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The purpose of the Cash Receipt Record View is to enter payments received by customers. From here, users can open the 'Apply Documents' window, review the Journal Details, and post the receipt. When receipts are posted, the Customer Aging is updated and the receipt becomes available to the Checkbook Deposit transaction. Cash Receipts make a journal entry when the are posted.

Software Version: YYYY.MM.DD and newer

Page Header

Header Toolbar

Toolbar IconsDescription
Apply DocumentsOpens the Apply Documents window allowing the user to apply this receipt to one or more open transactions. 
DeletePrompts the user, Are you sure you wish to delete the transaction? OK or Cancel. Selecting OK - Deletes the transaction, selecting Cancel, cancels the delete.
Grid LayoutOpens the Saved Grid Layout dialog.
Journal DetailsOpens the Journal Details window showing the Journal Entry for this transaction. Until the transaction is posted, this is a temporary journal entry so no Journal ID will be assigned.
NewAllow user to add a new AR Cash Receipt Transaction.
NotesOpens the Notes window filtered for the appropriate Note Type(s).
PrintOpens print window showing any applicable printable reports.
SaveSaves the transaction.

Home Tab

AmountA text box used to enter the dollar amount of the payment you received. This defaults to 0.00 but is required and must be > 0.00 to Approve and/or Post. If not, the message "Amount must be greater than 0.00." will be displayed. This field is only editable while the transaction Status is "New". Linked Database Field: ERPx_#####.#####.
AppliedA label used to identify how much of the Receipt has been applied (to an open transaction(s)). This defaults to 0.00 but will grow as the receipt is applied. Receipts can be posted without applying, but if they have been applied, this amount will always be >0.00. This is a calculated field and is never editable by a user. This field is not linked to a Database Field.

A single select standard lookup to identify which checkbook the receipt will be deposited into. If a checkbook has been assigned to the Customer, this defaults from the customer (once the 'Received From' customer has been assigned), otherwise it defaults from the checkbook assigned to the "Default Cash Receipt Checkbook" Sales Preference. This is required to Approve and/or Post or to open the 'Apply Documents' window. If not assigned, the message "Checkbook is required" will be displayed. This field is enabled once the 'Received From' has been assigned and while the transaction Status is "New".

The lookup contains the list of all the 'Active' checkbooks assigned to the Customer Currency or the Home Currency. Linked Database Field: ERPx_#####.#####.

CommentA text box used to enter a comment. This defaults to blank and is not required. This field is always editable, even after the transaction is posted. Linked Database Field: ERPx_#####.#####.

A single-select standard lookup to identify the currency of the Receipt. This defaults from the customer currency but can be changed. This is required to Approve and/or Post or to open the 'Apply Documents' window. If not assigned, the message "Currency is required and must be in either (Home CurrencyID) or (Checkbook Currency ID)." will be displayed. This field is enabled once the 'Received From' has been assigned and while the transaction Status is "New" but is disabled once an application for this receipt has been made.

The lookup contains all 'Active' currencies. However, if the Receipt is not in the Home Currency, the Receipt Currency must match the Checkbook Currency. Linked Database Field: ERPx_#####.#####.

Payment #A text box used to enter the Check#/Payment# on the payment you received. This defaults to blank but must be filled in to Approve and/or Post. If not, the message "Payment # is required." will be displayed. This field is always editable, even after the transaction is posted. Linked Database Field: ERPx_#####.#####.
Receipt DateA date field used to enter the date the Receipt was actually received. This defaults to the current date and is required to Approve and/or Post or to open the 'Apply Documents' window. If not, the message "Receipt Date is required." will be displayed. This field is only editable while the transaction Status is "New" but is disabled once an application for this receipt has been made. Linked Database Field: ERPx_#####.#####.
Receipt Type

A single-select standard lookup to identify the type of the Receipt. This defaults to Check but can be changed. This is required to Approve and/or Post.This field is editable while the transaction Status is "New".

The lookup contains all the values in the MFCashReceiptType Enumeration Class. Linked Database Field: ERPx_#####.#####.

Received From

A single-select load on demand lookup to identify the Customer you received the payment from. This defaults as blank. This is required before any other data entry can be done. If not assigned, the message "Received From is required" will be displayed. This field is disabled once it has been assigned..

The lookup contains the list of all 'Active' customers displayed as Customer Name (Customer ID). Linked Database Field: ERPx_#####.#####.


A single-select standard lookup to identify the Status of the Receipt. This defaults to New but can be changed to Approved or Ready to Post. Setting this to Approved, and saving, runs all the posting validations and disables all the fields except the Comment, Payment #, and Status. Setting this to Ready to Post, and saving, posts the transaction, disables  all the fields except the Comment and Payment #, and posts the journal entry.

The lookup contains the list of New, Approved, and Ready to Post. Linked Database Field: ERPx_#####.#####.

UnappliedA label used to identify how much of the Receipt has not been applied (to an open transaction(s)). This defaults from the value entered in the 'Amount' but will reduce as the receipt is applied. Receipts can be posted without applying, but if they have been applied, this amount will always be >0.00 and < 'Amount'. This is a calculated field and is never editable by a user. This field is not linked to a Database Field.

Properties Tab

Checkbook CurrencyA label used to identify the Currency of the Checkbook. Receipts cannot be posted if this value is missing. This is a looked-up value and is never editable by a user. Linked Database Field: ERPx_#####.#####.
CheckbookSKA label used to identify the SK value of the Checkbook. This is a looked-up value, that is primarily used for support, and is never editable by a user. Linked Database Field: ERPx_#####.#####.
CreatedA label used to identify the Created Date/Time of the Transaction. This is a system assigned value and is never editable by a user. Linked Database Field: ERPx_#####.#####.
Created ByA label used to identify the name of the user that created the Transaction. This is a system assigned value and is never editable by a user. Linked Database Field: ERPx_#####.#####.
CustomerSKA label used to identify the SK value of the Customer on the Transaction. This is a looked-up value, that is primarily used for support, and is never editable by a user. Linked Database Field: ERPx_#####.#####.
GL DateA date field used to enter the date the transaction will post to the General Ledger. This defaults to blank and is set to the Transaction Date on Approve or Ready to Post. If a user manually sets this value then it is not overwritten on Approve/Ready to Post. This date must be a valid date that falls within an open fiscal period for Sales. If not, the message "Receipt Date is required." will be displayed. This field is only editable while the transaction Status is "New" but is disabled once an application for this receipt has been made. Linked Database Field: ERPx_#####.#####.
Last UpdatedA label used to identify the Last Updated Date/Time of the Transaction. This is a system assigned value and is never editable by a user. Linked Database Field: ERPx_#####.#####.
Last Updated ByA label used to identify the name of the user that last updated the Transaction. This is a system assigned value and is never editable by a user. Linked Database Field: ERPx_#####.#####.
Receipt CurrencyA label used to identify the Currency of the Receipt. Receipts may not always be in the same currency as the Checkbook. This comes from the value assigned on Home tab and is not editable from here. Linked Database Field: ERPx_#####.#####.
Transaction IDA label used to identify the Transaction. This is a system assigned value that is not editable by a user. Linked Database Field: ERPx_#####.#####.
TransactionSKA label used to identify the SK value of the Transaction. This is a looked-up value, that is primarily used for support, and is never editable by a user. Linked Database Field: ERPx_#####.#####.
MC: Exchange Date From

A date field used to show the 'Start Date' of the 'Exchange Rate' from the Exchange Table assigned to this transaction. The exchange Rate is looked-up based on the Transaction Date, not the GL Date. This field is only visible when the 'Receipt Currency' is not in the Home Currency.  This is a looked-up value and is not editable. Linked Database Field: ERPx_#####.#####.

MC: Exchange Date ToA date field used to show the 'End Date' of the 'Exchange Rate' from the Exchange Table assigned to this transaction. The exchange Rate is looked-up based on the Transaction Date, not the GL Date. This field is only visible when the 'Receipt Currency' is not in the Home Currency. This is a looked-up value and is not editable. Linked Database Field: ERPx_#####.#####.
MC: Exchange RateA label to show the 'Exchange Rate' that applies to this transaction. The 'Exchange Rate' is looked-up from the 'Exchange Table' assigned to this transaction, based on the Transaction Date, not the GL Date. This field is only visible when the 'Receipt Currency' is not in the Home Currency. This is a looked-up value and is not editable. Linked Database Field: ERPx_#####.#####.
MC: Exchange Rate Calculation MethodA label to show the 'Calculation Method' property from the 'Exchange Table' assigned to this transaction. This field is only visible when the 'Receipt Currency' is not in the Home Currency. This is a looked-up value and is not editable. Linked Database Field: ERPx_#####.#####.
MC: Exchange TableA label to show the Exchange Table assigned to this transaction. This field is only visible when the 'Receipt Currency' is not in the Home Currency. This is a looked-up value and is not editable. Linked Database Field: ERPx_#####.#####. ***How is this assigned?***
MC: From CurrencyA label to show the 'From Currency' property from the 'Exchange Table' assigned to this transaction. This field is only visible when the 'Receipt Currency' is not in the Home Currency. This is a looked-up value and is not editable. Linked Database Field: ERPx_#####.#####.
MC: To CurrencyA label to show the 'To Currency' property from the 'Exchange Table' assigned to this transaction. This field is only visible when the 'Receipt Currency' is not in the Home Currency. This is a looked-up value and is not editable. Linked Database Field: ERPx_#####.#####.

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