NorthScope 2024.04.19

NorthScope 2024.04.19

(Software Version: 2024.04.19 Database Version: 2024.04.19)

Release Date: April 19, 2024



NS-8006 - Improved the display of very long validation messages

The more specific a validation message is, the easier it is for you to understand what’s wrong and how to fix it. The more specific a validation message is, the longer the message also happens to be. NorthScope also tries to run as many validations as it can, all at once, so you don’t have to fix each individual problem one at a time. Running all these validations together saves a lot of time, but sometimes results in very, very long validation messages. We’ve improved NorthScope so longer validation messages are displayed in an easier to read format and can be redisplayed, if necessary, so you can resolve the issues prompting the validations without needing to have a photographic memory.



NS-6439 - Fixed Checkbook Deposits allowing Payment Receipts to be included after the Deposit's date

Initially, we thought it would be really awesome to add a time machine feature to NorthScope. As amazing as that would be, we were concerned that allowing people to travel forward in time would result in some sort of reverse Quantum Butterfly Effect and we weren’t prepared to write that many validations into Check Deposits. In the end, we concluded it would be far safer to just prevent Payment Receipts with dates after the Checkbook Deposit’s date from being included in the deposit batch. We'll save time travel for a future release. 

Fisherman Accounting and Sales

NS-6451, NS-6455 - Prevented duplicate Payment Receipts in Fisherman Accounting and in Sales

Sometimes work life can get a little hectic: The phone rings, your boss sends you an urgent email, you run out of coffee, and all of the sudden you have forgotten which Payment Receipt you were working on and inadvertently key the same one twice. Whoops! NorthScope will now prevent you from entering a duplicate Fisherman Accounting Payment Receipt. But wait, there's more! We couldn't add these validations to Fisherman Accounting and leave Sales out of the party, so we duplicated the same duplicate Payment Receipt validations from Fisherman Accounting into Sales so both areas work the same way.


NS-11991 - Fixed missing committed balance on Item and Lot Balances Inquiries

Originally, you keyed that Sales Order expecting it to ship from the Bravo warehouse but, as it turned out, Warehouse Delta ended up being the best option to fulfil the order even though it is the first time those items have shipped from there. You changed the Site property on the Sales Order, but the committed balances on the Item Balances and Lot Balances Inquiries now didn't show any commitments for either the Bravo or Delta warehouses. We found and fixed that issue, so now the committed balances will get updated every time an order’s Site gets updated.

NS-12041 - Fixed UOM Schedule Inverse Conversion Value Precision

You just set up a brand new UOM Schedule Conversion value between Totes and Pounds where 1 Tote equals 1,300 Pounds. You then went and keyed a transaction for 1,000,000 Pounds and instead of calculating the 769.23 Totes that you expected, NorthScope showed you an even 770.00 Totes. After double checking the UOM Schedule Conversion you just made and seeing it all looked correct and you clicked Save out of habit, you tried the transaction again and suddenly the conversion computed the way you expected. We fixed a bug in how the UOM Schedule Conversion screen calculates and stores inverse UOM Conversion values, so we store enough precision each time the UOM Schedule is saved.

NS-12513 - Fixed Mass Update unexpectantly clearing the Taxable for Sales and Shipping Description Item Properties

Mass Update is one of our favorite features: it makes quick work of editing a bunch of master files and has a simple interface that makes it easy to use. With all that speed and power comes a big appetite, and when Mass Update doesn't get enough to eat, it gets a little hangry. We've updated the data we feed to Mass Update so it wouldn’t gobble up the contents of the Taxable for Sales or Shipping Description Item Properties.  

Load Management 

NS-11884 - Fixed performance issues in Load Management Loads

Spring is in the air! Here at NLP, that means we’re all stuck inside hiding from the pollen that’s making our allergies flare. Another thing we’re allergic to is old NorthScope processing code that isn’t necessary anymore. We took an antihistamine and got to work cleaning up the background processing jobs, so the NorthScope database isn't doing unnecessary work. 


NS-12636 - Fixed inability to add an Item to a Purchase Order using the Item Lookup feature

NorthScope has a lot of validations whose goal is to prevent data from being saved to transactions that are contradictory or just don’t make sense. The validations run frequently to prevent one data entry problem from cascading into a completely invalid transaction; it’s easier to fix a single critical but overlooked field than delete and completely re-key an entire transaction. When we introduced the ability to include unreceived Purchase Order quantities as part of Available Inventory, we inadvertently included a validation that resulted in NorthScope preventing the Item lookup feature from running when adding a line to a Purchase Order. In this release, we’ve tamed the validation so the Item lookup feature can be used while still preventing unexpected data from being added to the Purchase Order.

Technical Changes

  • No schema changes.
  • No config file changes.

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