NorthScope 2019.09.06

(Software Version: 2019.08.02 Database Version: 2019.09.06)

Release Date: September 06, 2019



NS-4902 Improved the functionality to auto-generate Warehouse Lots on Inventory Transfers

The previous Site property, "Auto Fill Whse Lot on 2 Part Transfer Receipt" has been replaced with two new Site properties:

  • Auto Generate Warehouse Lots on Transfer Receipts: This property controls whether you want the ‘To Warehouse Lot’ (receiving warehouse lot) to be auto or manually assigned. This defaults to “No” but can be changed to “Yes”. This property is only visible for Sites that are set to be Warehouse Lot tracked.
  • Auto Generate Warehouse Lots By: This property controls the logic for how warehouse lot numbers are auto generated. This defaults to blank but must be changed if the ‘Auto Generate Warehouse Lots on Transfer Receipts’ property is set to “Yes”. This property is only visible for Sites that are Warehouse Lot tracked. The two options for auto assigning Warehouse Lot numbers include:
    • INTR:[SiteID]:[Reference Number] (example - INTR:BCS:15415)
    • [Item ID]-[Prod Batch Date MM][Prod Batch Date YY] (example – 15141-0919)

When the ‘Auto Generate Warehouse Lots on Transfer Receipts’ property is set to “Yes” for a Site assigned as either the ‘To Site’ or ‘Ship Via’ on a transfer transaction, the ‘To Warehouse Lot’ fields for each Transfer Line will be populated based on the logic specified in the ‘Auto Generate Warehouse Lots By’ Site property.

If these properties are setup for the ‘Ship Via’ Site, the “To Warehouse Lot” fields will be populated on both the first and second parts of the transaction.


NS-4971 Updated Inventory Inquiries to display decimal precision for unit and weight balances based on the Item settings

Several list views and inquiries have been updated so the decimal precision for Unit and Weight balances match the values assigned on the Item’s ‘Unit Decimals’ and ‘Weight Decimals’ properties. This impacts the following list views and inquiries:

  • Item Balances (Balance Inquiries)
  • Lot Balances (Balance Inquiries)
  • Transaction History – Item (Inquiries)
  • Transaction History – Lot (Inquiries)

Technical Changes

Please view cumulative schema changes here