The Cost History Inquiry details all layer costs assigned to lots. The purpose of the inquiry is to display how the current cost is calculated.
This list view also contains columns for each Attribute that is set up for the 'Items' attribute type and the 'Production Batches' attribute type. Additionally, this list view also contains columns for each Lot Certification with a certification 'Type' of "Item & Site". Item attributes, Production Batch attributes and Lot Certifications are automatically included in the default view. However, because these attributes and lot certifications are user defined, they are not included in the help documentation.
Software Version: 2020.xx.xx and newer
Page Header
Filter Items | Description |
Cost Type | Used to select one or more Cost Types to include. This is a multi-select standard lookup that is required to return results. It defaults to all Cost Types. Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : No link could be created for 'Def - Not Defined'. The lookup contains the values "NON-INV', "Item" and "Lot". |
Include | A lookup to assign one or more conditions you want included in your search. This lookup contains: This is a multi-select standard lookup that is not required to return results. If defaults to blank. This lookup contains the value "Voids". |
Item | Used to select one or more Items. This is a multi-select standard lookup that is required to return results. If defaults as blank. Item IDs are the unique identifier for Items. The lookup contains a list of all Items in the Items master file. |
Item Class | Used to select one or more Item Classes. This is a multi-select standard lookup that is required to return results. If defaults as blank. Item Classes are used to identify default values that will be applied to new Inventory Items and to group Items together for reporting purposes. The lookup contains a list of all Item Classes. |
Layer Costing Status | Used to select one or more Cost Types to include. This is a multi-select standard lookup that is required to return results. It defaults to all Cost Types. Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : No link could be created for 'Def - Not Defined'. This lookup contains the values in the ?????????????? Enumeration Class. |
Lot Owner | Used to select one or more inventory Owners. This is a multi-select standard lookup that is required to return results. It defaults to all Lot Owners. Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : No link could be created for 'Def - Lot - Owner'. The lookup contains a list of all Lot Owners. |
Search | Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : No link could be created for 'Inq - Search'. This is a text box that is not required to return results. It defaults as blank and can be used to search Item ID, Item Description, Site ID, Site Name, Warehouse Lot, Production Batch, Owner or Attribute Values. Please refer to the How to Search in NorthScope FAQ for advanced search options. |
Site | Used to select one or more Sites. This is a multi-select standard lookup that is required to return results. It defaults as blank. Sites represent Plants, Warehouses, Distribution Centers, or virtual objects that are used to store and/or maintain perpetual inventory balances. The lookup contains a list of all active Sites. |
Transaction Date | Used to select the date the transaction was created. This is a date picker that allows users to select a single date or a range of dates. This is required to return results and defaults as blank. |
Saved Filters | Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : No link could be created for 'Grid Options for Kendo - Global'. →Tom, this is the excerpt I created as a placeholder that we can update and also add a link to another page as you suggested. |
Header Toolbar
Toolbar Icons | Description |
Excel | Export the contents of the list view to an Excel file that will automatically download. The contents that export are those that are visible to the user. Therefore, if the user has filtered the view only the filtered contents will be exported. |
Favorites | Clicking on the star icon when it is an outline, adds the page to the 'My Shortcuts' tab and fills in the star. Clicking on the star icon when it is filled in (solid color), removes the page from the 'My Shortcuts' tab and returns the icon to an outline. Users must log out and back in before the pages will be visible in the 'My Shortcuts' tab. |
Grid Layout | Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : No link could be created for 'Grid Layout for Kendo - Global'. →Tom, this is the excerpt I created as a placeholder that we can update and also add a link to another page as you suggested. |
Help | Opens the online WIKI help page for the current page. This icon is only visible on pages that are documented in the online help. |
Refresh | Re-queries the contents of the grid/page based on the Inquiry Criteria parameters or the default parameters for grids that do not support Inquiry Criteria. |
View | Opens the Shipment Details Record View, which displays shipment details for the selected transaction. |
Fields | Description |
BOL | Displays the BOL ID entered on the transaction. This field is specific to the Transfer transaction. This can be edited from the 'BOL' field on the 'Home' tab of the Transfer Transaction Record View while the transaction is in a Status of New. Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionHeader.BOL |
Corrected From | Displays the Transaction ID of the source transaction that was corrected. This field only displays a value if the transaction has been corrected. This is not editable. Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionHeader.CorrectedFromTransactionHeaderSK |
Cost Group | Displays the cost group attached to the item. This can be edited from the 'Cost Group' property on the 'Properties' tab of the Item Record View. Cost Groups are used to associate items that share the same cost model. Database Field: ERPx_IMCostGroup.CostGroupID |
Date | Displays the date of the inventory transaction. This can be edited from the 'Date' field on the 'Home' tab of the Transaction Record View for Adjustment, Production and Receipt transactions while the transaction is in a Status of New. This can be edited from the 'Transferred On' field on the 'Home' tab of the Transaction Record View for a Transfer transactions while the transaction is in a Status of New. Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionHeader.TransactionDate |
Item Attribute Class | Identifies the Attribute Class configured for the Item. This can be edited from the 'Item Attribute Class' selected on the Properties tab of the Item Record View. Attribute Classes are assigned to master files to control which Attributes are visible, and/or required, to records within the master file. Database Fields: ERPx_MFAttributeClass.ClassDescription, ERPX_IMItem.AttributeClassSK, ERPx_IMTransactionDetail.ItemSK |
Item | Identifies the Item, displayed as Item ID: Item Description. The 'Item ID' field is not editable. The Item Description can be edited from the 'Item Description' property on the 'Properties' tab of the Item Record View. Item IDs are the unique identifier for Items. Database Fields: ERPx_IMItem.ItemID, ERPx_IMItem.ItemDescription, ERPx_IMTransactionDetail.ItemSK |
GL Date | Identifies the date the transaction posted (or will post) to the general ledger. This can be edited from the 'GL Date' field on the 'Properties' tab of the Transaction Record View while the transaction is in a Status of New. Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionHeader.GLDate |
Owner | Identifies the Lot Owner of the Inventory Lot. This can be edited from the 'Owner' field on the Items grid of the Transaction Record View while the transaction is in a Status of New. Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : No link could be created for 'Def - Lot - Owner'. Database Field: ERPx_IMLotOwner.OwnerName |
Production Batch | Identifies the Production Batch ID of the Lot. Clicking on the link opens the Production Batch Record View. This can be edited from the 'Production Batch' field on the Properties tab of the Production Batch Record View. Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : No link could be created for 'Def - Lot - Production Batch'. Database Field: ERPx_IMProductionLot.ProductionLotID |
Production Batch Date | Displays the date when the production batch was produced. This can be edited from the 'Batch Date' field on the Properties tab of the Production Batch Record View. Database Field: ERPx_IMProductionLot.DateProduced |
Production Batch Site | Displays the Site name and ID where the production batch was produced. This can be edited from the 'Production Batch Site' field on the Properties tab of the Production Batch Record View. Database Fields: ERPx_MFSite.SiteID, ERPx_MFSite.SiteName, ERPx_IMProductionLot.ManufactureSiteSK |
Quantity | Displays the unit quantity or weight quantity of the item in the default reporting UOM. This can be edited from the 'Units' field or 'Weight' field of a line item on the Items grid of the Transaction Record View while the transaction is in a Status of New. Database Fields: ERPx_IMTransactionDetail.EffectOnInventoryUnits or ERPx_IMTransactionDetail.EffectOnInventoryWeight |
Reference | Identifies the Reference entered for the transaction. This can be edited from the 'Reference' field of the 'Home' tab of the Transaction Record View while the transaction is in a Status of New. Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionHeader.Reference |
Site | Displays the Site Name and Site ID at which the transaction affects the lot's balance. This comes from the 'Site' field on the 'Home' tab of the Transaction Record View. This is not editable after the transaction has been saved. Sites represent Plants, Warehouses, Distribution Centers, or virtual objects that are used to store and/or maintain perpetual inventory balances. Database Fields: ERPx_MFSite.SiteName, ERPx_MFSite.SiteID, ERPx_IMTransactionHeader.SiteSK |
Status | Identifies the Status of the transaction. For inventory transactions, this can be edited from the 'Status' field on the 'Home' tab of the Adjustment, Production, Receipt and Transfer Record View and represents the status of the transaction. This is always editable while the transaction is in a Status of 'New' or 'Approved'. For sales transactions, SO Shipments and SO Returns will only ever display if the transaction has been Posted. Status is used to identify where a transaction, Purchase Order, Price List, BOM, or Master File record is in its life cycle. Records start in a Status of 'New' and progress sequentially through additional statuses until they are 'Posted' or 'Closed'. The list of potential Statuses changes depending on the transaction type. The Statuses that apply to transactions in this inquiry include: Open: This is the default Status for all new records. While in the Status of 'Open', all editable fields are open for edit. Open transactions are transactions in a status of New or Approved. Posted: Signifies the transaction has been posted and/or applied to a transactions (e.g. Payment Receipt). When a transaction is posted, it updates the General Ledger and/or On Hand Item Balances. While in the Status of 'Posted' transactions are considered closed and all the fields are disabled with the exception of a few fields that are always editable. Posted transactions are transactions in a status of Ready to Post or Posted. Void: Signifies a previously posted transaction has been voided. This status is only available for transactions that support voiding posted records (not all transactions support this). Voided transactions remain in the database and can be viewed from history inquiries. Database Fields: ERPx_IMTransactionStatus.TransactionStatusName, ERPx_IMTransactionHeader.TransactionStatusSK |
Traded | Specifies if the Production Batch has been traded. Displays "Yes" if the 'Traded' field has been set to "Yes" on the Production Batch Record or blank if the field has been set to "No". This can be edited from the 'Traded' field on the Properties tab of the Production Batch record view. Database Field: ERPx_IMProductionLot.Traded |
Transaction | Identifies the unique Transaction ID for each transaction. Clicking on the link opens the Transaction Record View for the associated record. This value is system generated when the transaction is created and is not editable. Transaction numbers are system assigned IDs to differentiate unique transactions. Transaction ID's are unique by the unique combination of 'Transaction Type' + 'Transaction Class'. Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionHeader.TransactionID |
Transaction Class | The unique identifier of the Transaction Class. This comes from the 'Transaction Class' property on the 'Properties' tab of the Transaction Class Record View for the associated transaction. This is not editable after the Transaction Class has been saved. Transaction Classes are used to categorize transactions within transaction types and assign specific default values and business rules for each. Database Field: ERPX_IMTransactionClass.TransactionClassID, ERPx_IMTransactionHeader.TransactionClassSK |
Transaction Type | Identifies the Transaction Type for each transaction. This comes from the 'Transaction Type' property on the 'Properties' tab of the Transaction Class Record View for the associated transaction. This is not editable after the Transaction Class has been saved. Transaction Types are used to differentiate unique types transactions within the system. Transactions with the same Transaction Type share the same record view pages and business rules. Transaction Types can be further classified using Transaction Classes. Every transaction in the system is assigned a Transaction Type. The SO Shipment and SO Return transaction types only displays when the corresponding invoice is posted. Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionType.TransactionTypeID, ERPx_IMTransactionType.TransactionTypeDescription, ERPx_IMTransactionHeader.TransactionTypeSK |
Units UOM | Identifies the default inventory unit of measure that the units are stored in (boxes, Bags, Cases, Totes, etc.) for the item. This field can be edited from the 'Inventory Unit UOM' property on the 'Properties' tab of the Item Record View. A UOM is a quantity used as a standard of measurement. It identifies how much makes up "1" of the measurement. Examples include Bag, Box, Each, Kg, Lb, ext. Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionDetail.EffectOnInventoryUnitsUOMSK |
Units | Displays the On Hand units of the item at the corresponding Site or Inventory Lot. This can be edited from the 'Units' field of the line item in the Items grid on the Transaction Record View while the transaction is in a Status of New. Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionDetail.EffectOnInventoryUnits |
UOM | Identifies the default reporting unit of measure that the weight (Lbs, Kg, Oz, Ton, etc.) or units (boxes, Bags, Cases, Totes, etc.) of the item is stored in. This can be edited from the 'Default Reporting UOM' property on the 'Properties' tab of the Item Record View. Database Field: ERPX_IMItem.DefaultReportingUOMSK |
UOM Schedule | Identifies the UOM Schedule that is used to determine what Units of Measure are to be used for specific items that are bought, sold and manufactured as well as the conversions for those Units of Measure. Database Fields: ERPX_IMItem.UOMScheduleSK, ERPx_IMTransactionDetail.ItemSK |
Void Date | Displays the date the transaction was voided. This field comes from the 'Void/Correct GL Date' field for a transaction line on the Transaction More Actions Record View and is not editable after the void action has been processed. Database Fields: ERPx_IMTransactionHeader.VoidDate |
Warehouse Lot | Identifies the Warehouse Lot to which the selected item or inventory lot belongs. This value defaults from the 'Warehouse Lot' value specified on the Transaction Record View that created the Inventory Lot. This can be edited from the 'Warehouse Lot' field on the Warehouse Lots List View. Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : No link could be created for 'Def - Lot - Warehouse Lot'. Database Fields: ERPx_IMWarehouseLot.WarehouseLotID, ERPx_IMLotBalance.WarehouseLotSK |
Weight | Displays the On Hand weight of the item at the corresponding Site or Inventory Lot. This can be edited from the 'Weight' field of the line item in the Items grid on the Transaction Record View while the transaction is in a Status of New. Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionDetail.EffectOnInventoryWeight |
Weight UOM | Identifies the default inventory unit of measure that the weight is stored in (Lbs, Kg, Oz, Ton, etc.) for the item. This field can be edited from the 'Inventory Weight UOM' property on the 'Properties' tab of the Item record view. A UOM is a quantity used as a standard of measurement. It identifies how much makes up "1" of the measurement. Examples include Bag, Box, Each, Kg, Lb, ext. Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionDetail.EffectOnInventoryWeightUOMSK |