Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Insert excerptDef - Sales Order Ship ToDef - Sales Order Ship Tonopaneltrue The purpose of this page is to populate some basic transaction header information and to select the correct Ship-To address. Selecting the Ship-To also assigns the Customer. When this page opens, it displays all the all the active ship to address. From here, users can click on the Find Items, Find Lots, or Go to Order icons.(lightbulb) This record view also contains columns for each Attribute that is set up for the 'Customer Addresses' attribute type. Because these are user defined, they are not included in the default view but can be added a saved column layout.Customer Addresses attributes are not included in the help documentation.

Software Version: 2021.xx.xx and newer

Table of Contents

Page Header 


Image Removed Opens the Select Items Record View for users to select from a pre-defined catalog of items to include in a sales order or sales quote transaction. The image and the hyperlink text needs to be updated as the icon text and page name has changed to Find Items.


Image Removed Opens the Find Lots Record View for users to search for, view and allocate existing inventory lots to a sales order or sales quote transactionThe image and the hyperlink text needs to be updated as the icon text and page name has changed to Find Items.


If the Carrier is not manually assigned (left as "Use Default"), it will be auto-assigned from a default if possible, if not the Carrier will be blank. The defaults are assigned in the following sequence:

  1. From the 'Sales Order Carrier' assigned to the Customer Address
  2. From the 'Default Carrier' assigned to the Sales Order Transaction Class
  3. From the 'Default Carrier' assigned to the Sales Order Preference
  4. No default exists and the Carrier will be blank 


This lookup contains a list of all active Carriers.

Database Field: ERPx_SOCarrier.CarrierName


Deliver On


The purpose of this page is to populate some basic transaction header information and to select the correct Ship-To address. Selecting the Ship-To also assigns the Customer. When this page opens, it displays all the all the active ship to address. From here, users can click on the Find Items, Find Lots, or Go to Order icons.

(lightbulb) This record view also contains columns for each Attribute that is set up for the 'Customer Addresses' attribute type. Because these are user defined, they are not included in the default view but can be added a saved column layout.Customer Addresses attributes are not included in the help documentation.

Software Version: 2022.03.18 and newer

Table of Contents

Page Header 

This lookup contains a list of all active Freight Terms.

Database Fields: ERPx_SOFreightTerms.Description

This is a date picked that is required. It defaults as the current date and is always editable. If missing, the message "Order Date is required." will be displayed on Save. The Order Date must be on or before the Ship By Date and the Deliver On Date, else the messages "Ship by Date must not be earlier than Order Date." and "Deliver On Date must be on or after Order Date
  1. the 'Sales Order Site' assigned to the Customer Address
  2. From the 'Default Ship From Site' assigned to the Sales Order Transaction Class

Toolbar IconsDescription
Find Items

Insert excerpt
Find Items - RV Grid 3.0
Find Items - RV Grid 3.0

Find Items with Balance

Insert excerpt
Find Items with Balances - RV Grid 3.0
Find Items with Balances - RV Grid 3.0

Find Lots

Insert excerpt
Find Lots - RV Grid 3.0
Find Lots - RV Grid 3.0

Go to Order
Insert excerpt
Go to Order - RV Header 3.0
Go to Order - RV Header 3.0

Insert excerpt
Carrier - Default
Carrier - Default
This is a single-select standard lookup that is sometimes required. This field is required when the selected transaction class 'Is Carrier Required' property is set to "Yes". If required and no Carrier defaults are assigned, the message "Carrier is required and there is no transaction class or customer address default set." will be displayed on Save. This defaults as "(Use Default)" and is always editable.

If the Carrier is not manually assigned (left as "(Use Default)"), it will be auto-assigned from a default if possible, if not the Carrier will be blank. The defaults are assigned in the following sequence:

  1. From the 'Sales Order Carrier' assigned to the Customer Address
  2. From the 'Default Carrier' assigned to the Sales Order Transaction Class
  3. No default exists and the Carrier will be blank 

Insert excerpt
Def - Carrier
Def - Carrier

This lookup contains a list of all active Carriers.

Database Field: ERPx_SOCarrier.CarrierName

Deliver On

Insert excerpt
Date - Deliver On (Default)
Date - Deliver On (Default)
 This is a date picker that is sometimes required. It is required when the selected transaction class 'Require a Deliver On Date' property is set to "Yes". It defaults as blank and is editable if the 'Single Date Management' property on the Order Transaction Class Record View is set to "No". If required and not entered, the message "Deliver On Date is required for orders in the transaction class." will be displayed on Save. If entered it must be on or after the Order Date, else the message "Deliver On Date must be on or after Order Date." will be displayed on Save.

Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderHeader.ScheduledDeliveryDate

Freight Terms

Identifies the Freight Terms that will default for all shipments on the transaction. This is a single-select standard lookup that is sometimes required. It is required when the selected transaction class 'Require Freight Terms' property is set to "Yes". If required and no Freight Term defaults are assigned, the message "Freight Terms are required and there is no transaction class or customer address default set." will be displayed on Save. This defaults as "(Use Default)" and is always editable.

If the Freight Term is not manually assigned (left as "(Use Default)"), it will be auto-assigned from a default if possible, if not the Freight Terms will be blank. The defaults are assigned in the following sequence:

  1. From the 'Freight Terms' assigned to the Customer Address
  2. From the 'Default Freight Terms' assigned to the Sales Order Transaction Class
  3. No default exists and the Freight Terms will be blank 

Insert excerpt
Def - Freight Terms
Def - Freight Terms

This lookup contains a list of all active Freight Terms.

Database Fields: ERPx_SOFreightTerms.Description

Order Date

Insert excerpt
Doc Date
Doc Date
This is a date picker that is required. It is formatted in the user's 'Date Format' preference. It defaults as the current date and is always editable. If missing, the message "Order Date is required." will be displayed on Save. The Order Date must be on or before the Ship By Date and the Deliver On Date, else the messages "Ship by Date must not be earlier than Order Date." and "Deliver On Date must be on or after Order Date." will be displayed on Save.

Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderHeader.OrderDate

Purch. Order

Insert excerpt
Purchase Order
Purchase Order
This is a text box that is not required. It defaults as blank and is always editable. If entered, this field must be <=35 characters and validation will occur to determine whether the same Purchase Order number has been used for the same customer on any non-Void sales transaction (Order, Quote, Price Adjustment or Return). If so, the message "Warning: This Purchase Order has been used on at least one non-Void sales transaction for this Customer." will be displayed when the user clicks the Find Items, Find Lots or Go to Order buttons.

Insert excerpt
Def - Purchase Order
Def - Purchase Order

Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderHeader.PurchaseOrder

Ship By

Insert excerpt
Ship By - Default
Ship By - Default
This is a date picked that is sometimes required. It is required when the selected transaction class 'Require a

Deliver On

Ship By Date' property is set to "Yes". It defaults as blank and is editable if the 'Single Date Management' property on the Order Transaction Class Record View is set to "No". If required and not entered, the message "

. It defaults as blank and is always editable

Ship by Date is required for orders in the transaction class." will be displayed on Save.If entered it must be on or after the Order Date, else the message "

Deliver On

Ship by Date must not be

on or after

earlier than Order Date." will be displayed on Save.

Database Field:



Freight Terms

Identifies the Freight Terms that will default for all shipments on the transaction. ScheduledShipDate

Ship From Site

Insert excerpt
Site Name
Site Name
This is a single-select standard lookup that is sometimes required. It is required when the 'Require Freight Terms' preference for the associated transaction class is set to "Yes".   If required missing and no Freight Term is assigneddefaults are set, the message "Freight Terms are Ship From Site is required and there is no transaction class or customer address default set."  will will be displayed on Save.  This This defaults as "(Use Default)" and is always editable.

If the Freight Term Ship From Site is not manually assigned (left as "(Use Default)"), it will be auto-assigned from a default if possible, if not the Freight Terms Ship From Site will be blank. The defaults are assigned in the following sequence:

  1. From the 'Freight Terms' assigned to the Customer Address
  2. From the 'Default Freight Terms' assigned to the Sales Order Transaction Class
  3. No default exists and the Freight Terms will be blank 
Insert excerpt
Def - Freight TermsDef - Freight Terms

Order Date

Insert excerpt
Doc DateDoc Date
Insert excerpt
Def - Site
Def - Site

This lookup contains a list of all active Sites where the 'Visible to Sales' property is set to "Yes".

Database Fields: ERPx_MFSite.SiteName, ERPx_SOOrderHeader.SiteSK


Insert excerpt
Transaction ID
Transaction ID
This is a text box that is required. It defaults with "(Use Next Trans. #)" and is always editable. If missing, the system will auto assign based on how the Transaction Class is configuredTransaction IDs are set as follows for each Transaction Type:

  • Quotes: From the Order's Transaction Class or from the Quote's Transaction Class. 
  • Orders: From the Transaction Class
  • Price AdjustmentsFrom the Source Order, Price Adjustment Transaction Class or the Source Invoice
  • ReturnsFrom the Return Transaction Class or the Source Invoice

When generating a Transaction ID from a Transaction Class it is made up as the 'Document Prefix' + 'Next Document Number'. If the transaction number is manually entered,  it must be unique. Else the message "The Transaction ID you are trying to add has already been used. Please check your transaction class setup to make sure the next document number available has not already been used." will be displayed on Save.

Insert excerpt
Def - Transaction ID - Sales
Def - Transaction ID - Sales

Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderHeader.

OrderDatePurch. Order


Transaction ClassPurchase Order

Insert excerpt

Purchase Order

Transaction Class
Transaction Class
This is a

text box that is not required. It defaults as blank and is always editable. If entered, this field must be <=35 characters.

Need to identify the validation that exists if the same PO number is used for the same customer "Warning: This Purchase Order has been used on at least one non-Void sales transaction for this Customer. Need to specify when it pops up and what transactions this is validated across. For example, do we care if a Price Adjustment or Return has the same PO as an Order since they reference a source order? Do we care if an Order has the same PO as a Quote since it was created from a Quote?

Insert excerptDef - Purchase OrderDef - Purchase Ordernopaneltrue

Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderHeader.PurchaseOrder

Ship By

Insert excerptShip By - DefaultShip By - Defaultsingle-select standard lookup that is required. If missing, the message "Transaction Class is required." will be displayed on Save. It defaults from the value selected when the New button was clicked from the Sales Transactions List View or the Sales Items List View. It is always editable.

Insert excerpt
Def - Transaction Class
Def - Transaction Class

This is a date picked that is sometimes required. It is required when the selected transaction class 'Require a Ship By Datelookup contains a list of all active Transaction Classes where the 'Transaction Type' property is set to "Yes". It defaults as blank and is always editable. If entered it must be on or after the Order Date, else the message "Ship by Date must not be earlier than Order Date." will be displayed on SaveOrder" or "Quote".

Database Field: ERPx ERPx_SOOrderHeader.ScheduledShipDate

Ship From Site


Page Details

Ship To Tab

This is a single-select standard lookup that is required. If missing, the message "Ship From Site is required and there is no transaction class or customer address default set." will be displayed on Save. This is always editable.

If the Ship From Site is not manually assigned (left as "Use Default"), it will be auto-assigned from a default if possible, if not the Ship From Site will be blank. The defaults are assigned in the following sequence:

  1. From the 'Sales Order Site' assigned to the Customer Address
  2. From the 'Default Ship From Site' assigned to the Sales Order Transaction Class
  3. No default exists and the Carrier will be blank 

This lookup contains a list of all active Siteswhere the 'Visible to Sales' property is set to "Yes".

Database Fields: ERPx_MFSite.SiteName, ERPx_SOOrderHeader.SiteSK

This is a text box that is required. It defaults with "(Use Next Trans. #)" and is always editable. If missing, the system will auto assign based on how the Transaction Class is configuredTransaction IDs are set as follows for each Transaction Type:
  • Quotes: From the Order's Transaction Class or from the Quote's Transaction Class. 
  • Orders: From the Transaction Class
  • Price AdjustmentsFrom the Source Order, Price Adjustment Transaction Class or the Source Invoice
  • ReturnsFrom the Return Transaction Class or the Source Invoice

When generating a Transaction ID from a Transaction Class it is made up as the 'Document Prefix' + 'Next Document Number'. If the transaction number is manually entered,  it must be unique. Else the message "Transaction Number may not be duplicated." will be displayed on Save.

Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderHeader.OrderID

This is a single-select standard lookup that is required. If missing, the message "Transaction Class is required." will be displayed on Save. It defaults from the value selected when the New button was clicked from the Sales Transactions List View or the Sales Items List View. It is always editable.

This lookup contains a list of all active Transaction Classeswhere the 'Transaction Type' property is set to "Order" or "Quote".

Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderType.DocumentID

Toolbar IconsDescription
Column Filter Show/Hide
Insert excerpt
Insert excerpt
Def - SiteDef - Site
Insert excerpt
Transaction IDTransaction ID
Insert excerpt
Def - Transaction ID - SalesDef - Transaction ID - Sales
Transaction Class
Insert excerpt
Transaction ClassTransaction Class
Insert excerpt
Def - Transaction ClassDef - Transaction Class

Page Details

Ship To Tab

  This is documented on both the Page Header and Grid. I believe only 1 is correct. via the More Actions button on the Sales Transaction Record View.

Database Field: ERPx_ARCustomerAddress.AddressLine1AttentionTo

Carrier NameThis is
Toolbar IconsDescription
Column Filter Show/Hide
Insert excerpt
Column Filter Show/Hide - GlobalColumn Filter Show/Hide - Global
Insert excerpt
Excel - LV 3.0Excel - LV 3.0
Group By Show/Hide
Insert excerpt
Group By Show/Hide - GlobalGroup By Show/Hide - Global
Insert excerpt
Help - Global 3.0Help - Global 3.0
Quick Filter
Insert excerpt
Quick FilterQuick Filter
RefreshNeeds to be added
Saved Column Layouts
Insert excerpt
Column Layouts for Framework 3.0 - GlobalColumn Layouts for Framework 3.0 - Global
ViewNeeds to be added
CheckboxNeeds to be added
AddressDisplays the value in Address Line 1 of the Ship To Address.
Column Filter Show/Hide - Global
Column Filter Show/Hide - Global
Insert excerpt
Excel - LV 3.0
Excel - LV 3.0
Group By Show/Hide
Insert excerpt
Group By Show/Hide - Global
Group By Show/Hide - Global

Insert excerpt
Help - Global 3.0
Help - Global 3.0

More Actions

Insert excerpt
More Actions - Global 3.0
More Actions - Global 3.0

  • IQ: Sales Item History: Opens the Sales Item History Inquiry in a new tab/window for the selected Customer displaying all Items ordered on posted sales transactions in the past 90 days.  If no Customer is selected the inquiry opens filtered to the first customer in the grid. 
  • RV: Address: Opens the Customer Address Record View for users to view Customer Address details
  • RV: Customer: Opens the Customer Record View for the selected Customer Address.
Quick Column Filter
Insert excerpt
Quick Column Filter
Quick Column Filter
Insert excerpt
Refresh - Global 3.0
Refresh - Global 3.0
Saved Layouts
Insert excerpt
Column Layouts for Framework 3.0 - Global
Column Layouts for Framework 3.0 - Global

Insert excerpt


Displays the value in Address Line 1 of the Ship To Address. This is a non-editable text box that is not required. It defaults from the 'Address 1' field on the 'Properties' tab of the Customer Addresses Record View. This field is editable from the Customer Addresses Record View and the Customer Record View.

Insert excerpt
Def - Address - Address Line 1
Def - Address - Address Line 1

Database Field: ERPx_ARCustomerAddress.AddressLine1

Address ID

Insert excerpt
Address ID
Address ID
This is a non-editable text box that is required. It defaults from the 'Address ID' field on the 'Properties' tab of the Customer Addresses Record View. This field is editable from the Customer Addresses Record View.

Insert excerpt
Def - Customer Address ID
Def - Customer Address ID

Note: Address Types of "Both" and Shipping" will be included on this page; Address Types of "Inactive" and "Billing" will not be included on this page.

Database Field: ERPx_ARCustomerAddress.AddressID

Address Name

Insert excerpt
Address Name
Address Name
This is is a non-editable text box that is required. It defaults from the 'Address Name' field on the 'Properties' tab of the Customer Addresses Record View. This field is editable from the Customer Addresses Record View and the Customer Record View.

Database Field: ERPx_ARCustomerAddress.AddressName

Attention To 

Insert excerpt
Attention To
Attention To
This is a non-editable text box that is not required. It defaults from the 'Address 1Ship Attention To' field on the 'Properties' tab of the Customer Addresses Record ViewEdit Ship To Address dialog box. This field is editable from the Customer Addresses Record View and the Customer Record View.
Insert excerpt
Def - Address - Address Line 1Def - Address - Address Line 1
Address ID
Insert excerpt
Address IDAddress ID

Identifies the Carrier that is assigned to the Ship To Address ID. This is a non-editable text box that is not required. It defaults from the 'Address IDSales Order Carrier' field on the 'Properties' tab of the the Customer Addresses Record View. This field is editable from the Customer Addresses Record View and or the Customer Addresses Record View.

Insert excerpt
Def -
Customer Address ID
Def -
Customer Address ID

Note: Address Types of "Both" and Shipping" will be included on this page; Address Types of "Inactive" and "Billing" will not be included on this page.

Database Field: ERPx_ARCustomerAddress.AddressID

Address Name

Insert excerpt
Address NameAddress Name

Database Fields: ERPx_SOCarrier.CarrierName, ERPx_ARCustomerAddress.CarrierSK


Displays the destination City where the order will be shipped. This is a non-editable text box that is not required. It defaults from the 'Address NameCity' field on the 'Properties' tab of the Customer the Customer Addresses Record View. This field is editable from the Customer Addresses Record View and the Customer Record View.

Insert excerpt
Def - Address - City
Def - Address - City

Database Field: ERPx_ARCustomerAddress.AddressNameCity

Attention To Customer IDAttention To

Insert excerpt

Attention To

Customer ID
Customer ID
This is a non-editable text box that is


required. It defaults from the '

Ship Attention To

Customer ID' field on the

Edit Ship To Address dialog box

'Properties' tab of the Customer Record View. This field is



Ship To address hyperlink on the Sales Order Record View. Will there be another place to access this field? Else this field will also be blank since the Sales Order RV is only displayed after this page.

Database Field: ERPx_ARCustomerAddress.AttentionTo


Displays the destination City where the order will be shipped. This from the Customer Record View.

Insert excerpt
Def - Customer ID
Def - Customer ID

Database Fields: ERPx_ARCustomer.CustomerID, ERPx_ARCustomerAddress.CustomerSK

Customer Name

Insert excerpt
Customer Name
Customer Name
This is a non-editable text box that is not required. It defaults from the 'CityCustomer Name' field on the 'Properties' tab of the Customer Addresses Record View. This field is editable from the Customer Addresses Record View and the Customer Record View.

Insert excerpt
Def -
Address - City
Customer Name
Def -
Address - City
Customer Name

Database Field:Fields: ERPx_ARCustomer.CustomerName, ERPx_ARCustomerAddress.CityCustomerSK

Customer Insert excerptCustomer ID - TransactionCustomer ID - TransactionnopaneltrueFreight Terms

Identifies the Freight Terms that is assigned to the Ship To Address ID. This is a non-editable text box that is not required. It defaults from the 'Customer IDFreight Terms'   field on the 'Properties' tab of the Customer the Customer Addresses Record View. This field is editable from the Customer Addresses Record View and or the Customer Addresses Record View.

Insert excerpt
Def -
Customer ID
Freight Terms
Def -
Customer ID
Freight Terms

Database Fields: ERPx ERPx_ARCustomerSOFreightTerms.CustomerIDDescription, ERPx_ARCustomerAddress.CustomerSKSOFreightTermsEN

Customer Name Insert excerptCustomer Name - TransactionCustomer Name - TransactionnopaneltrueThis Site Name

Identifies the name of the Site (Warehouse) that is assigned to the Ship To Address ID. This is a non-editable text box that is not required. It defaults from the 'Customer NameSales Order Site'   field on the 'Properties' tab of the Customer the Customer Addresses Record View. This field is editable from the Customer Addresses Record View and or the Customer Addresses Record View.

Insert excerpt
Def -
Customer Name
Def -
Customer Name

Database Fields: ERPx_ARCustomerMFSite.CustomerNameSiteName,  ERPxERPx_ARCustomerAddress.CustomerSK

Site NameMissing. This is the name of the Site assigned to the Ship To Address ID



Displays the destination State where the order will be shipped. This is a non-editable text box that is not required. It defaults from the 'State' field on the 'Properties' tab of the Customer Addresses Record View. This field is editable from the Customer Addresses Record View and the Customer Record View.

Insert excerpt
Def - Address - State
Def - Address - State

Database Field: ERPx_ARCustomerAddress.State


Displays the destination Zip Code where the order will be shipped. This is a non-editable text box that is not required. It defaults from the 'Zip' field on the 'Properties' tab of the Customer Addresses Record View. This field is editable from the Customer Addresses Record View and the Customer Record View.

Insert excerpt
Def - Address - Zip
Def - Address - Zip

Database Field: ERPx_ARCustomerAddress.Zip
