ADD DEFINITION HERE. From here, users can (list the functions that can be done or launched from here).
Software Version: YYYY.MM.DD and newer
Page Header
Toolbar Icons | Description |
Delete | Deletes the selected record(s). When clicked, users will be prompted with: "Are you sure you want to delete the selected records?". Click "OK" to confirm, or "Cancel" to return without deleting. WARNING: Records cannot be recovered once they are deleted! |
Edit | Opens the selected record for editing. If a record is not selected, the page will not open. |
Excel | Export the contents of the list view to an Excel file that will automatically download. The contents that export are those that are visible to the user. Therefore, if the user has filtered the view only the filtered contents will be exported. |
Favorites |
Grid Layout | Opens the Saved Grid Layout menu that allows the user to select another saved layout, create a new layout, save changes to a layout, or assign a saved layout as the default for the page. Once changes are made to a grid, such as columns are added or removed, the user can click the Saved Grid Layout icon and save the changes to the grid layout and name the new layout. The new layout can also be set as the default, instead of the System View. This is useful for creating specific views to separate master files or transaction types (i.e. Invoice specific vs. Credit Memo specific).
Help | Opens the online WIKI help page for the current page.
Mass Update | Opens the mass update dialog, which allows to mass update the following properties:
New | Allows users to select the type of transaction or record they want to add. The list contains:
Opens the Print dialog window, where transaction and/or analysis reports can be downloaded, printed and/or emailed. | |
Fields | Description |
Checkbox | Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : No link could be created for 'Checkbox - LV'. |
Amount | Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : No link could be created for 'Amount (Transaction Amount) - List View/Inquiry Field'. This comes from the 'Amount' on the 'Home' tab of the Invoice/Credit Memo Record View and is calculated based on the sum of all transaction lines. This can only be edited by changing the quantity and/or price of one or more transaction lines.Database Field: ERPx_APTransactionHeader.ExtendedAmount |
Currency | Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : No link could be created for 'Currency - LV Field'. The Currency identifies the kind of money used for transactions. For example, if a Customer or Vendor is setup with a Currency of "USD" then all transactions for them are stated in terms of US Dollars and all payments received or made must be in US Dollars. This comes from the 'Currency ID' on the 'Properties' tab of the Invoice/Credit Memo Record View. This defaults from the Currency setup on the Vendor and is not editable on the transaction.Database Fields: ERPx_MFCurrency.CurrencyID, ERPx_APTransactionHeader.CurrencySK |
Doc Date | Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : No link could be created for 'Doc Date - List View/Inquiry Field'. This comes from the 'Doc Date' on the 'Home' tab of the Invoice/Credit Memo Record View. This defaults from the current date and is always editable while the transaction is in a Status of New.Database Field: ERPx_APTransactionHeader.TransactionDate |
Doc Description | Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : No link could be created for 'Doc Description - List View/Inquiry Field'. This comes from the 'Description' on the 'Home' tab of the Invoice/Credit Memo Record View. This defaults as blank and is always editable, even after the transaction is Posted.Database Field: ERPx_APTransactionHeader.Description |
Doc No | Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : No link could be created for 'Doc No - List View/Inquiry Field'. This comes from the 'Doc No' on the 'Home' tab of the Invoice/Credit Memo Record View and represents the transaction/Invoice # assigned by your Vendor. This defaults as blank and is required. This is always editable while the transaction is in a Status of New.Database Field: ERPx_APTransactionHeader.DocNumber |
GL Date | Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : No link could be created for 'GL Date - List View/Inquiry Field'. This comes from the 'GL Date' on the 'Properties' tab of the Invoice/Credit Memo Record View. This defaults as blank and if not manually edited, will be automatically set to match the 'Doc Date' when the transaction is saved with a Status of either Approved or Ready to Post. This is always editable while the transaction is in a Status of New.Database Field: ERPx_APTransactionHeader.GLDate |
GL Period | Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : No link could be created for 'GL Period - List View/Inquiry Field'. This is a calculated field using the 'GL Date' on the 'Properties' tab of the Invoice/Credit Memo Record View. This can only be edited by changing the GL Date. |
GL Year | Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : No link could be created for 'GL Year - List View/Inquiry Field'. This is a calculated field using the 'GL Date' on the 'Properties' tab of the Invoice/Credit Memo Record View. This can only be edited by changing the GL Date. |
Payment Terms | Payment Terms identify the terms your company extends to your Customers and that your Vendors extend to you. Payment Terms are used to calculate aging and payment discounts. This comes from the 'Payment Terms' on the 'Home' tab of the Invoice/Credit Memo Record View. This defaults from the 'Payment Terms' setup on the Vendor and is always editable while the transaction is in a Status of New. If the Payment Terms are changed, the 'Due Date' and 'Discount Date' values will be automatically updated based on the new Payment Terms. Database Fields: ERPx_MFPaymentTerms.PaymentTermName, ERPx_APTransactionHeader.PaymentTermSK |
Pmt./Apply Hold | Displays as "Yes" for AP Invoices and Credit Memos that are on a Payment or Application hold. This comes from the 'Pmt./Apply Hold' on the 'Properties' tab of the Invoice/Credit Memo Record View. This defaults as blank and is always editable, even for posted transactions as long as they have not yet been fully applied.
Database Field: ERPx_APTransactionHeader.IsOnApplicationHold |
PO | Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : No link could be created for 'Purchase Order - List View/Inquiry Field'. This comes from the 'PO' on the 'Home' tab of the Invoice/Credit Memo Record View and represents the purchase order you used when making the purchase. This defaults as blank and is not required. This is always editable while the transaction is in a Status of New.Database Field: ERPx_APTransactionHeader.PurchaseOrderID |
Status | This comes from the 'Status' on the 'Home' tab of the Invoice/Credit Memo Record View and represents the status of the transaction. This defaults as 'New' and is required. This is always editable while the transaction is in a Status of 'New' or 'Approved'. Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : No link could be created for 'Def - Status - all exc. Sales Order'. Database Fields: ERPx_APTransactionStatus.StatusName, ERPx_APTransactionHeader.TransactionStatusSK |
Transaction | Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : No link could be created for 'Trans. ID - List View/Inquiry Field'. Transaction numbers are system assigned IDs to differentiate unique transactions. Transaction ID's are unique by the unique combination of 'Transaction Type' + 'Transaction Class'. This is a system assigned number that comes from the 'Transaction Class' and is required but is not editable by users.Database Field: ERPx_APTransactionHeader.TransactionID |
Transaction Class | Database Fields: ERPx_APTransactionClass.TransactionClassDescription ,ERPx_APTransactionHeader.TransactionClassSK |
Transaction Type | Database Fields: ERPx_APTransactionType.TransactionName, ERPx_APTransactionHeader.TransactionClassSK |
Vendor | Database Fields: ERPx_APVendor.VendorID ,ERPx_APTransactionHeader.VendorSK |
Vendor Class | Database Field: ERPx_APVendorClass.ClassDescription, ERPx_APTransactionHeader.VendorSK |
Vendor Name | Database Fields: ERPx_APVendor.VendorName ,ERPx_APTransactionHeader.VendorSK |