NorthScope 2021.06.11

(Software Version: 2021.06.11 Database Version: 2021.06.11)

Release Date: June 11, 2021


3.0 Framework

NS-8355 Improved inquiry drill-thru capabilities in the new 3.0 Framework

A great feature of NorthScope is the ability to save the parameters used for returning data (Search Options) and/or the grid columns you want to see populated (Saved Layouts) and set them as defaults for specific inquiries. However, when these were saved as defaults on inquires that can be opened by “drilling down” from other inquires (e.g., you wanted to see the ‘Journal Line History’ from a selected row in the ‘GL Account Balances by Period’ inquiry), when the destination inquiry was opened, the default ‘Search Options’ and ‘Saved Layouts’ were applied which could result in the wrong records being returned. 

This fix implemented the following Framework updates when opening one inquiry from another:

  1. When the destination Inquiry is opened, if a default ‘Saved Search’ exists, it is ignored. This ensures the parameters from the source inquiry are always applied.
  2. When the destination Inquiry is opened, if a default ‘Saved Layout’ exists, it is applied but not any of the column filters. This ensures you see the columns in the sequence you expect but that data is not hidden due to a previously saved column filter.

NS-8363 Removed the ‘View’ Toolbar Button

What’s the difference between the ‘View’ button and the ‘More Actions’ button? If you don’t know, don’t feel bad, we didn’t know either. As a result, the ‘View’ button is no more and the ‘More Actions’ button has taken over.

The ‘More Actions’ button has been updated to include all options, separated by a horizontal line in 2 groups.

  1. Group 1 – Drill downs to Inquiries, List Views, and setup Record Views. These are prefixed and sorted alphabetically. For example:
    1. IQ: Order History
    2. IQ: Order Item History
    3. LV: Customers
    4. RV: Customer
  2. Group 2
    1. All other options

NS-8235 Standardized the placement of toolbar buttons

Do you know why some pages have the ‘Print’ button before the ‘Mass Update’ button and others have it after? Neither do we. As a result, we’ve established a standard for the sequence of all toolbar buttons to improve consistency from page to page.


NS-8367 Updated the GL Account Balances inquiry

Now that the 3.0 Inquiry Standards have been established, it was time to update this inquiry. The changes you will notice include:

Search Parameter changes

Merged the “Hide GL Accounts with a 0.00 Balance” and the “Include Inactive GL Accounts” into a new multi-select control called “Include”. The options now read as:

  1. 0.00 balance GL Accounts – default as unchecked
  2. Inactive GL Accounts – default as unchecked


Toolbar button changes

  1. Replaced the ‘View’ button with the ‘More Actions’ button
  2. Updated the toolbar button sequence to the new standard.


Grid changes

  1. Set the default data sort to be by Account Number.
  2. Set the default Layout to be:
    1. Account
    2. Account Description
    3. Control Account Type
    4. Balance
  3. Expanded the default widths of the ‘Account Description’ and ‘Balance’ columns by 15% to reduce word wrapping.

NS-8371 Updated the GL Account Balances by Period inquiry

Now that the 3.0 Inquiry Standards have been established, it was time to update this inquiry. The changes you will notice include:

Toolbar button changes

  1. Replace the ‘View’ button with the ‘More Actions’ button
  2. Updated the toolbar button sequence to the new standard.

NS-8422 Updated the Journal Entry History inquiry

Updated this inquiry to the current 3.0 Inquiry Standards. The changes you will notice include:

Search Parameter changes

Updated the Search to search across Journal ID’s.

Toolbar button changes

Updated the toolbar button sequence to the new standard.


Grid changes

Changed the data in the Journal ID column to be a hyperlink that when clicked opens the Journal RV in a new tab. This option also exists under More Actions --> RV: Journal.


NS-8375 Updated the Journal Line History inquiry

Updated this inquiry to the current 3.0 Inquiry Standards. The changes you will notice include:

Search Parameter changes

Added a new multi-select control called “Include” that contains an option for “Beginning Balances” that is not selected by default.

  1. When un-checked, the grid will not include a Beginning Balance row for each GL Account nor will the data in the ‘Balance’ column (the running balance for each line) be calculated. This will improve the speed of this inquiry.
  2. When checked, the “Beginning Balance” for each GL Account will be calculated and included in the grid. The running balance for each line will also be calculated for each row. This can improve account balance audits but will impact of the inquiry.


Toolbar button changes

  1. Replaced the ‘View’ button with the ‘More Actions’ button
  2. Updated the toolbar button sequence to the new standard.

Grid changes

  1. The grid no longer groups by GL Account.
  2. Changed the column header name from “Account Number” to “Account”
  3. Removed the ‘Balance’ column from being visible by default
  4. Changed the data in the Journal ID column to be a hyperlink that when clicked opens the Journal RV in a new tab. This option also exists under More Actions --> RV: Journal.

Fisherman Accounting

NS-8379 Updated the Fish Ticket History inquiry

Updated this inquiry to the current 3.0 Inquiry Standards. The changes you will notice include:

Search Parameter changes

  1. Added a new single select parameter for ‘Date Type’ that includes options for:
    1. Landed Date – set this as the default
    2. Delivered Date
    3. GL Date
  2. Removed the ‘Landed From’ and ‘Landed To’ parameters in favor of the new ‘Date’ parameter. Set the value to ‘Last 30 days’.
  3. Changed the default for the ‘Version’ to be “Current Posted Version”. This change greatly improves the speed of the inquiry.

Toolbar button changes

  1. Merged the ‘Journal Details’ button into the ‘More Actions’ button.
  2. Updated the toolbar button sequence to the new standard.

Grid changes

  1. Updated the way the Ticket # column is populated. If the Ticket is version 1, display as [Ticket#]. If the Ticket version is greater than 1, display as [Ticket#] v[Version#] (e.g., E21 12345 v3)

NS-8383 Updated the Fish Ticket Item History inquiry

Updated this inquiry to the current 3.0 Inquiry Standards. The changes you will notice include:

Search Parameter changes

  1. Added a new single select parameter for ‘Date Type’ that includes options for:
    1. Landed Date – set this as the default
    2. Delivered Date
    3. GL Date
  2. Removed the ‘Landed From’ and ‘Landed To’ parameters in favor of the new ‘Date’ parameter. Set the value to ‘Last 30 days’.
  3. Changed the default for the ‘Version’ to be “Current Posted Version”. This change greatly improves the speed of the inquiry.


Toolbar button changes

  1. Merged the ‘Journal Details’ button into the ‘More Actions’ button.
  2. Updated the toolbar button sequence to the new standard.

NS-8387 Updated the Fisherman Balance Details inquiry

Changed the name of this inquiry to “Fisherman Balance Details”.

Updated this inquiry to the current 3.0 Inquiry Standards. The changes you will notice include:

Search Parameter changes

  1. Added a Search box that searches across Account ID, Account Name, and Transaction ID
  2. Changed the names of the Search Filters:
    1. Account Type – changed from Vendor Type
    2. Account Class – changed from Vendor Class
    3. Account Name – changed from Fisherman


Toolbar button changes

  1. Added a ‘More Actions’ button. Set the ‘More Actions’ with the following options:
    1. IQ: Journal Details – opens the Journal Details window
    2. RV: Fisherman/Loan Account – opens the Fisherman RV for the selected account
  2. Updated the toolbar button sequence to the new standard.

Grid changes

  1. Added a column for a record selector.
  2. Removed the hyperlink from the ‘Account Name’ column (keep it on the Transaction column)
  3. Added a new column that contains the Account ID. The column is not visible by default.
  4. Expanded the default width of the ‘Account Type’ column to avoid word wrapping.

NS-8391 Updated the Fisherman & Loan Activity inquiry

Changed the name of this inquiry to “Fisherman Transactions”.

Updated this inquiry to the 3.0 Framework.

Updated the inquiry with the following changes:

Search Parameter changes

  1. Added a Search box that searches across Account ID, Account Name, and Transaction ID
  2. Added a new parameter called “Include” with options for:
    1. Open Transactions – default to selected
    2. Posted – default to selected
    3. Void Transactions – default as NOT selected
    4. Beginning Balances – default to selected
  3. Added a Date Option with options for
    1. Transaction Date - default
    2. GL Date
  4. Removed the ‘Transaction Date From’ and ‘Transaction Date To’ parameters in favor of the new ‘Date’ parameter.


Toolbar button changes

  1. Merged the ‘Journal Details’ button into the ‘More Actions’ button.
  2. Updated the toolbar button sequence to the new standard.

Grid changes

  1. Added a column for a record selector.
  2. Changed the column header name from “Account” to “Account ID”. The column is not visible by default.
  3. Expanded the default width of the ‘Account Type’ column to avoid word wrapping.

NS-8395 Updated the Fisherman Balances page

Updated this inquiry to the 3.0 Framework.

Updated this page with the following:

Search Parameter changes

Changed the name of the “Hide Accounts where all balances are zero” to “Include”. This parameter contains an option for “Accounts with no Balances” that is unchecked by default.


Toolbar button changes

  1. Removed the option of “Master Account” from the More Actions split button
  2. Moved the ‘Apply Documents’ button into the ‘More Actions’ split button.
  3. Moved the ‘Process Payments’ button into the ‘More Actions’ split button.
  4. Moved the ‘Build Settlement Batch’ button into the ‘More Actions’ split button and shortened the text to “Settlement Batch”.
  5. Moved the contents of the ‘View’ button into the ‘More Actions’ split button. The ‘More Actions’ button now contains the following options: 
    1. IQ: Fisherman Balance Details
    2. IQ: Fisherman Transactions
    3. RV: Fisherman Account


                 d. Apply Documents

                 e. Process Interest Charges

                 f. Process Interest Payments

                 g. Process Payments

                 h. Settlement Batch

6. Updated the toolbar button sequence to the new standard.


Grid changes

  1. Added the ‘Statement’ column back (between the ‘Net Balance’ and ‘Payment’ columns). The data will be a hyperlink with the text View that when clicked will open the fisherman Statement for the selected Fisherman Account.
  2. Doubled the width of the ‘Batch’ column to avoid word wrapping.

Technical Changes

  • Please view cumulative schema changes here
  • No config file changes.