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Def - Grower Ticket
Def - Grower Ticket
 The purpose of this page is to (lightbulb) This record view also contains columns for each Attribute that is set up for the 'Grower Accounting Fields' attribute type. Because these are user defined, they are not included in the default view but can be added a saved column layout. Grower Accounting Field attributes are not included in the help initiate a new Ticket. 

Software Version: 2022.04.22 and newer

Table of Contents


Toolbar IconsDescription
Go To TicketOpens the Grower Accounting Ticket Record View for the current transaction. 
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Help - Global 3.0
Help - Global 3.0

Identifies the date the Hauler delivered the crop.

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Date - Delivered (GA)
Date - Delivered (GA)
This is a date picker field that is required.   It defaults as the current date but can be changed to another date. The Delivered date cannot be before the Harvested date else the message "Delivered date must be on or after the Harvested date." will be displayed when the "Go To Ticket" button is clicked, or an option from the grid is double clicked. 

Database Field: ERPx_CPTicketHeader.DeliveryDate

Delivered By

Identifies the name of the Hauler that delivered the crop.

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Delivered By (Hauler)
Delivered By (Hauler)
This is a single select lookup that is not required .  This defaults to and defaults to "(Use Default)". The lookup contains a value of "(Use Default)" followed by a list of all 'Active' Haulers. If "(Use Default)" which will load the Default Hauler (if one exists) that is assigned to the selected Field for the corresponding record. is selected, the 'Delivered By' will be assigned from the 'Default Hauler' assigned to the Field. If the Field does not have a 'Default Hauler' assigned, the 'Delivered By' will be blank on the Ticket.

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Def - Hauler
Def - Hauler

The lookup contains a list of all active Haulers.

Database Fields: ERPx_CPHauler.HaulerName, ERPx_CPField.HaulerSK

HarvestedIdentifies the date the crop was harvested.

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Date - Harvested (GA)
Date - Harvested (GA)
 This is a date picker field that is required.   It defaults as the current date but can be changed to another date. The Harvested date cannot be after the Delivered date else the message message "Delivered date must be greater than or equal to on or after the Harvested date." will be displayed when the "Go To Ticket" button is clicked, or an option from the grid is double clicked. 

Database Fields: ERPx_CPTicketHeader.HarvestDate

Harvested ByIdentifies the name of the Harvester that harvested the crop.

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Harvested By (GA)
Harvested By (GA)
This is a single select lookup that is not required .  This defaults to and defaults to "(Use Default)". The lookup contains a value of "(Use Default)" followed by a list of all 'Active' Harvesters. If "(Use Default)" which will load the Default Harvester (if one exists) that is assigned to the selected Field for the corresponding recordis selected, the 'Harvested By' will be assigned from the 'Default Harvester' assigned to the Field. If the Field does not have a 'Default Harvester' assigned, the 'Harvested By' will be blank on the Ticket.

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Def - Harvester
Def - Harvester

The lookup contains the current selected value and the list of all the 'Active' Harvesters in the Harvesters master file.

Database Field: ERPx_CPHarvester.HarvesterName, ERPx_CPField.HarvesterSK

Load Items From Price List

Allows the user to choose whether the Items on the Price List assigned to the Farmer on the corresponding ticket should be loaded automatically on the Ticket record or not.  This is a single select lookup that is required.  This defaults to "Yes" and is editable. If 'Yes' is selected the Items will load from the associated Price List, otherwise if 'No' is selected there will be no Items automatically added to the Ticket record. 

SiteIdentifies the Site associated with the Field where the crop was harvested from. This

Identifies whether or not ticket items will default on new Tickets or will need to be manually added. This is a Yes/No lookup that defaults to "Yes" but can be changed to "No".

  • If "No" then all ticket line items will need to be manually added to the Ticket
  • If "Yes" then all the Ticket Items that are on the 'Price List' that is assigned to the Farmer on this ticket will default on new Tickets.  

Note: For a Ticket Item to default on a new ticket, each of the following must be true for both Item & Dockage Item Types:

  1. The Item must be assigned to the 'Crop' that is assigned to the Ticket. 
  2. The Item must be included on the 'Price List' that is attached to the ticket 'Farmer'.
  3. The 'Growth Method' of the Item must match the 'Growth Method' of the Ticket Class

Identifies the Site (Site Name) that the ticket is being delivered to. This is a single select lookup that defaults to "(Use Default)" which will load the Site (if one exists) that is assigned to the selected Field for the corresponding record. The lookup contains a value of "(Use Default)" followed by a list of all 'Active' Sites that are not identified as "In Transit". If "(Use Default)" is selected, the Site will be assigned as 1) the 'Site Name' assigned to the Field or 2) the 'Site Name' assigned to the 'Default Site' preference.

Database Field: ERPx_MFSite.SiteName, ERPx_CPField.SiteSK

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Def - Site
Def - Site

The lookup displays all 'Active' Sites that are not assigned as "In Transit".

Ticket NumberIdentifies the unique number/ID for the corresponding ticket.  

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Def - Transaction ID
Def - Transaction ID
This is a text box that is required. It defaults with "(Use Next Trans. #)" and is always editable. If missing, the system will auto assign based on how the Transaction Class is configured.

Database Field: ERPx_CPTicketHeader.TicketNumber

Page Details 

The data grid shows all the unique 'Fields' where the Crop and Growth Method assigned to the Field matches the Crop(s) and Growth Method assigned to the Ticket Class. By selecting a row, the user is selecting the Farmer, Field, Crop, and Growth Method in one step. A single row can be selected either by clicking on the row and then clicking the 'Go To Ticket' button or by double-clicking a row to start a new ticket. None of the data in this grid is editable.

Toolbar IconsDescription
Column Filter Show / Hide
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Column Filter Show/Hide - Global
Column Filter Show/Hide - Global
Group By Show / Hide
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Group By Show/Hide - Global
Group By Show/Hide - Global

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Excel - LV 3.0
Excel - LV 3.0

Quick Column Filter
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Quick Column Filter
Quick Column Filter
Saved Layouts
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Column Layouts for Framework 3.0 - Global
Column Layouts for Framework 3.0 - Global

Displays the Crop (Commodity and Variety) associated with assigned to the corresponding Field and Farmer.   This is a non-editable textbox that is required.  It defaults to the Crop assigned to the Field for the corresponding record. This should never blank.

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Def - Crop
Def - Crop

Database Fields: ERPx_CPCrop.Crop, ERPx_CPField.CropSK

Default Harvester

Displays the name of the Harvester associated with assigned to the corresponding Field and Farmer.   This is a non-editable textbox that is not required.  It defaults to the Harvester assigned to the Field, if one exists, for the corresponding record, otherwise it is blank. This will be blank for every Field that does not have a Harvester assigned.

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Def - Harvester
Def - Harvester

Database Fields: ERPx_CPHauler.HarvesterName, ERPx_CPField.HarvesterSK

Default Hauler

Displays the name of the Hauler associated with assigned to the corresponding Field and Farmer.   This is a non-editable textbox that is not required.  It defaults to the Hauler assigned to the Field, if one exists, for the corresponding record, otherwise it is blank. This will be blank for every Field that does not have a Hauler assigned.

Insert excerpt
Def - Hauler
Def - Hauler

Database Fields: ERPx_CPHauler.HaulerName, ERPx_CPField.HaulerSK

Farmer Default Site Name

Displays the name of the

Farmer associated with the corresponding

Site assigned to the Field.

  This is a non-editable textbox that is required.  It defaults to

This will display "Use Preference" for every Field that does not have a Site assigned.

Database Fields: ERPx_MFSite.SiteName, ERPx_CPField.DefaultSiteSK

Farmer Name

Displays the name of the Farmer assigned to the Field for the corresponding record. . This should never blank.

Insert excerpt
Def - Farmer
Def - Farmer

Database Fields: ERPx_CPFarmer.FarmerName, ERPx_CPField.FarmerSK

Field Name

Displays the name of the Field associated with the Farmer. This is a non-editable textbox that is required.  It defaults to the name of the Field associated with the Farmer for the corresponding record. . This should never blank. 

Insert excerpt
Def - Field
Def - Field

Database Field: ERPx_CPField.FieldName

Growth Method

Identifies the Growth Method assigned to the Field. This should never blank.

Insert excerpt
Def - Growth Method
Def - Growth Method

Database Field: ERPx_CPField.CPGrowthMethodEN

Price List

Displays the Price List ID assigned to the corresponding Farmer.  This is a non-editable textbox that is not required.  It defaults to the Price List ID associated with the Farmer for the corresponding record. will be blank for every Farmer that does not have a Price List assigned.

Database Fields: ERPx_MFPriceList.PriceListID, ERPx_CPFarmer.PriceListHeaderSK
