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AP Invoices represent transactions that carry amounts the company owes for purchasing goods or services from a Vendor. AP Credit Memos represent transactions that carry amounts owed to the company because of returns and/or credits on goods or services previously purchased from a Vendor. The purpose of this page is to view, add, edit, remove, and post individual AP Invoices and Credit Memo transactions.

Software Version: YYYY.MM.DD and newer

Page Header

Header Toolbar

Toolbar IconsDescription
DeleteDeletes the transaction or master file record. When clicked, users will be prompted with: "Are you sure you want to delete this record?". Click "OK" to confirm, or "Cancel" to return without deleting. 

WARNING: Records cannot be recovered once they are deleted!

Grid LayoutOpens the Saved Grid Layout menu that allows the user to select another saved layout, create a new layout, save changes to a layout, or assign a saved layout as the default for the page. Once changes are made to a grid, such as columns are added or removed, the user can click the Saved Grid Layout icon and save the changes to the grid layout and name the new layout. The new layout can also be set as the default, instead of the System View. This is useful for creating specific views to separate master files or transaction types (i.e. Invoice specific vs. Credit Memo specific).

(lightbulb) The bolded view is the default view, which will determine the view will automatically display in when opened. 

Journal DetailsOpens the Journal Details window showing the Journal Entry for this transaction. 

(lightbulb) Until the transaction Approved or Posted, this is a temporary journal entry so no Journal ID will be assigned. 

Load from POLoads information from the specified purchase order once a PO is entered. This button is disabled once the transaction is Approved or Ready to Post.
HelpOpens the online WIKI help page for the current page. 

(lightbulb) This icon is only visible on pages that are documented in the online help.


Allows users to select the type of transaction or record they want to add. The list contains:

  • Invoice: A transaction to record a purchase you are making from a Vendor.
  • Credit Memo: A transaction to record a return/refund you are getting from Vendor.
NotesOpens the Notes dialog, filtered for the appropriate Note Type(s). From here, users can add, review, or edit Notes associated with the record. This icon is always enabled. 
SaveSaves the changes made to the record. 

(lightbulb) It is only necessary to click the Save button when a change is detected on the page. When a change has been made, a ‘ + ‘ character is displayed prior to the page name in the page title bar (light blue bar in the upper left corner of the page). Clicking Save reloads the page.

View Applications
Opens the Transaction Application Details page, which displays any applications associated with the transaction and allows users to apply and unapply applications.

Home Tab 


Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : No link could be created for 'Amount (Transaction Amount) - LV'.
 This is a non-editable text box that displays the total amount based on the sum of all transaction lines on the invoice/credit memo. This defaults to "0.00" and is not required. This field is never editable by the user, but can be changed by updating the quantity and/or price of one or more transaction lines.

Database Field: ERPx_APTransactionHeader.ExtendedAmount


Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : No link could be created for 'Description - RV'.
This is text box to assign a description to the invoice/credit memo. This defaults to blank and is not required, but if entered, it must be <=60 characters. This is always editable.

Database Field: ERPx_APTransactionHeader.Description

Doc Date

An editable date field that identifies the date the transaction should have been entered. In most cases the Doc Date will be the current date but in instances where the transaction is being entered after the fact it may be back dated.

Identifies the date the transaction should have been entered.

 This is a text box to assign/edit a date for the invoice/credit memo. This defaults to today's date is required. If missing, the message "Doc Date is required." will be displayed on Save. This is always editable while in a status of New.

Database Field: ERPx_APTransactionHeader.TransactionDate

Doc No

An editable field that identifies the Doc No (document number) such as a Vendor's Invoice # or a reference number that you assign for the transaction. This is a text box to assign a document number to the invoice/credit memo. This defaults to blank and is required. If missing, the message "Doc No is required." will be displayed on Save. This is always editable while in a status of New.

Database Field: ERPx_APTransactionHeader.DocNumber

Payment Terms

Payment Terms identify the terms your company extends to your Customers and that your Vendors extend to you. Payment Terms are used to calculate aging and payment discounts. This is a single-select standard lookup that defaults from the Payment Terms assigned to the 'Vendor Class' of the selected Vendor. This is required and if missing, the message "Payment Terms are required when approving or posting transactions." will be displayed on Save. This is editable on an invoice while in a status of New, but not editable on a credit memo.

The lookup contains a blank value, the current assigned value, and a list of all the 'Active' Payment Terms.

Database Fields: ERPx_MFPaymentTerms.PaymentTermName, APTransactionHeader.PaymentTermSK


Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : No link could be created for 'Purchase Order - LV'.
This is a text box to assign a purchase order to a invoice/credit memo. This defaults to blank and is not required, but if entered, it must be <=50 characters. This is always editable while in a status of New.

Database Field: ERPx_APTransactionHeader.PurchaseOrderID


Status is used to identify where a transaction, Purchase Order, Price List, BOM, or Master File record is in its life cycle. Records start in a Status of 'New' and progress sequentially through additional statuses until they are 'Posted' or 'Closed'. The list of potential Statuses changes depending on the transaction type. 

Database Fields: ERPx_APTransactionStatus.StatusName, ERPx_APTransactionHeader.TransactionStatusSK


Database Fields: ERPx_APVendor.VendorID, ERPx_APTransactionHeader.VendorSK

Properties Tab 

Created ByDatabase Field: ERPx_APTransactionHeader.CreatedBy
Created DateDatabase Field: ERPx_APTransactionHeader.CreatedDate
Currency IDDatabase Fields: ERPx_MFCurrency.CurrencyID, ERPx_APTransactionHeader.CurrencySK
Discount DateDatabase Field: ERPx_APTransactionHeader.DiscountDate
Due DateDatabase Field: ERPx_APTransactionHeader.DueDate
GL DateDatabase Field: ERPx_APTransactionHeader.GLDate
Last UpdatedDatabase Field: ERPx_APTransactionHeader.LastUpdated
Last UserDatabase Field: ERPx_APTransactionHeader.LastUser
Pmt./Apply HoldDatabase Field: ERPx_APTransactionHeader.IsOnApplicationHold
Transaction ClassDatabase Fields: ERPx_APTransactionClass.TransactionClassDescription, ERPx_APTransactionHeader.TransactionClassSK
TransactionSKDatabase Field: ERPx_APTransactionHeader.TransactionHeaderSK
Vendor IDDatabase Fields: ERPx_APVendor.VendorID, ERPx_APTransactionHeader.VendorSK

Attributes Tab

AttributesThe Attributes displayed are determined by the Attribute Setup and the Assign Attribute Rules. The Attributes can be setup and assigned to the transaction type in the Attributes section of the Company module (Company → Setup → Attributes).
AvailableThis field displays whether or not the attribute is available and required. Only available attributes will be displayed with a 'Yes' followed by whether or not it is a required attribute. Required attribute values must be entered before saving the transaction as 'Approved' or 'Ready to Post'.
ValueThe values in each attribute lookup are determined by the values created for the attribute, as set up in the Attributes setup in the Company module.

Page Detail

Items Grid

The purpose of the Items grid is to add, edit and delete the line items for the Invoice and Credit Memo transaction.

Toolbar IconsDescription
DeleteDeletes the selected line(s) from the transaction or master file. This icon is only enabled for transactions with a Status of 'New'.
ExcelExports the contents of the grid to an Excel file that will automatically download. The contents that export are those that are visible to the user. Therefore, if the user has filtered the view only the filtered contents will be exported. 

Adds new blank lines in the grid section to allow for data entry.

CheckboxUsed to select one or more records for Mass Update or Delete.
DescriptionDatabase Field: ERPx_APTransactionLine.LineDescription
Distributed ToDatabase Fields: ERPx_APVendor.VendorName, ERPx_MFEmployee.EmployeeName, ERPx_GLProject.ProjectDescription, ERPx_APTransactionLine.ToDistributionAccountSK
ExtendedDatabase Field: ERPx_APTransactionLine.ExtendedAmount
PriceDatabase Field: ERPx_APTransactionLine.Price
Purchase AccountDatabase Fields: ERPx_GLAccount.AccountNumber, ERPx_APTransactionLine.AccountSK
QuantityDatabase Fields: ERPx_APTransactionLine.Quantity
UOMDatabase Fields: ERPx_IMUOM.UOMID, ERPx_APTransactionLine.QuantityUOMSK

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