Grower Accounting - New Ticket Record View
Grower Accounting Tickets record the purchase of crops or aquaculture harvests. The purpose of this page is to initiate a new Ticket.
Software Version: 2022.04.22 and newer
Page Header
Toolbar Icons | Description |
Go To Ticket | Opens the Grower Accounting Ticket Record View for the current transaction. |
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Fields | Description |
Delivered | Identifies the date the Ticket was delivered to the Site.This is a date picker that is required. It defaults as the current date but can be changed to another date. The Delivered date cannot be before the Harvested date else the message "Delivered date must be on or after the Harvested date." will be displayed when the "Go To Ticket" button is clicked, or an option from the grid is double clicked. Database Field: ERPx_CPTicketHeader.DeliveryDate |
Delivered By | Identifies the name of the 'Hauler' that delivered the Ticket to the Site.This is a single select lookup that is not required and defaults to "(Use Default)". The lookup contains a value of "(Use Default)" followed by a list of all 'Active' Haulers. If "(Use Default)" is selected, the 'Delivered By' will be assigned from the 'Default Hauler' assigned to the Field. If the Field does not have a 'Default Hauler' assigned, the 'Delivered By' will be blank on the Ticket. Haulers are used in Grower Accounting to identify the entity that delivered the crop to the plant, cooler, or co-packer. The lookup contains a list of all active Haulers. Database Fields: ERPx_CPHauler.HaulerName, ERPx_CPField.HaulerSK |
Harvested | Identifies the date that the crop was harvested. This is a date picker that is required. It defaults as the current date but can be changed to another date. The Harvested date cannot be after the Delivered date else the message "Delivered date must be on or after the Harvested date." will be displayed when the "Go To Ticket" button is clicked, or an option from the grid is double clicked. Database Fields: ERPx_CPTicketHeader.HarvestDate |
Harvested By | Identifies the name of the 'Harvester' that harvested the Crop on the delivered Ticket.This is a single select lookup that is not required and defaults to "(Use Default)". The lookup contains a value of "(Use Default)" followed by a list of all 'Active' Harvesters. If "(Use Default)" is selected, the 'Harvested By' will be assigned from the 'Default Harvester' assigned to the Field. If the Field does not have a 'Default Harvester' assigned, the 'Harvested By' will be blank on the Ticket. Harvesters are used in Grower Accounting to identify the entity that harvested the crop being purchased. The lookup contains the current selected value and the list of all the 'Active' Harvesters in the Harvesters master file. Database Field: ERPx_CPHarvester.HarvesterName, ERPx_CPField.HarvesterSK |
Load Items From Price List | Identifies whether or not ticket items will default on new Tickets or will need to be manually added. This is a Yes/No lookup that defaults to "Yes" but can be changed to "No".
Note: For a Ticket Item to default on a new ticket, each of the following must be true for both Item & Dockage Item Types:
Site | Identifies the Site (Site Name) that the ticket is being delivered to. This is a single select lookup that defaults to "(Use Default)". The lookup contains a value of "(Use Default)" followed by a list of all 'Active' Sites that are not identified as "In Transit". If "(Use Default)" is selected, the Site will be assigned as 1) the 'Site Name' assigned to the Field or 2) the 'Site Name' assigned to the 'Default Site' preference. Database Field: ERPx_MFSite.SiteName, ERPx_CPField.SiteSK Sites represent Plants, Warehouses, Distribution Centers, or virtual objects that are used to store and/or maintain perpetual inventory balances. The lookup displays all 'Active' Sites that are not assigned as "In Transit". |
Ticket Number | Transaction numbers are system assigned IDs to differentiate unique transactions. Transaction ID's are unique by the unique combination of 'Transaction Type' + 'Transaction Class'.This is a text box that is required. It defaults with "(Use Next Trans. #)" and is always editable. If missing, the system will auto assign based on how the Transaction Class is configured. Database Field: ERPx_CPTicketHeader.TicketNumber |
Page Details
The data grid shows all the unique 'Fields' where the Crop and Growth Method assigned to the Field matches the Crop(s) and Growth Method assigned to the Ticket Class. By selecting a row, the user is selecting the Farmer, Field, Crop, and Growth Method in one step. A single row can be selected either by clicking on the row and then clicking the 'Go To Ticket' button or by double-clicking a row to start a new ticket. None of the data in this grid is editable.
Toolbar Icons | Description |
Column Filter Show / Hide | Toggles between displaying and hiding a filter row in the grid under the column headers. The filter row will be displayed by default if the Quick Column Filter is also implemented in the page. When enabled, this will allow users to type in text to filter by a specific column. |
Group By Show / Hide | Toggles between displaying and hiding a row in the grid above the column headers to enable grouping by one or more column(s). Once displayed, users may drag and drop column headers to group by a specific column. Once the grid is grouped by a column(s), a subtotal footer row will display in the grouping for columns that have a page footer total. |
Excel | Exports the contents of the grid to an Excel file that will automatically download. The contents that export are those that are visible to the user. Therefore, if the user has filtered the view, or excluded columns, only the contents in the grid will be exported. |
Quick Column Filter | Used to filter across all columns in the grid. When the user types text into the Quick Column Filter text box, the grid's Filter Row will be automatically hidden. The text in the Quick Column Filter text box automatically replaces any existing Filter Row filters. The results of the data immediately refresh as you enter text. |
Saved Layouts | Please note that existing saved grid layouts will display the Filter Row as hidden by default. Displays the column layout lookup and related icons. This tool allows users to select a previously saved layout, create a new layout, save changes to a layout, forget/delete a layout and/or assign a saved layout as the default for the page. Once changes are made to the layout, such as columns are added or removed, the user can click the Save Layout icon and save the changes to the column layout. The visibility of the Filter Row is also saved with a saved layout. The new layout can also be set as the default. This is useful for creating specific views to separate master files or transaction types (i.e. Invoice specific vs. Credit Memo specific). Default layouts can be removed by clicking the 'Set as Default' button again when the current default layout is selected. |
Fields | Description |
Crop | Displays the Crop (Commodity and Variety) assigned to the Field. This should never blank. Crops are used in Grower Accounting to identify the unique combination of Commodity and Variety. Database Fields: ERPx_CPCrop.Crop, ERPx_CPField.CropSK |
Default Harvester | Displays the name of the Harvester assigned to the Field. This will be blank for every Field that does not have a Harvester assigned. Harvesters are used in Grower Accounting to identify the entity that harvested the crop being purchased. Database Fields: ERPx_CPHauler.HarvesterName, ERPx_CPField.HarvesterSK |
Default Hauler | Displays the name of the Hauler assigned to the Field. This will be blank for every Field that does not have a Hauler assigned. Haulers are used in Grower Accounting to identify the entity that delivered the crop to the plant, cooler, or co-packer. Database Fields: ERPx_CPHauler.HaulerName, ERPx_CPField.HaulerSK |
Default Site Name | Displays the name of the Site assigned to the Field. This will display "Use Preference" for every Field that does not have a Site assigned. Database Fields: ERPx_MFSite.SiteName, ERPx_CPField.DefaultSiteSK |
Farmer Name | Displays the name of the Farmer assigned to the Field. This should never blank. A Farmer is an Account Type used to identify entities you purchase farmed products from. They are used in Grower Accounting master files and transactions. Database Fields: ERPx_CPFarmer.FarmerName, ERPx_CPField.FarmerSK |
Field Name | Displays the name of the Field. This should never blank. Fields represent the objects farmers grow crops in. A field is unique by combination of: [Field Name] + [Farmer Name] + [Crop] + [Growth Method]. For Example, you can have Field #1 for Farmer ABC and for Farmer XYZ. Fields are used in Grower Accounting master files and transactions. Database Field: ERPx_CPField.FieldName |
Growth Method | Identifies the Growth Method assigned to the Field. This should never blank. The Growth Method identifies whether the product is grown using Organic or Conventional methods. If neither, "N/A" will be used. Database Field: ERPx_CPField.CPGrowthMethodEN |
Price List | Displays the Price List ID assigned to the corresponding Farmer. This will be blank for every Farmer that does not have a Price List assigned. Database Fields: ERPx_MFPriceList.PriceListID, ERPx_CPFarmer.PriceListHeaderSK |