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Fish tickets document the harvest of fish and shellfish sold, discarded, or retained by the fisherman for personal use. All licensed processors must fill out a fish ticket for each landing from a fishing permit holder. Fish tickets are a record of purchase between the processors (or buyers) and the fishermen, and for the resource managers, they are a record of how many fish were taken from the sea. The information collected includes species landed, weight, gear used, harvest dates, who caught the fish, and the processor’s license code. Information specific to each fishery is also collected when the catch is delivered. 

Software Version: 2021.10.05 and newer

Page Header

Filter Items

Auto Hide FiltersA non-required text box that defaults as checked and is used to determine if the Search Options should be hidden when the Inquiry runs or is refreshed.
  • When checked, each time the 'Refresh' button is clicked, the search options will be hidden, allowing for more rows of data to be visible on the page. This behavior is ideal for users that have entered their search parameters and want to see the results in full-screen. 
  • When unchecked, the search options will not be hidden when the 'Refresh' button is clicked. This behavior is ideal for users that need to run several searches with different search parameters.

Users can only change the default value of this setting with a custom search in the "Saved Searches" lookup. If you change the default setting but do not save it in a custom search, it will only remain this way while the page is opened.

Refer to this FAQ for advanced search options.

Auto Refresh on OpenA non-required text box that defaults as checked and is used to determine if the inquiry opens with or without data in the grid.
  • When checked, each time the page is opened, the search is run using the default parameters (or a 'Saved Search' if one was set as your default for the page) so the grid will be populated with data .  
  • When unchecked, the search is NOT run when the page opens and no data will be present until the 'Refresh' button is clicked. 

Users can only change the default value of this setting with a custom search in the "Saved Searches" lookup.

Refer to this FAQ for advanced search options.

Date Type

A single-select lookup to identify which 'Date' field will be used. The lookup contains the following values:

  • Delivered Date
  • GL Date
  • Landed Date
Date RangeA text box to identify the method for selecting a date range, a specific date, or a min/max date.

For help on using this control refer to the FAQ Article /wiki/spaces/HELP/pages/3108732991.


A lookup to assign one or more conditions you want included in your search. This lookup contains:

  • Voids. Select if you want Items from Voided Tickets. Defaults as unselected.

A non-required text box that defaults to blank and is used to search across multiple fields. When the page is 'Refreshed', the data returned will be limited by what was included in the Search box (in addition to any other Search Options). 

Refer to this FAQ for advanced search options.

The Search field can be used to search across the following fields: 

  • Ticket
  • Delivery #
  • Site Processed ID
  • Ticket Class
  • Permit
  • Fishing Vessel
  • Tender
Ticket NumberA text box to enter all or part of a ticket number.

A single select lookup to specify which Ticket Version(s) to return. The options include:

  • All Versions. Use this method if you want all versions of the the ticket.
  • Current Posted Version. Use this method if only want to return the 'Current' version of the the ticket. This is the default value.

Page Detail

Toolbar Icons

Column Filter Show/Hide Toggles between displaying and hiding a filter row in the grid under the column headers. The filter row will be displayed by default if the Quick Column Filter is also implemented in the page. When enabled, this will allow users to type in text to filter by a specific column.
Excel Exports the contents of the grid to an Excel file that will automatically download. The contents that export are those that are visible to the user. Therefore, if the user has filtered the view, or excluded columns, only the contents in the grid will be exported. 
Favorites Clicking on the star icon when it is an outline, adds the page to the 'My Shortcuts' tab and fills in the star. Clicking on the star icon when it is filled in (solid color), removes the page from the 'My Shortcuts' tab and returns the icon to an outline. 

(lightbulb) Users must log out and back in before the pages will be visible in the 'My Shortcuts' tab.

Group By Show/Hide Toggles between displaying and hiding a row in the grid above the column headers to enable grouping by one or more column(s). Once displayed, users may drag and drop column headers to group by a specific column. Once the grid is grouped by a column(s), a subtotal footer row will display in the grouping for columns that have a page footer total. 
Help Opens the online WIKI help page for the current page. 
More Actions

 Displays a drop down menu of related actions. The list of options includes:

  • RV: Journal Details: Opens the Journal Details page 
  • RV Ticket: Opens the Fish Ticket Record View for the selected Ticket.
  • Fish Ticket Item Reprice: Opens the 'Fish Ticket Items Reprice' page
  • Fish Ticket Premium Reprice: Opens the 'Fish Ticket Premium Reprice' page
  • Void/Correct: Opens the 'Void/Correct Fish Ticket' page
Print Opens the Print dialog window, where transaction and/or analysis reports can be downloaded, printed and/or emailed. 

When clicked, all the Reports that launch from the Print Dialog that are assigned to this page, and that the user has rights to (if Report Data Access is enabled) are displayed.

Quick Column Filter Used to filter across all columns in the grid. When the user types text into the Quick Column Filter text box, the grid's Filter Row will be automatically hidden. The text in the Quick Column Filter text box automatically replaces any existing Filter Row filters. The results of the data immediately refresh as you enter text.
Refresh Re-queries the contents of the grid/page based on the Search Options or the default values for grids that do not support Search Options. 

(lightbulb) This ONLY re-queries the contents of columns that are currently visible, if you add a new column the contents will be empty until you click 'Refresh' again.

Saved Layouts Displays the column layout lookup and related icons. This tool allows users to select a previously saved layout, create a new layout, save changes to a layout, forget/delete a layout and/or assign a saved layout as the default for the page. Once changes are made to the layout, such as columns are added or removed, the user can click the Save Layout icon and save the changes to the column layout. The visibility of the Filter Row is also saved with a saved layout. The new layout can also be set as the default. This is useful for creating specific views to separate master files or transaction types (i.e. Invoice specific vs. Credit Memo specific).  Default layouts can be removed by clicking the 'Set as Default' button again when the current default layout is selected.  

Please note that existing saved grid layouts will display the Filter Row as hidden by default.

Search Options Toggles between displaying and hiding the Search Options portion of the page.


Buying StationDisplays the Buying Station name assigned in the ticket properties. 
CFECIDIdentifies the fisherman's unique identifier with the state of Alaska. 
Chill Type

Identifies the Chill Type ID from the Chill Type assigned to the Ticket.

A Chill Type refers to the refrigeration system used to keep fish cold in the vessel hold. It is generally used in conjunction with Temperature. This is used to improve the quality of catch.

CreatedIdentifies the Created Date & Time of the record, formatted from the users 'Date Format' preference. This is a system assigned value and is never editable by a user.
Created ByIdentifies the name of the user that created the record. It is formatted to be the "logged-in" users [User First Name] + [User Last Name]. This is a system assigned value and is never editable by a user.
Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : No link could be created for 'Delivered Date'.
Delivery #A unique number used to group one or more Fish Tickets together. This number is used three different ways:
  • If the ticket was delivered by a Tender, this represents the Tender Batch ID.
  • For manually entered tickets, in Plants that log deliveries in a separate book, this is used to record the number from that book
  • For all other integrated tickets, this represents the Landing #
Dock DeliveryA Yes/No value to show if the Ticket was delivered to the Dock.
Ext. Amount

Identifies the Extended amount of all the line items on the Fish Ticket.

The 'Ext. Amount' is calculated as: [Weight] x [Price].

Fishing BeganIdentifies the date the fishing trip began and displays the date entered on the corresponding Fish Ticket Record View. This field can be edited at any time from the record view. 
Fishing PeriodDisplays the period during which the delivery ticket catch was made.
Fishing VesselIdentifies the vessel that caught the fish.
FloatingIdentifies whether or not the fish were "floating" or suspended when they were offloaded. 
GearIdentifies the Gear Type for the ticket. Gear is the specific apparatus or equipment used to catch fish or shellfish. A few examples of gear include: longline, pots, beam trawl, and purse seine.
GL DateIdentifies the date the transaction posted (or will post) to the general ledger. 
GL PeriodIdentifies the Fiscal Period based on the GL date on the source transaction or manual journal entry.
GL YearIdentifies the Fiscal Year based on the GL date on the source transaction or manual journal entry.
Gross Amount

Identifies the Gross Amount of all the Ticket Items.

The 'Gross Amount' is calculated as: [Ext. Amount] + [Premiums].

HeadlandDisplays the nearest headland to where the fish were caught.
LandedIdentifies the date fish or shellfish are off-loaded or trans-shipped from the catcher vessel to the first purchaser. The date of landing is the day off-load is completed. For catcher-processors the land date is the date the product is caught and brought on board. For catcher-seller vessels the land date is the date the product is initially brought into port.
Landing #Identifies the number assigned to the Landing Report.
Last UpdatedIdentifies the Last Updated Date & Time of the Transaction, formatted from the users 'Date Format' preference. This is a system assigned value and is never editable by a user.
Last Updated ByIdentifies the name of the user that last updated the Transaction. It is formatted to be the "logged-in" users [User First Name] + [User Last Name]. This is a system assigned value and is never editable by a user.
Management ProgramIdentifies the Management Program the Fish Ticket is associated with.
Net Amount

Identifies the Net Amount of the Ticket Items.

The 'Net Amount' is calculated as: [Gross Amount] - [Tax - Fisherman].

Net Weight

Identifies the Net Weight of the Ticket Items.

The 'Net Weight' is calculated as: [Weight] * [Wt. Mod].

Paid AccountThe GL Account that is assigned for the "Settlement Accrual" Account Type, on the Accounts tab of the Fisherman or Loan Record View and Fisherman Class Record View. This is the Balance Sheet account that is Debited or Credited when Fishing Transactions are posted for the selected Fisherman, Tender, or Loan account. 
PermitIdentifies the Permit number belonging to the fisherman that was used to catch the fish.
Permit HolderIdentifies the owner of the Permit (the fisherman) that was associated with the catch.
Port of LandingIdentifies the location the fish or shellfish were unloaded.
Prem - Chill

Identifies if the Ticket has one or more items with a "Chill" type Premium assigned. If so, it will display as "Yes". If not, it will be blank.

A 'Chill' Premium is defined as a Premium where the Premium's 'Program Class' has been assigned a Group of "Chill".

Prem - Chill AmtDisplays the total of all the Premium amounts for Premiums that are associated to the 'Chill' group.
Prem - Dock

Identifies if the Ticket has one or more items with a "Dock" type Premium assigned. If so, it will display as "Yes". If not, it will be blank.

A 'Dock' Premium is defined as a Premium where the Premium's 'Program Class' has been assigned a Group of "Chill".

Prem - Dock AmtDisplays the total of all the Premium amounts for Premiums that are associated to the 'Dock' group.
Prem - Other

Identifies if the Ticket has one or more items with an "Other" type Premium assigned. If so, it will display as "Yes". If not, it will be blank.

An 'Other' Premium is defined as a Premium where the Premium's 'Program Class' has been assigned a Group of "Chill".

Prem - Other AmtDisplays the total of all the Premium amounts for Premiums that are associated to the 'Other' group.
PremiumsDisplays the total amount of premiums applied to line items on the delivery ticket.
Price List IDIdentifies the ID of the Price List that is assigned to the transaction.
Processor IDIdentifies the Processor identification code of the buyer.
Reprice CommentDisplays a comment regarding the reasoning or other notes about the reprice.
SeasonIdentifies which fishing season the delivery occurred in.
Site ProcessedIdentifies the name of the Site that processed the fish from the Ticket.
SlideIdentifies whether or not the fish were offloaded using a slide.
SourceIdentifies whether the Fish Ticket was manually entered or imported from eLandings.

Identifies the Status of the transaction. 

The Statuses that apply to transactions in this List View include:

Posted: Signifies the transaction has been posted and/or applied to a transactions (e.g. Payment Receipt). When a transaction is posted, it updates the General Ledger and/or On Hand Item Balances. While in the Status of 'Posted' transactions are considered closed and all the fields are disabled with the exception of a few fields that are always editable.

Void: Signifies a previously posted transaction has been voided. This status is only available for transactions that support voiding posted records (not all transactions support this). Voided transactions remain in the database and can be viewed from history inquiries.

Tax - Borough

Identifies if the Ticket has one or more items with a "Borough Tax" assigned. If so, it will display as "Yes". If not, it will be blank.

A "Borough Tax" is defined as a Tax where the Tax Program's 'Program Class' has been assigned a Group of "Borough".

Tax - Borough AmtDisplays the total of all the Tax amounts for Taxes associated to the 'Borough' group.
Tax - City

Identifies if the Ticket has one or more items with a "City Tax" assigned. If so, it will display as "Yes". If not, it will be blank.

A "City Tax" is defined as a Tax where the Tax Program's 'Program Class' has been assigned a Group of "Borough".

Tax - City AmtDisplays the total of all the Tax amounts for Taxes associated to the 'City' group.
Tax - CompanyIdentifies the total amount of tax, from all the Tax Programs, that is expensed to the Company.
Tax - FishermanIdentifies the total amount of tax, from all the Tax Programs, that was/is being withheld from the Fisherman.
Tax - Observer

Identifies if the Ticket has one or more items with an "Observer Tax" assigned. If so, it will display as "Yes". If not, it will be blank.

An "Observer Tax" is defined as a Tax where the Tax Program's 'Program Class' has been assigned a Group of "Borough".

Tax - Observer AmtDisplays the total of all the Tax amounts for Taxes associated to the 'Observer' group.
Tax - Other

Identifies if the Ticket has one or more items with an "Other Tax" assigned. If so, it will display as "Yes". If not, it will be blank.

An "Other Tax" is defined as a Tax where the Tax Program's 'Program Class' has been assigned a Group of "Borough".

Tax - Other AmtDisplays the total of all the Tax amounts for Taxes associated to the 'Other' group.
Tax - State

Identifies if the Ticket has one or more items with a "State Tax" assigned. If so, it will display as "Yes". If not, it will be blank.

A "State Tax" is defined as a Tax where the Tax Program's 'Program Class' has been assigned a Group of "Borough".

Tax - State AmtDisplays the total of all the Tax amounts for Taxes associated to the 'State' group.
Tax - TotalIdentifies the total amount of tax, from all the Tax Programs, for all the Ticket Items. It is calculated as: [Tax - Fisherman] + [Tax - Company].

Identifies the Tender that delivered the Fish.

A Tender is a vessel that is attendant to other vessels and is used to transport or ferry unprocessed fish or shellfish received from another vessel to a shoreside processor or mothership.  Tender vessels operate, in most circumstances, as an agent for a specific processor and take deliveries from harvesting vessels.

Tender VesselDisplays the 'Vessel Name' of the Vessel assigned to the Tender.
Ticket #Identifies the Fish Ticket number (aka the Fish Ticket Transaction ID).
Ticket Class

Identifies the Ticket Class of the Ticket.

Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : No link could be created for 'Def - Ticket Class'.

UnitsIdentifies the count of the physical objects (Box, Bag, Case, Each, Tote, etc.) on the transaction.
VersionDisplays the version number of the Fish Ticket.
Version Company Tax AmountIdentifies the total amount of tax, from all the Tax Programs, that is expensed to the Company for the selected ticket version. If the Ticket Version is > 1 then this represents the difference between the current version and the previous version.
Version Fisherman Tax AmountIdentifies the total amount of tax, from all the Tax Programs, that was/is being withheld from the Fisherman for the selected ticket version. If the Ticket Version is > 1 then this represents the difference between the current version and the previous version.
Version Gross Amount

Identifies the Gross Amount of the Ticket Item for the selected ticket version. If the Ticket Version is > 1 then this represents the difference between the current version's Gross Amount and the previous versions Gross Amount.

The 'Gross Amount' is calculated as: [Ext. Amount] + [Premiums].

Version Net Amount

Identifies the Net Amount of the Ticket Item for the selected ticket version. If the Ticket Version is > 1 then this represents the difference between the current version's Net Amount and the previous versions Net Amount.

The 'Net Amount' is calculated as: [Gross Amount] - [Tax - Fisherman].

Version TypeIdentifies whether the ticket is the Original, a Correction, or a Reprice.

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