Table of Contents |
To view the description of each of the Adjustment header fields, click here.
- Corrected From: This field displays the Transaction ID of the source transaction the correction is being made from. This field is only displayed when the transaction was corrected. This field is for information only.
- Date: This field defaults to today's date but can be edited. The date must reside within the most recently closed fiscal year or a later date. E.g. If Fiscal Year 2015 is the most recently closed year, then the date can be MM.DD.2015 or a later date, but it cannot be MM.DD.2014.
- Reason Code: This field displays the reason codes setup for the Inventory Adjustment transaction in Reason Codes & Notes within the Company module. The header section reason code is the default reason code for line items.
- Reference
- Site: Select the Site at which to adjust the item inventory.
- Status
- New - This is the default.
- Approved - Used when there is a two-step process for finalizing transactions. Setting the status to “Approved” disables all editable fields except Status and the line item Reason Code.
- Ready to Post - Used when the user is ready to post the transaction. Setting the status to “Ready to Post” disables all editable fields except the line item Reason Code.