Select Ship-To Record View

Select Ship-To Record View

The purpose of this page is to populate some basic transaction header information and to select the correct Ship-To address. Selecting the Ship-To also assigns the Customer. When this page opens, it displays all the all the active ship to address. From here, users can click on the Find Items, Find Lots, or Go to Order icons.

(lightbulb) This record view also contains columns for each Attribute that is set up for the 'Customer Addresses' attribute type. Because these are user defined, they are not included in the default view but can be added a saved column layout. Customer Addresses attributes are not included in the help documentation.

Software Version: 2022.03.18 and newer

Page Header 

Toolbar IconsDescription
Find Items

Opens the Find Items Record View for users to select from a pre-defined catalog of items or search for items to include in a sales order or sales quote transaction

Find Items with Balance