Table of Contents | ||||||
- Action: This field allows users to determine if the transactions should be reversed or reversed & corrected.
- Correcting Date: Enter the date the transaction is to be corrected on. This field is only visible when the Action of Reverse & Correct is selected and defaults to the current date. Note: The date must be within an open fiscal period.
- Date From: This date field is to enter a From Date to filter transactions displayed in the grid section. This field is required.
- Date To: This date field is to enter a To Date to filter transactions displayed in the grid section. This field is required.
- GL Account: Displays a multi selection drop-down menu of all the available GL Accounts to filter transactions displayed in the grid section.
- Journal: This field allows the user to enter a Journal ID to filter transactions displayed in the grid section.
- Posting Date: Displays the date the transaction was posted. The field defaults to the current date. Note: The date must be within an open fiscal period.
- Transaction Type: Displays a drop-down menu to select the type of transaction to filter transactions displayed in the grid section. This field value defaults to 'Manual'.
Once the header fields are complete, click ‘Refresh Data’. All the Journals to be Reversed or Reversed & Corrected will be displayed in the grid section. Click here for more information on the grid section fields.