiry Criteria Insert excerpt |
Grid Layout | Grid Layout | nopanel | true |
Help | Group By Show/Hide - Global | | Group By Show/Hide - Global |
nopanel | true |
Mass UpdateHelp | Insert excerpt |
| Mass Update Help - Global 3.0Mass Update |
| Help - Global 3.0 |
nopanel | true |
More ActionsQuick Column Filter | Insert excerpt |
| More Actions - Global | More Actions - GlobalQuick Column Filter |
| Quick Column Filter |
nopanel | true |
NewSave | Insert excerpt |
| New - Global | New - GlobalSave - LV (Multi Line) 3.0 |
| Save - LV (Multi Line) 3.0 |
nopanel | true |
NotesSaved Layouts | Insert excerpt |
| Notes Column Layouts for Framework 3.0 - GlobalNotes |
| Column Layouts for Framework 3.0 - Global |
nopanel | true |
| Print | Insert excerpt |
Print - Global | Print - Global |
nopanel | true |
Process | Refresh | Insert excerpt |
Refresh - Global | Refresh - Global | nopanel | true |
Requery | Insert excerpt |
Refresh - Global | Refresh - Global | nopanel | true |
Save | Insert excerpt |
Save - Global | Save - Global | |
nopanel | true |
Validate | Fields | Description | Field 1 | Field 2 | Field 3 | (Field Name) ID | Currency | Lookup (non Enumeration) | The unique identifier of the (what type of record is this)Currency record. This is required for all records and must be unique (what must it be unique by) (and defaults from or is calculated by). Linked Database Field: ERPx_#####.#####. |
(Field Name) Description | The name associated with the (ID Field Name) ID. This is required for all records but does not need to be unique (what must it be unique by) (and defaults from or is calculated by). Linked Database Field: ERPx_#####.#####. |
Inactive | A Yes/No field used to identify if the record is Inactive. If set to 'Yes' then the record is "Inactive" and will not be included in look-ups for transactions or other master files. If set to 'No' then the record is "Active" and can be freely used ('No' values display as blank in the grid). This value is always editable. Linked Database Field: ERPx_#####.#####. |
Checkbox | Used to select one or more records. |
Date Field | The date of the (what is the date for) that was created by the transaction. Linked Database Field: ERPx_#####.#####. |
Hyperlink | A hyperlink show the (Field Name) of the transaction. Clicking on the link opens the record view of the transaction. This field is not editable. Linked Database Field: ERPx_#####.#####. |
Lookup (from an Enumeration) | A (single-select standard, single select load on demand, or multi-select) lookup to select (describe what is being selected). This defaults to (Default Value) and is (always, never, or conditionally) required. If not assigned, the message "(what message is displayed)" will be displayed. This field is (always, never, or conditionally) enabled. Linked Database Field: ERPx_#####.#####. This lookup contains all the values in the (What enumeration Class - link this) Enumeration Class. |
A (single-select standard, single select load on demand, or multi-select) lookup to select (describe what is being selected). This defaults to (Default Value) and is (always, never, or conditionally) required. If not assigned, the message "(what message is displayed)" will be displayed. This field is (always, never, or conditionally) enabled. Linked Database Field: ERPx_#####.#####within the NorthScope system. Database Field: ERPx_MFCurrency.CurrencyID. |
Realized Gain Account | A single select lookup to assign the GL Account that will be used on Currency Gain journal entries. This defaults to blank and is not required to Save but it is required to create a Realized Gain journal entry. This should be assigned to every foreign currency used by the company. This field is always enabled. This lookup contains a blank value, the current assigned value, and a list of all the 'Active' (what does it include). |
Text Field | The [Describe what the field shows] (formatted as …(if applicable)). This is only populated for (what is it populated for...) and (defaults from or is calculated by…). This column has a grand total at the bottom. The values comes from the (Enumeration Class) Enumeration. Linked Database Field: ERPx_#####.#####. |
(Tab1 Name) Tab
GL Accounts. Database Field: ERPx_MFDataEntityCompanyCurrency.RealizedGainActSK |
Realized Loss Account | A single select lookup to assign the GL Account that will be used on Currency Loss journal entries. This defaults to blank and is not required to Save but it is required to create a Realized Loss journal entry. This should be assigned to every foreign currency used by the company. This field is always enabled. This lookup contains a blank value, the current assigned value, and a list of all the 'Active' GL Accounts. Database Field: ERPx_MFDataEntityCompanyCurrency.RealizedLossActSK |
Unrealized Gain Account | A single select lookup to assign the GL Account that will be used on Currency Unrealized Gain journal entries. This defaults to blank and is not required to Save but it is required to create an Unrealized Gain journal entry. This should be assigned to every foreign currency used by the company. This field is always enabled. This lookup contains a blank value, the current assigned value, and a list of all the 'Active' |
(what does it include).Text Field | The [Describe what the field shows] (formatted as …(if applicable)). This is only populated for (what is it populated for...) and (defaults from or is calculated by…). This column has a grand total at the bottom. The values comes from the (Enumeration Class) Enumeration. Linked Database Field: ERPx_#####.#####. |
(Tab2 Name) Tab
Toolbar Icons | Description |
Cancel | Insert excerpt |
Cancel - List View Edit | Cancel - List View Edit | nopanel | true |
Delete | Insert excerpt |
Delete - Global | Delete - Global | nopanel | true |
Edit | Insert excerpt |
Edit - List View Single Line | Edit - List View Single Line | nopanel | true |
Excel | Insert excerpt |
Excel - Global | Excel - Global | nopanel | true |
Favorites | Insert excerpt |
Favorites Add/Remove - Global | Favorites Add/Remove - Global | nopanel | true |
Grid Layout | Insert excerpt |
Grid Layout | Grid Layout | nopanel | true |
Help | Mass Update | Insert excerpt |
Mass Update - Global | Mass Update - Global | nopanel | true |
More Actions | Insert excerpt |
More Actions - Global | More Actions - Global | nopanel | true |
New | Insert excerpt |
New - Global | New - Global | nopanel | true |
Notes | Insert excerpt |
Notes - Global | Notes - Global | nopanel | true |
Print | Insert excerpt |
Print - Global | Print - Global | nopanel | true |
Process | Refresh | Insert excerpt |
Refresh - Global | Refresh - Global | nopanel | true |
Requery | Insert excerpt |
Refresh - Global | Refresh - Global | nopanel | true |
Save | Insert excerpt |
Save - Global | Save - Global | nopanel | true |
Validate | Fields | Description |
Field 1 | Field 2 | Field 3 | (Field Name) ID | The unique identifier of the (what type of record is this). This is required for all records and must be unique (what must it be unique by) (and defaults from or is calculated by). Linked Database Field: ERPx_#####.#####. |
(Field Name) Description | The name associated with the (ID Field Name) ID. This is required for all records but does not need to be unique (what must it be unique by) (and defaults from or is calculated by). Linked Database Field: ERPx_#####.#####. |
Inactive | A Yes/No field used to identify if the record is Inactive. If set to 'Yes' then the record is "Inactive" and will not be included in look-ups for transactions or other master files. If set to 'No' then the record is "Active" and can be freely used ('No' values display as blank in the grid). This value is always editable. Linked Database Field: ERPx_#####.#####. |
Checkbox | Used to select one or more records. |
Date Field | The date of the (what is the date for) that was created by the transaction. Linked Database Field: ERPx_#####.#####. |
Hyperlink | A hyperlink show the (Field Name) of the transaction. Clicking on the link opens the record view of the transaction. This field is not editable. Linked Database Field: ERPx_#####.#####. |
Lookup (from an Enumeration) | A (single-select standard, single select load on demand, or multi-select) lookup to select (describe what is being selected). This defaults to (Default Value) and is (always, never, or conditionally) required. If not assigned, the message "(what message is displayed)" will be displayed. This field is (always, never, or conditionally) enabled. Linked Database Field: ERPx_#####.#####. This lookup contains all the values in the (What enumeration Class - link this) Enumeration Class. |
Lookup (non Enumeration) | A (single-select standard, single select load on demand, or multi-select) lookup to select (describe what is being selected). This defaults to (Default Value) and is (always, never, or conditionally) required. If not assigned, the message "(what message is displayed)" will be displayed. This field is (always, never, or conditionally) enabled. Linked Database Field: ERPx_#####.#####GL Accounts. Database Field: ERPx_MFDataEntityCompanyCurrency.UnrealizedGainActSK |
Unrealized Loss Account | A single select lookup to assign the GL Account that will be used on Currency Unrealized Loss journal entries. This defaults to blank and is not required to Save but it is required to create an Unrealized Loss journal entry. This should be assigned to every foreign currency used by the company. This field is always enabled. This lookup contains a blank value, the current assigned value, and a list of all the 'Active' |
(what does it include).Text Field | The [Describe what the field shows] (formatted as …(if applicable)). This is only populated for (what is it populated for...) and (defaults from or is calculated by…). This column has a grand total at the bottom. The values comes from the (Enumeration Class) Enumeration. Linked Database Field: ERPx_#####.#####. GL Accounts. Database Field: ERPx_MFDataEntityCompanyCurrency.UnrealizedLossActSK |
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