NorthScope allows users to add, edit or remove production batches. Production batches can be created manually or from inventory transaction records.
Required Prerequisites
- Item set up
- Production Site set up
- User Defined Attributes
- Production Batch Attribute Class set up
Optional Prerequisites
- Quality Test Class set up
- Certification set up
Step 1: Manually Creating a New Production Batch in NorthScope
- From NorthScope, expand the Inventory module on the navigation menu and select “Production Batches”. This will open the Production Batches List View which displays all production batches.
- Click the “New” icon in the header to open a blank record view.
The New Production Batch record view will open with the base properties displayed for entry. Once the base properties have been entered and the record is saved, the default values will be assigned and the remaining properties and tabs will be visible. Clicking Save will also update the header information with the Production Batch ID and the Item name.
Step 2: Assigning the Base Production Batch Properties
Until the base properties have been assigned, the new Production Batch record cannot be saved. Enter the following production batch properties:
- Production Batch: This field is used for naming the production batch and must be unique by Site. This field will default to (Use Next Number), which means the Production Batch will be named based on the Site’s settings for Production Batch Prefix and Next Production Batch Number. The user can also manually enter a unique Production Batch name.
- Label Code: This field allows users to enter a label code for the production batch. This field is optional.
- Item: This field is used for selecting the item that was produced in the corresponding production batch. This drop-down menu contains all lot tracked items that have been configured in the items section.
- Production Site: This field is used for selecting the location at which the production was produced. This drop-down menu only contains active sites. Only active sites will display.
- Production Date: This field is used for entering the date the product was produced on. This field is a date picker, which allows users to select a date from a calendar view.
- Country of Origin: This field is used for entering the name of the country the product originated in. This drop-down menu contains all active countries from the Inventory module’s Country of Origin section.
- Batch Comment: This field is used for any comments the user would like to attach to the production batch. This text field is optional.
- Outside Purchase: This field allows users to mark a production batch to be an outside purchase. The value defaults to No, but it can be changed to Yes.
- Traded: This field allows users to mark a production batch to be traded. The value defaults to No, but it can be changed to Yes.
Upon saving the production batch, all other properties and tabs will display.
Step 3: Assigning the Remaining Production Batch Properties
When the Production Batch Record has been successfully saved for the first time, the remaining Production Properties can be completed.
- Production Line
- Production Shift
- Expiration Date
- Vendor Purchased From
- Batch Class
- Note: This field defaults to the preference setting for Default Production Batch Attribute Class.
- Quality Test Class
- Note: This field defaults to the item’s Quality Test Class.
- Quality Test ID
- Project
- Status
- Note: This field defaults to Open.
Step 4: Adding Production Batch Attributes
Once all the base Production Batch Properties have been entered or selected, click on the Attributes tab to select the attribute values. Once in the tab, the attributes for the production batch’s attribute class are displayed along with the availability.
In order to properly save the item, make value selections for each attribute that has a corresponding Available field value of ‘Yes-Required’, signifying that attribute is required to be assigned a value.
Step 5: Assigning Certifications
The certifications tab will display all available certifications to assign to the production batch. The certifications can be assigned to the production batch by clicking the checkbox next to the certification name.
Creating Production Batches from Inventory Transaction Record
For a production batch to be created automatically from inventory transaction, a unique combination of the item, production batch and site must be entered on the transaction and the transaction record must be saved. This will create a production batch record with the known information for the user to enter the rest manually. User can also enter + to the production batch ID field, which will automatically add the next available production batch ID. Users can then open the created Production Batch and enter the remaining properties.